Controlled Substance Policy Violations
The use, possession, or
distribution of narcotics or of illegal non-prescribed drugs such as marijuana,
LSD, cocaine, etc., and of related drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited on
the campus and in College residences. The unauthorized use, possession, or sale
of drugs sometimes prescribed for medicinal purposes (i.e., amphetamines,
barbiturates, and tranquilizers) will not be tolerated at any time. In matters
relating to the Controlled Substances Policy, students of the College will be
responsible for their own actions and for the actions of their on-campus and
off-campus guests.
Arkansas Medicinal
Marijuana Statute
accordance with Arkanasas Law prohibiting the smoking of marijuana in any
location in Arkansas, Section 1, Subsection, (a)(2)(B) the amendment does not permit the person to
Possess, smoke, or otherwise engage in the medical use of marijuana on the
grounds of a daycare center, preschool, primary or secondary school, college or