Hendrix is
a residential campus and as such all students are required to live on campus
until they graduate unless they have permission from the Dean of Students to do
otherwise. For more information, please see the section titled “Residence
Requirement Exemption.”
Life policies and community expectations contained in this section reflect the
belief that everyone living in College-owned facilities plays a role in
maintaining a living environment conducive to academic and personal growth.
Each Hendrix resident has the right to live in a safe, peaceful, and secure
environment. With these rights come the inherent responsibilities to uphold and
practice integrity, patience, and respectfulness which contribute to a healthy
living and learning environment.
encourage you to read the following policies and procedures so that you fully
understand and appreciate your rights and responsibilities while living in
College-owned and operated housing. Residential facilities refer to halls,
houses, or apartments in any facility owned and operated by Hendrix College
for which a student has contracted a space.
Hendrix College reserves the right to update
and/or change policies as deemed necessary.