Student Handbook

Housing Contract

Housing Contract 2019-2020


Residence Halls – Couch, Galloway, Hardin, Miller, Raney, and South.

Houses – Brown, Browne, Cook, Dickinson, McCreight, Smith, and The Corner.

Apartments – Clifton, Front, Hx Corner, Huntington, North, and East.

Terms and Conditions

Residency Requirement

Hendrix is a residential college and as such all undergraduate students are required to live on campus unless they meet the residency exemption requirements.  Residency exemption request forms are available from the Residence Life office. Additionally, all students living in halls or houses are required to have an unlimited meal plan. All students living in apartment are required to have the 5-meal plan as a minimum.


Residents must be admitted, full-time, and currently enrolled Hendrix students. Students must take a minimum of three (3) whole-credit courses per semester to meet full time status for housing requirements. Any student who leaves the College due to either disciplinary reasons or an official leave of absence is required to vacate their residence facility and remove all personal property within forty-eight hours of such action being taken. Failure to comply can result in further judicial action and/or fines. 

Period of Contract and Occupancy

All housing assignments are made for the entire academic year, or the remaining portion thereof. No Off-Campus permission will be granted during the academic year. The academic year, with reference to Housing, is defined as the day in which College Residential Facilities open at the beginning of the fall semester, through 5:00 p.m. on the last day of final examinations at the end of spring semester. For seniors this contract extends to noon on the day after graduation; for specially designated participants in the graduation exercises (marshals, ushers, band, choir), this contract extends to 2:00 p.m. on the day of graduation; for those with permission to stay late for other reasons, this contract extends to the day approved by your area coordinator; for approved summer workers, this contract extends through the signing of your next contract. A new contract will be required for approved summer workers.

During Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks the residence halls and houses will be closed. During these breaks, students may not occupy rooms nor will they have access to their buildings. Students may 
leave personal belongings in their assigned rooms during these breaks if returning to the same room at the end of the break. Students must follow all break closing and check-out procedures. No access will be allowed into any residence hall or house during break periods. 

During Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks, residents of the apartments and Corner House do not need to vacate their space. These facilities will remain open. If students in these facilities do choose to leave for the break or are not returning to that same space, they must follow all break closing and check-out procedures and must notify Public Safety or the Break RA if they return before break is over.

Students are not allowed to host guests for more than 3 consecutive nights, nor are they permitted to host a guest for 3 nights, have the guest leave, then host the guest for another 3 nights, etc.  Residence Life and the roommate(s) must approve any exceptions – even during breaks.

If the student fails to occupy the assigned space by the first day of classes (or any other applicable date when the student enters after the beginning of a term), without a notice from Residence Life, that space may be reassigned. If available, the student may be reassigned to a different space.

Residence Life reserves the right to move or change a room assignment at any time without disclosing the reason. When possible, Residence Life will try to accommodate all students involved in the changes, but at times will be forced to make decisions on behalf of and in the best interest of all students involved. 

The care of the assigned room/furniture/fixtures is the student’s responsibility as well as all furniture and fixtures in the common areas of their residence facility. Any damage or changes to the assigned room or common areas, or removal of or damage to furniture or space will be the student’s responsibility and will result in a housing damage charge.

At check-out, a Resident Assistant will check the student out of the facility, mark changes on the Room Condition Report (RCR), and ask about damage responsibility assignment. The final damage assessment and billing will be completed by Facilities Management and Residence Life Area Coordinators after all occupants have moved out of the space.

Meal Plan Information

Meals under the College Board Plans are served from breakfast on the day aftern residence facilities open through lunch on the last day of final exams at the end of each term, unless otherwise announced. No meals are served during College breaks or any Saturday night. All students living in halls or houses are required to have an unlimited meal plan. All students living in apartments are required to have a minimum of the 5-meal plan. 

Utility Service for Apartment Residents

Utilities for apartments are included in the cost of the apartments.

Key Responsibility

Each resident is issued one room key. The key is not transferable; the reproduction of keys to the housing facilities and the unauthorized possession, loaning, or distribution of any Hendrix College key is prohibited. When a room key is lost, you will be charged a fee, which will automatically cover the cost to change the room lock and replace any keys equal to the number of occupants that space is built to house.
If a new key is issued and the original key is found, no refunds will be made.

Cancellation or Suspension of Contract

Once a student checks into their College residence, this housing contract may not be canceled except as specifically provided in this contract. This contract will be canceled for the full or any part of the academic semester(s) for the following reasons: 

By the Student:  

  • The student fails to register for classes.
  • The student is required to live elsewhere by virtue of an internship or academic exchange program.
  • The completion of graduation requirements by the student who subsequently leaves the College.
  • The student marries during the period of this contract and the student provides proof of marriage to the College.
  • The student separates from the college on a leave of absence or withdrawal.

By the College:  

  • The accommodations assigned are not by fault of the student destroyed or made unavailable and the College does/cannot furnish other accommodations.
  • The student fails to meet any terms and conditions stated herein.
  • The student violates College and/or Residence Life policies and procedures.

Cancellation of this contract for the above reasons may result in the eviction of the student upon no greater than one week’s notice, except where the College determines that the continued residency of the student would pose a danger to the life, health, or general well-being to self or other members of the residential community, in which case the student may be evicted immediately. 


There will be an improper check-in fee assessed for any outstanding required paperwork, including but not limited to RCRs, contracts, and break contracts.

There will be an improper check-out fee assessed for any outstanding required paperwork, including but not limited to RCRs, contracts, return of key(s), not signing up for a check-out appointment, or missing a check-out appointment.

Break Periods

Students found in the residence halls or houses after official closing dates and times, without prior approval will be assessed a $75.00 late fee per day that they are here and will be asked to leave. Re-entry into the building will not be granted for any reason during any break. Please follow procedures outlined on the Hendrix Residence Life website and distributed through Hendrix student email to request a late stay or early return. Not all requests will be accommodated. Residence halls and houses close promptly at 5:00 pm on the following days:

Thanksgiving Break Tuesday, November 26, 2019 
(Reopen Sunday, December 1, noon)

Winter Break Wednesday, December 18, 2019
(Reopen Sunday, January 19, 2020, 9:00 a.m.)

Spring Break Friday, March 20, 2020 
(Reopen Sunday, March 30, noon)

End of Year Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Break Housing Policies and Procedures

In an effort to provide housing for students involved in Hendrix sponsored events, international students, and students who live a great distance from campus, Residence Life, with support from Public Safety and Facilities Management, are supportive of allowing students who meet these criteria to remain on campus during break periods. The following procedures and policy have been put into place

  • All exterior residence facility doors will be locked and disabled to other students. All exterior doors to residence facilities MUST remain closed at all times. Students must carry their ID card and key at all times to avoid lock-outs. In the event of a lock-out, students will need to call the break RA at 501-733-1433, or Public Safety at 501-450-7711.
  • All windows must be closed and locked when students leave their residence or are gone overnight to ensure the safety of the residents staying in the building.   
  • As housekeeping staffs do not work during the break periods, students in each building are responsible for removing trash from their buildings, including trash in kitchens, every Friday. Trash should be put in the temporarily provided dumpsters in their area. It is your responsibility to keep common areas clean, including the laundry rooms and kitchens.
  • All offices on campus except Public Safety will be closed over the break periods. Please refer to the Hendrix website for the dates when services are resumed.
  • Students staying for breaks are responsible for supplying their own meals. The last meal served in the cafeteria will be lunch on the day housing facilities close. The cafeteria will reopen for dinner on the day housing facilities reopen.
  • All facilities will observe a 24-hour quiet, “party-free” environment during all breaks.
  • All facilities will be substance-free for the entire break. The possession or use of alcohol, controlled substances and tobacco products by residents is prohibited.
  • No guests will be allowed in the facilities during breaks. If a small group of Hendrix students staying over a break want to gather in lobby areas, they may do so, as long as they observe all aforementioned policies.
  • Rooms may be entered during breaks for safety inspections or maintenance without prior notice to the student.
  • All Residence Life violations that occur during breaks will be reported to the student’s coach and/or sponsor, a communication report will be filed and the Dean of Students will be notified upon her return. Any student in violation may be asked to leave immediately and will not be allowed to return for the remainder of that break period.

Temporary Access Cards

In the event that a temporary access card is issued to a student, that student is responsible for that card until it is returned. Failure to return a temporary access card will result in a fine of $50.

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