Student Handbook

Inclement Weather

The route to your building’s safety area is posted in each building. You should familiarize yourself with the location before bad weather sets in. It is advisable to prepare an emergency disaster kit that can be grabbed at a moment’s notice.  In your kit include the following:

  • flashlight/batteries
  • extra set of clothing/shoes
  • bottled water
  • medication
  • blanket
  • poncho
  • protein bars/chocolate/ hard candy
  • battery powered radio

Keep in contact with your RA for special instructions as they occur. In case of high winds or hail, stay away from windows or glassed areas.  Remain in the building until instructed to report to the evacuation site and keep your emergency kit with you.

If a tornado warning siren sounds, grab your kit, lock your door and go immediately to your designated safety area. Notify the person in charge of any special medical needs.  Stay in the designated area until the “All Clear” siren has sounded, or you are notified of your safety by a member of the Residence Life Staff.

After the storm, check for damages, water leakage, etc. and report them immediately.  Be extremely careful of flooded areas, contaminated water, fallen power lines, and other hazardous conditions attributed to the storm.

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