In the event of the confirmation of a significant emergency
or dangerous threat to the health or safety of our campus community, Hendrix
College will contact the campus community through our H-Alert text message
system. All students, faculty, and staff members are automatically
enrolled in H-Alert as long as they have provided the institution with a cell
phone number. Campus members can contact the IT HelpDesk if they have any
questions about their enrollment in the system. Community members are able
to “opt-out” of the program but are discouraged from doing so because of the
emergency notification system. Because H-Alert has limited character
capability, an email may follow the initial text message with additional
details as necessary. Community members who encounter an emergency or
dangerous situation are encouraged to contact Public Safety (501-450-7711)
Institutional Emergency Process
- The College will work swiftly to
confirm that there is a significant emergency. Public Safety will
investigate the report to confirm the situation and activate the
notification system and the crisis communication team. In the event
of a weather emergency, Public Safety will be notified by state weather
officials that an emergency exists and will send the alert to the
campus. All campus members should contact Public Safety if they
encounter a dangerous situation.
- Once confirmed, the crisis
communication team will determine which portion of the campus community is
affected by the emergency and alert that segment of the population. In
most cases, the alert will be sent to the entire community.
- The crisis communication team will
work with Public Safety to determine what information will be contained in
the text message. The alert may just provide information, but may
also provide specific directions to shelter or to stay away from a
particular space on campus.
After confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous
situation, Hendrix College will, without delay, and taking into account the
safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate
the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the
professional judgment of the responsible authorities, compromise efforts to
assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the
Emergency Response Team
The Office of Public Safety (David Bugh, Interim Director)
The Dean of Students Office (Jim Wiltgen, Dean of Students)
The Crisis Communications Team (Rob O’Connor, Amy Forbus)
Facilities Management (Sharron Russell)
In the event of a specific emergency related to the
following areas:
Medical Officer (Necie Reed)
Technology Officer (Sam Nichols)
Food Services (Mike Flory)
Shelter and Evacuation (Jim Wiltgen)
Hazardous Materials (Shelly Bradley)
Trauma Support (Mary Anne Seibert)
Legal Officer (W. Ellis Arnold III)
Emergency Information to the Larger Community
Parents and guardians are welcome to sign up for H-Alert
information through the campus web portal. Hendrix Public Safety will work with
other law enforcement agencies in the city and state as appropriate. The
Crisis Communication Team will work with local information agencies to
disseminate information that is appropriate for the larger community.
the Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
Hendrix College conducts tests of the H-Alert system on an
annual basis during the first month of classes. At the discretion of the
College, we may select to conduct subsequent tests as needed. Evacuation drills
of the residence halls are scheduled and conducted each semester by the Office
of Public Safety in cooperation with the Residence Life Staff. Evacuation
routes are posted in each facility. The emergency response team will also
conduct exercises each year and participate in community emergency response
exercises. The emergency response team will meet on a regular basis to review
testing, materials, and drills.
Hendrix College will publicize our procedures and testing
processes to the campus community each year through the email system and in
Hendrix Today.
Hendrix College will track each of our emergency tests,
which will include a description of the exercise, date of test, timing of test
(start to finish), category of test (announced or unannounced) and will keep
this information on file for seven years. H-Alert testing will be tracked
by the Communications office, and other evacuation drills will be tracked by
Public Safety.
Acxiom Hall – Basement hallway, lower level, south end
Art Building A – Men’s & women’s restrooms
Art Building B – Art A’s men’s & women’s restrooms
Art Building C – Art A’s men’s & women’s restrooms
Bailey Library – Snoddy study carrels and northeast
Brown House – Stairwells or bedroom closets
Smith House – Stairwells or bedroom closets
Dickinson-McCreight House – Stairwells or bedroom closets
Cook-Browne House – Stairwells or bedroom closets
Buhler Hall – Building Closed No Occupancy
Cabe Theatre – Voms (entrance to theatre beneath theatre
Clifton Apartments – Bathroom
Dawkins Welcome Center- First floor long hallway
Front Street Apartments – Lower level bathroom
Huntington Apartments – Lower level bathroom
Couch Hall – First floor stairwell or interior hallway
Ellis Hall – Basement or evacuate to Fausett Hall
Fausett Hall – North or south stairwells or basement
Galloway Hall – Stairs, restrooms, closets, hallways
Greene Chapel – Stairs, restrooms
Hardin Hall – First floor restrooms, north stairwell,
Hendrix Corner A – First floor bathroom, stairs
Hendrix Corner B – First floor bathroom, stairs
Hendrix Corner C – First floor bathroom, closets
Young-Wise Memorial Stadium – Evacuate to WAC
IT Building – Interior hallways
Language House – Hallways connecting bedrooms, north
Marketing Communications – Kitchen area and adjacent hallway
Martin Hall – Building Closed, No occupancy
Miller Creative Quad – North and South Stairwells
Mills Center – Lower floor corridor or lower floor interior
Murphy House – Stairs and bathrooms
Facilities Management Offices, Shops – Restrooms
Public Safety – Interior hallway
Raney Hall – Hallway, stairs, study room (overflow housing)
D.W. Reynolds Life Sciences – Anywhere in interior basement
Staples Auditorium – Stairs and restrooms
SLTC – Bathrooms and hall outside bathrooms
Sturgis Athletics Center – Interior east-west hallway
Tennis Center – Evacuate to Sturgis Center
Trieschmann Hall – Basement hallway, practice rooms
Veasey Hall – Building Closed, No occupancy
Village C Apartments – First floor stair or apartment
Village D Apartments – First floor stair, apartment
bathroom, hallways
Market Square South – First floor stairway, hallways,
Wellness and Athletics Center – Any first floor dressing