Student Handbook

Guest Policies

Guest Policies

You are responsible for all actions of your guest(s) at all times.  Should your guest(s) violate Residence Life policies, you will be held accountable and your guest(s) may be asked to leave. You and your guest(s) are contractually responsible for emergency information and policies outlined in this handbook. 

Students are responsible for any activity that occurs in their room whether or not they are present at the time.  Do not allow others to use your room without your presence or supervision.

Escort Policy.  Each year residence halls on campus will have the opportunity to choose its own escort policy. An escort policy is a program that requires that each guest of the opposite sex be escorted by whomever he or she is visiting. The above described escort policy will be in effect during the first two weeks of the school year. After these two weeks, each hall will hold a meeting to explain to students, especially the new students, the possible escort policy options. The hall’s president, senator, and Residence Hall Coordinator will lead the discussion at this meeting. Voting by secret ballot will take place the next day in each residence hall as outlined below. All residents of the hall are qualified to vote. A 3/4 majority of the eligible voters is required to pursue the option of an alternative to the escort policy in that residence hall. All votes not cast will be regarded as support for the continuance of the escort policy in that hall which was in place the first two weeks of the school year. If the vote from a hall has a 3/4 majority in favor of an alternative to the existing escort policy, the Hall Council must propose an alternative to the hall that will be voted on within one week of the original vote. A 3/4 majority of eligible voters is needed to approve the alternate policy. As stated above, all votes not cast by those eligible will be regarded as support for the continuance of the existing policy. If the proposed alternative policy does not receive the 3/4 majority required, the hall has the option to suggest a second alternative plan that is to be voted on in one week. If a second vote on an alternative visitation procedure does not produce the 3/4 majority required, the existing escort policy will be in effect for the residence hall. Regardless of votes in each residence hall, the existing policy from the previous year will not carry over to the following school year. Each residence hall must vote yearly on an alternative to the escort policy as stated above.

If an emergency situation arises during the school year that is a result, in part or totally, of the escort policy that is in effect, the Hall Council must seek the approval of the Dean of Students in order to amend the escort policy that is in effect. Another hall-wide vote (including all current residents) with a 3/4 majority of those eligible to vote for change will be required. If the Dean of Students concludes that an emergency situation exists that is a result of the escort policy in effect, he or she may determine that said policy may return to the default policy for a period of time equal to or less than the time remaining until the end of the school year. Some circumstances that involve information that cannot be revealed to the community as a whole may reveal such a move. The Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students is not required to provide the reasons that prompted the changes under these circumstances. The time of the suspension of the alternative escort policy may be shortened or lengthened by the Dean of Students, as he or she deems necessary.

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