Academic Affairs
Credit Based on Departmental Placement Policy The Departments of Foreign Languages, Music, and Mathematics and Computer Science have placement policies that may result in a course credit being awarded after completion of a higher level course. The total number of additional credits that can be obtained by a student under these policies is limited to one credit.
Next: College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Academic Calendar | Courses and Units | Course Load | Classification of Students | Grades, Grade Point Average, and Earned Credit | Academic Status | Academic Honesty | Academic Grievances | Schedule Changes | Withdrawal from the College | Leave of Absence | Study Abroad Status | Courses Taken For Credit Only | Activity Course Credits | Transfer Credits | Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credit | Credit Based on Departmental Placement Policy | College Level Examination Program (CLEP) | Academic Records-Transcript of Record | Academic Records-Transcript Request | Application for Graduation and Commencement | Graduation with Distinction | Graduation with Honors | Phi Beta Kappa | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act