Student Handbook

Endangering Behavior Policy

Hendrix endeavors to create a secure environment for its students. We provide a support network that attempts to prevent harm to any student and that promotes safe behavior. From time to time, however, a student may engage in behavior that is either threatening to self or others. This document states the College’s policy and procedures when such behavior occurs.

A student is engaging in or displaying endangering behavior if:

            • they pose a substantial threat of harm to self or others

            • they behave in ways that are severely disruptive to others

            • they refuse or are unable to comply with treatment

• they exhibit behavior or physical condition that deteriorates, suggesting with reasonable probability that harm may occur to self or others.

When a member of the Hendrix College community becomes aware of endangering behavior, that person will notify the Dean of Students, Hendrix College Counselor, and/or Professional Residence Life Staff. These individuals constitute the Crisis Management Team (CMT). When a student who feels threatened by others reports endangering behavior, every effort will be made to protect the confidentiality and/or anonymity of the reporting student.

When the CMT becomes aware of endangering behavior, they will assess the severity of the situation. If the result of the assessment indicates that further action is necessary beyond the scope of services available at Hendrix College, the student will be referred to Counseling Associates, Inc. (CAI) or other treatment facilities. The Dean of Students has the authority to limit campus access during assessment. Faculty and staff are not to transport a student who is engaging in endangering behavior. Instead, the Conway Police Department or an ambulance is to transport the student. In order for a student to be screened by CAI, he/she must be transported to Conway Regional Health System’s (CRHS) emergency room or the detention center at the Faulkner County Sheriff’s Office, as these are the only two locations CAI is able to conduct an assessment. (Typically, the Conway Police Department is not a location where assessments are conducted; however, they may agree to allow CAI to screen a student there on occasion). A member of the CMT will notify the student’s family of the situation, and will make every effort to discuss this notification with the student first.

Before a student is allowed to return to residential facilities and/or attend classes after a hospitalization, a meeting with the College Counselor and the Dean of Students is required, in part, to ensure that the student will receive follow-up counseling. A consent form signed by the student allowing the Hendrix College Counseling Center to request a discharge summary from the hospital and/or treating professional will be necessary. The discharge summary should state whether the student is still considered to be engaging in endangering behavior and should also include follow-up or aftercare plans. If the student refuses to sign a release for hospital records (i.e., the discharge summary), they have the option of presenting certification from the hospital’s treating professional that the student is able to return to residential facilities and/or attend classes and that the student is complying with any follow-up or aftercare plans. This information will enable the Dean, in consultation with the College Counselor, to decide whether to authorize a medical leave or allow the student to return to campus. If a student is allowed to return, they may be required to sign and comply with a written behavioral contract/safety plan.

In complaints of endangering behavior where a student poses a clear and present danger to another individual, the above policy is followed, and the individual will be notified in accordance with “duty to warn” guidelines. If a student is making threats against another, “duty to warn” guidelines state that any mental health professional is mandated to warn an intended victim. Campus security will be notified as well. For the well-being of the student at risk and the community, any student may be dismissed from Hendrix College if their endangering behavior violates the College’s Code of Conduct.

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