Student Handbook

Harassment,Discrimination and Hazing Policy

Harassment and Discrimination Policy

Hendrix College strives to maintain an environment free from discrimination and harassment, where employees treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy. The College adheres to the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to age, race, gender (including pregnancy and childbirth), disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, or national origin. Further, the College is committed to the maintenance of an atmosphere of civility and respect for all students; individuals who feel that they have been harassed may obtain redress by bringing a complaint, as described below. Complaints about harassment will be responded to promptly and equitably. The right to confidentiality will be respected in both information and formal procedures, insofar as possible. This policy explicitly prohibits retaliation against individuals for bringing complaints of harassment. All employees of Hendrix College are required to successfully complete sexual harassment, as well as Title IX and Campus SaVE Act trainings. This training will be administered within the first 30 days of employment, and on an annual basis thereafter.

We are committed to the diversity of our community and we recognize the worth and dignity of every individual. As an academic institution, we fully support debate and the free exchange of ideas. However, acts or communications which create a hostile educational environment will not be tolerated. 

Harassment charges may be applied when actions or communications constitute conduct that is sufficiently severe, pervasive/persistent and patently offensive so that it alters the conditions of education or employment, from both a subjective (the alleged victim’s) and an objective (reasonable person’s) viewpoint. The determination of whether an environment is “hostile” must be based on all of the circumstances. See the “Gender-Based Misconduct” policy for specific information on sexual harassment.

Offensive conduct may include, but is not limited to, offensive jokes, slurs, gestures, epithets or name-calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, offensive objects or pictures, and interference with work or academic performance.

How to Report Incidents of Harassment or Discrimination

Students may report all allegations of harassment or discrimination to the Dean of Students Office. If the accused is part of the Dean of Students Office staff, then the report should be made to the Human Resources Office. The procedure for addressing complaints will vary according to whether the accused is a student, visitor, faculty, or staff member. However, the Dean of Students Office will assist the student in addressing the situation in the appropriate manner. Because incidents of harassment and discrimination affect not only the parties involved, but also influence our community environment, individuals are encouraged to report incidents of harassment and discrimination even if the identity of the accused is unknown. 

Dependent upon the nature of the alleged incident, methods of addressing the situation may range from a meeting between the accused and appropriate College officials to mediation between involved parties to filing formal conduct charges against the accused. If a student would like assistance in informally addressing alleged misconduct with the accused party individually, then the Dean of Students Office will assist that student with resources as well.

At times there are concerns related to harassment and discrimination reported which appear to be general climate issues, or systemic in nature. In these cases there are no specific individuals accused, but rather actions are taking place which result in harassment or discrimination. In these instances, the Hendrix College Climate Response Team address the concern. 

Discrimination and Harassment Support Services

Students who are victims of offenses are encouraged to seek support through on-campus and off-campus services. Students may contact the campus Counseling Center on-campus at 501-450-1448 to schedule an appointment to speak confidentially with a campus counselor. There is no charge for this service. Students may also speak with the Assistand dean of Students at 501-450-1296, or the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion at 501-450-3824 regarding issues or concerns related to diversity. Students who would like to discuss gender-based issues may contact the Title IX Investigator and Education Coordinator, Allison Vetter, at 501-505-2901, or the Title IX Coordinator, Shawn Goicoechea, in Human Resources at 501-450-1415. Students who would like to discuss LGBTQ-related issues may contact the advisor for the student organization Unity, Tonya Hale, in Student Activities at 501-450-1291. Students who would like to discuss religion-based issues may contact the Office of the Chaplain at 501-450-1263. Students who would like to discuss disability-based issues may contact Julie Brown in the Academic Success Office at 501-505-2954. Students may also choose to contact support agencies on and off campus which include the following: 

Office for Diversity and Inclusion

Hendrix Health Services (450-1448)

Residential Life Office professional staff (450-1416)

Dean of Students Office (450-1222)

Hendrix Public Safety Department (450-7711)

Conway Police Department (911)

Faulkner County Prosecuting Attorney’s Victim Services Center (501-450-3051)

National Center for Victims of Crime

Arkansas Legal Services Partnership at (1-800-952-9243) or or for legal assistance

24-hour Conway Women’s Shelter Crisis Hotline (866-358-2265)

Rape Crisis Hotline (501-801-2700) or (877-432-5368)

Hope Reinn National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673)

Just Communities of Arkansas 


Retaliation is defined as any materially adverse action taken against a person participating in a protected activity because of their participation in that protected activity. Retaliation against an individual for reporting an allegation, for supporting a reporting party or for assisting in providing information relevant to an allegation is a serious violation of College policy. Retaliation can occur in-person or online by any member of the Hendrix Community (including a witness, Complainant, Reporting Party, or Respondent) or a third party. Acts of alleged retaliation should be reported immediately to the Dean of Students Office. Retaliation is considered an independent allegation that may lead to interim measures and/or disciplinary action if an individual is found responsible. 

Hazing Policy
Arkansas Hazing Law 
§ 6-5-201. Definition (a) As used in this sub chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, "hazing" means: (1) Any willful act on or off the property of any school, college, university, or other educational institution in Arkansas by one (1) student alone or acting with others which is directed against any other student and done for the purpose of intimidating the student attacked by threatening him with social or other ostracism or of submitting such student to ignominy, shame, or disgrace among his fellow students, and acts calculated to produce such results; or (2) The playing of abusive or truculent tricks on or off the property of any school, college, university, or other educational institution in Arkansas by one (1) student alone or acting with others, upon another student to frighten or scare him; or (3) Any willful act on or off the property of any school, college, university, or other educational institution in Arkansas by one (1) student alone or acting with others which is directed against any other student done for the purpose of humbling the pride, stifling the ambition, or impairing the courage of the student attacked or to discourage him from remaining in that school, college, university, or other educational institution, or reasonably to cause him to leave the institution rather than submit to such acts; or (4) Any willful act on or off the property of any school, college, university, or other educational institution in Arkansas by one (1) student alone or acting with others in striking, beating, bruising, or maiming; or seriously offering, threatening, or attempting to strike, beat, bruise, or maim; or to do or seriously offer, threaten, or attempt to do physical violence to any student of any such educational institution; or any assault upon any such student made for the purpose of committing any of the acts, or producing any of the results, to such student as defined in this section. (b) The term "hazing" as defined in this section does not include customary athletic events or similar contests or competitions and is limited to those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any organization. 
§ 6-5-202. Prohibitions (a) No student of any school, college, university, or other educational institution in Arkansas shall engage in what is commonly known and recognized as hazing or encourage, aid, or assist any other student in the commission of this offense. (b) (1) No person shall knowingly permit, encourage, aid, or assist any person in committing the offense of hazing, or willfully acquiesce in the commission of such offense, or fail to report promptly his knowledge or any reasonable information within his knowledge of the presence and practice of hazing in this state to an appropriate administrative official of the school, college, university, or other educational institution in Arkansas. (2) Any act of omission or commission shall be deemed hazing under the provisions of this subsection. 
§ 6-5-203. Penalties (a) The offense of hazing is a Class B misdemeanor. (b) Upon conviction of any student of the offense of hazing, he shall, in addition to any punishment imposed by the court, be expelled from the school, college, university, or other educational institution he is attending. 

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