In order to provide a safe and efficient traffic system that ensures maximum vehicle and pedestrian protection, all vehicles operated on the campus by Hendrix College faculty, staff, and students must be registered with the Office of Public Safety.
All vehicles must be registered online through your Campus Web account. Once registration is completed, you can pick up your permit/decal from the Public Safety Office on Washington Ave. Deviation from this process may occur for health and safety reasons.
$160.00 decal/registration fee will be charged to every student’s account. Students who do not intend to operate a vehicle on campus will receive a refund of the fee upon completion of a vehicle waiver form, also through your Campus Web account. If more
than one vehicle is to be used on campus, each of the vehicles must be registered. After the purchase of one decal, additional decals may be obtained at no charge. If you submit a waiver stating you will not have a vehicle on campus but are found
to be operating a motor vehicle, you may be cited for falsifying your registration in addition to “No Decal/Permit Displayed” violation, your waiver will be reversed, and the $160.00 decal/registration fee will be charged to your account. As soon
as you acquire a vehicle, it is your responsibility to contact the Business Office to have your waiver removed within two business days; otherwise, you will not be able to register your vehicle. Once your waiver is removed, you will be assessed the
$160.00 decal/registration fee. An accumulation of three citations for the “No Decal/Permit Displayed” violation could result in your vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense and subsequent revocation of campus parking privileges.
To register a vehicle, the following information is required: year, make, model, color, and license plate number [Example: 1999, Ford, Mustang, red, 123 ABC (AR)].
Decals must be permanently affixed to the left rear bumper of an automobile or the lower left of the rear window and to the rear fender of motorcycles. Prior to application, make sure that the area is clean and dry. It is not permissible for a decal to
be taped or displayed from the vehicle interior.
Temporary registration decals are available from the Office of Public Safety at no charge. These decals are to be used by visitors remaining on campus for more than one day and by students or staff using unregistered vehicles on campus for short periods
of time.
Traffic and Parking Regulations
The vehicle owner is responsible for all violations committed by a vehicle displaying the decal issued to the owner. If one loans their vehicle, its proper operation is the owner’s responsibility. Persons operating a vehicle on the Hendrix campus are
held responsible for acquainting themselves with and obeying the traffic regulations of the College. Vehicles bearing the registration decal on the left rear bumper or window (rear fender of motorcycles) are entitled to use the roadways and parking
areas on campus as specified in these Traffic and Parking Regulations.
The lack of a parking space or the lack of knowledge of traffic and parking regulations is not a valid or justifiable excuse for violations of any parking regulations and will not be considered as a basis for appeal.
Visitor Parking - Visitor parking spaces are all marked in the Mills Center, Markham Street, and Fausett Hall. Additionally, all parking spaces located in the lots south and west of Dawkins Welcome Center are visitor spaces. All visitor spaces
are reserved from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Unauthorized vehicles parked in these spaces will be cited and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
Service Parking - Parking will not be allowed in service spaces at any time. Unauthorized vehicles parked in service spaces will be cited and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
Reserved Parking - Each Area Coordinator and Head Resident Assistant has a parking space reserved near their residence hall. This is to provide easy access to their vehicles in case of an emergency situation. There are also four reserved parking
spaces (2-Windgate Museum and 2-Murphy House) located at the northwest end of the Miller Creative Quad. These spaces are reserved for their visitors or guests and designated staff members conducting official college business. All reserved parking
is 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unauthorized vehicles parked in these spaces will be cited and/or towed, at the owner’s expense, upon request.
Parking on Red Curbs/Fire Lane - Red curbs signify fire lanes and/or sight areas such as an intersection. Parking in and/or blocking a fire lane creates a substantial risk to the safety of the campus. Vehicles parked on red curbs will be cited
and are subject to being towed.
Parking on Lawns, Fields, or Sidewalks - Parking is prohibited in areas such as the lawns, fields, or sidewalks. Vehicles found parked in these areas will be cited and are subject to being towed. This includes vehicles parked or driven on the lawn
while loading or unloading personal belongings.
Double Parking - Double parking is allowed for no more than 15 minutes when loading or unloading a vehicle in a residence hall parking lot. Parking is not permitted in Couch Circle at any time. Double parked vehicles must not be parked in such
a manner that they obstruct the flow of traffic.
Accessible Parking – Accessible Parking spaces for the disabled are provided for the benefit of physically challenged persons 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unauthorized use of disabled spaces or blocking disabled access areas will result in
fines as well as towing.
In addition to state disabled licensing, a Campus Disabled Permit is required on any vehicle registered to a Hendrix College student, faculty, or staff member using accessible parking spaces. The Office of Public Safety will issue these permits to individuals
who present proof of a disabled permit or license plate. Such proof shall be the Disabled Person’s Access to Parking Application Form issued by the state with the special plate or placards. Temporarily disabled permits are available from the Office
of Public Safety and are approved by the Director of Public Safety.
Motor Vehicle Operation
Vehicles operated on Hendrix College roadways and parking lots must be operated in a safe and courteous manner, not to exceed 10 miles per hour, and must yield to all pedestrians. Owners of vehicles observed by Public Safety being operated in an unsafe
manner will be referred to the Dean of Students Office for disciplinary action. If it is a Staff or Faculty member, the Director of Public Safety will contact the appropriate Department Head or Supervisor.
Registration Revocation
Vehicle registration may be revoked for individuals who repeatedly fail to comply with the parking regulations of Hendrix College or as deemed necessary by the Director of Public Safety. An accumulation of 5 or more vehicle operation/parking violations
will be deemed a refusal to comply with the parking regulations, and a warning letter will be sent to the owner/operator of the vehicle. After receiving advice and counsel concerning their traffic violations in writing, an individual’s continued refusal
to comply with the motor vehicle regulations at Hendrix College will be sufficient cause for revoking the registration of the vehicle. Upon evidence of such refusal, the Director of Public Safety will notify the owner/operator in writing that their
registration decal has been voided and that their vehicle is barred from campus. A vehicle with a voided decal will be towed if it is found in the campus parking lots, roadways, or other areas.
Accumulation of three citations for the No Decal/Permit Displayed violation could result in the vehicle being towed and revocation of parking privileges. Payments for fines can be made through CampusWeb or payments can be dropped off in person with the Director of Student Accounts in Dawkins 214.
All traffic violation appeals must be submitted in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the citation. Appeals will not be accepted after this time period has elapsed. Appeal forms may be obtained from and returned to the Office of Public
Safety. All appeals will be turned over to the Traffic Appeals Committee (which is a subcommittee of the Peer Conduct Hearing Council). The decision of the appeals committee is final and will be recorded at the bottom of the appeal form. The appeal
committee generally meets quarterly. A copy of the completed form will be sent to the individual filing the appeal, the Office of Public Safety, and to the Business Office.
Recreational Equipment
Vehicles, including, but not limited to, skateboards, scooters, or skates, may not be used in the interior of buildings, on balconies, catwalks, exterior corridors, or in any areas which may cause injury to individuals or damage to facilities. Pedestrians
in crosswalks, on sidewalks, and at all other designated pedestrian traffic areas shall have the right of way over any recreational equipment. No electric vehicle shall be driven on the walk bridge going over Harkrider Street or the tunnel going under
Harkrider Street.
This equipment may be stored in student rooms and other designated areas outside the residence halls unless it has a motor, electric, or fuel. No motorized vehicle or parts of a motorized vehicle may be stored or brought into a building. Hoverboards are
banned from campus. Stairwells and lobbies in the College residences are not to be used for the storage or holding of personal items. All personal items brought to campus are to be stored in student rooms or specially designated areas (e.g., bike
racks located outside of residential buildings). For policies on bicycles, please see the Bicycle Policy section.