Student Handbook

Fire Equipment Tampering Policy

Any misuse or tampering with fire extinguishers, alarms, or equipment jeopardizes residents’ safety and should be reported immediately to Public Safety or a Residence Life staff member if event occurred in Hendrix College owned housing. Fire equipment includes, but is not limited to, room and hallway smoke detectors, exit signs, fire alarms, breaker panels, fire extinguishers, etc. Students are reminded that removing batteries from smoke detectors is a violation. Report any problems with fire equipment to Public Safety or a Residence Life staff member if in Hendrix College owned housing.

Tampering with fire safety equipment in a residence hall, such as covering a smoke detector, is cause to initiate a room search. The penalty for tampering with fire safety equipment is a fine up to $200 per resident in the space in which the safety equipment is located. If a smoke detector appears to be malfunctioning, the student should immediately submit a Facilities Work Order Request Form. When submitting the form, choose “smoke detector” as the issue. If the request is submitted after-hours (such as Monday through Friday after 5pm, on the weekends, or during holidays), then the student should also call Public Safety at 501-450-7711 to report the problem.

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