Student Handbook

Student Organizations

There are more than 70 student clubs and organizations at Hendrix College for the varied interests of the student body ( Such organizations include student government, honorary societies, academic clubs, special interest groups, club sports, and service organizations. Students are encouraged to participate in those activities that offer opportunities for personal, cultural, intellectual, spiritual, and social growth. By becoming involved in the organizational life of the campus, students are able to become more active in their community and to gain valuable skills to enhance their personal and academic success. 

Organization Registration Policy and Privileges. Registered student organizations must have purposes and objectives that are compatible with the heritage and aims of Hendrix College.

Organizational membership policies and practices must be consistent with the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to age, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, or national origin. A student group must be an officially registered student organization in order to use the Hendrix College name, to be listed in official publications, and to be eligible to receive funds from the student activity fee through the Student Senate. Registered student organizations have priority over unregistered groups in access to campus facilities and media.

Registration Process. Student groups that desire to be officially registered at Hendrix College must submit an application to the Student Activities Office requesting registration of the group. The application must include the following information:

  • the name of the organization
  •  statement of purpose
  • membership policies
  • names of three student leaders responsible for the organization
  • name of the organization’s advisor (full-time faculty or staff member)
  • a current membership list
  • a constitution

After review of this request, the Student Activities Office may grant provisional registration status to the student group until such time as the Committee on Student Life grants final registration of the group. Student Activities will forward the registration to the Chair of the Committee on Student Life, who will then contact the student leaders of the group. Studentleaders will be requested to meet with the Committee to discuss their request. Upon approval by the Committee, the Chair will communicate that decision in writing with appropriate documentation to the Student Activities Office, which will then officially register the organization.


Annual Renewal Process. Each student organization must update the following information annually with the Student Activities Office:

  • the name(s) of the group’s officers/leaders
  • the name(s) of the group’s advisor(s)
  • the group’s updated constitution (preferably in electronic format)

Student organizations are subject to review by the Department of Student Affairs and the Committee on Student Life. Official registration may be withdrawn from an organization that fails to meet its objectives and basic responsibilities.

Student Responsibilities Within Organizations. Organizations desiring official registration with the resulting privileges must follow the stated registration policies and procedures. All students in an organization associated with Hendrix College, whether registered or unregistered, will be individually subject to the rules of the College (see the section entitled “Standards of Conduct”) and of the community. Students and organizations are free to support causes by orderly means that neither disrupt the regular and essential operations of the institution nor in any other way violate the rules of the College. Any student has the right to associate freely with off-campus organizations without being punished or in any way harassed for this membership or association. Students and student organizations are free to examine and discuss all questions of interest and to express opinions both publicly and privately. Students may invite and hear any persons of their own choosing. Before a guest speaker is invited to campus, routine procedures should be followed. Facilities should be properly scheduled, and adequate preparation should be taken to ensure the program is conducted in a manner appropriate to the academic community. These procedures should not be used to censor unpopular opinions. The academic and larger community should recognize that in public demonstrations, expressions, or programs, students or student organizations speak for themselves. Sponsorship of guest speakers or programs does not necessarily imply approval or endorsement of the views expressed either by the sponsoring group or the College.

Fundraising by Faculty or Student Organizations. Except as provided herein, all fundraising activities on behalf of Hendrix College must be conducted only under the auspices of the Office of Advancement (OA).

The OA is responsible for coordinating all fundraising except grants related to professional development (e.g., NSF, NEH, residencies, etc.). Charitable support through fundraising is sought from individuals, corporations, foundations, and other private sources. All efforts to seek philanthropic support from these sources must receive prior approval as described below, and shall be coordinated through the Office of Advancement.

All fundraising efforts by administrative departments, academic departments (including individual faculty members) and any student organization must first be approved by the Senior Leadership Team member who is responsible for the area seeking funding. The Senior Leadership member will then seek approval from the OA. Fundraising efforts for athletics must be approved by the Athletics Director prior to being reviewed by the OA. Upon approval by the OA, all gifts and grants received, except grants related to professional development, must be received and documented by the OA in accordance with their processes and procedures.

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