Student Handbook

Building Security

Security is primarily the responsibility of the student. Hendrix Public Safety Officers make regular rounds checking residential facilities’ exterior doors. Tampering or disabling exterior door security/access systems will result in conduct action. For your safety and the safety of others, please follow these guidelines:

           • Do not prop or block exit doors or doors leading to fire exits and/or fire escapes. 
           • Close any door that you find propped open. (After doors have been propped a certain amount of time, a loud alarm will sound.) 
           • Do not allow strangers to enter the residential facilities. 
           • Escort guests at all times while in the residential facilities. 
           • Report any unescorted nonresidents to Public Safety. 
           • Report any security issues to the Residence Life staff and Public Safety. 
           • Close and lock all doors when leaving your room/apartment and residential facility.

Student Handbook Contact Info

Jim Wiltgen
Dean of Students
(501) 450-1222

Michael Le Blanc
Assistant Dean of Students
Director of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
(501) 450-1222

De Ann Huett
Administrative Assistant  
(501) 450-1222