Student Handbook

Range of Potential Sanctions

The hearing officer or body may impose one or more of the following sanctions for each policy violation.

Expulsion - Permanent dismissal from the College with no possible future readmission to the College. A student who has been expelled is barred from visiting the campus.

Suspension - Mandatory separation from the College for a specified period. An application for readmission will be considered after the time period of the suspension has elapsed. Readmission is subject to stipulations by the College Conduct Council and approval of College officials. A student who has been suspended is barred from visiting the campus unless written permission is granted by the Dean of Students.

Conduct Probation - A sanction serving notice to a student that his or her behavior is in serious violation of College standards and policies. It is assigned for a time period of up to two years. A breach of College standards or policies by a student during the probationary period may result in suspension or expulsion from the College.

Conduct Warning - A sanction serving notice to a student that his or her behavior is in violation of College policy.

Termination or Change in Residency Privileges - A sanction that terminates or changes a student’s residency. This sanction is usually accompanied by other conduct sanctions determined by the hearing body.

Restriction or Revocation of Privileges - Temporary or permanent loss of privileges including but not limited to use of a particular facility or service, visitation privileges, and parking privileges.

Campus Work Hours - Work hours coordinated through Facilities Management, Dining Services, or the Dean of Students Office. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule work dates and hours in advance of sanction deadlines. Failure to contact appropriate offices in a timely manner will not constitute reason for an extension. It is not the responsibility of offices to accommodate students who do not request hours in a timely manner. Completed and signed verification forms are due to the Dean of Students Office prior to sanction deadline.

Educational Project - Project that encourages reflection and demonstration of knowledge.
Fines - Penalty fees payable to the College as determined by the hearing body for violation of certain College policies. This definition does include administrative charges imposed by the College.

Restitution - Payment made for damages or losses to the College or to individuals as directed by the hearing body.

Counseling Intervention - When behavior indicates that an evaluation or assessment may be beneficial, the student may be referred to the College Counselor or other mental health professional.

Conduct Hold - If a student fails to complete the conditions of a conduct sanction (e.g., College Service Hours, etc.), a Conduct Registration Hold will be placed on his or her Registrar’s account. With this hold in place, the student is restricted from utilizing the major functions of the Registrar’s Office (e.g., prohibited from participating in registration and course adjustment, requesting transcripts, and from receiving a diploma). The College Conduct Council or the Dean of Students Office will remove the hold when it has been determined that the student is working toward compliance.

Other Appropriate Action - Sanctions not specifically described above that must be approved by the Dean of Students.

Points-Based Sanction System for Controlled Substance and Alcohol Violations - See the Alcohol and Controlled Substance Policy for details.

*NOTE: The panel reserves the right to broaden or lessen any range of recommended sanctions in the case of serious mitigating circumstances or egregiously offensive behavior.  Students must be in good conduct standing in order to be eligible for graduation, including conferring of diploma and access to transcripts. Students will NOT be eligible for conferral of a degree if a Charge Letter has been issued or an investigation has begun.


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