Academic Affairs

Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty

Hendrix College is committed to high standards of honesty and fairness in academic pursuits.  Such standards are central to the process of intellectual inquiry, the development of character, and the preservation of the integrity of the community.  When these standards are violated, disciplinary action must be taken.

Academic dishonesty may take one of the following forms: 

  1. plagiarism, which involves the use of quotes without quotation marks, the use of quotations without indication of the source, the use of another’s idea without acknowledging the source, the submission of a paper or project (or any portion of such) prepared by another person, or incorrect paraphrasing.

  2. cheating on examinations, laboratory reports, exercises, or projects that are to be done by individual students; giving or receiving answers and/or materials pertinent to any academic work without permission of the instructor.

  3. stealing, manipulating, or interfering with any academic work of another student.

  4. collusion with other students on work that is to be completed by an individual student.

  5. lying to or deceiving faculty.

            A faculty member who believes that academic dishonesty has occurred should discuss the concern with the relevant department chair to determine whether the situation should be pursued.

If the faculty member and department chair believe further action is warranted, the faculty member, with the department chair or another colleague present, should discuss the act of academic dishonesty with the student(s) involved, and take appropriate disciplinary action against the student. 

Appropriate disciplinary action may include any of the following:   

  1. allowing the student to resubmit the assignment with the understanding that a predetermined number of penalty points will be deducted from the student's total score

  2. giving the student a "0" on the assignment in question

  3. giving the student an F for the course 

If the faculty member determines that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, the faculty member should formally report the incident to the Registrar.  The report to the Registrar should describe the act of academic dishonesty, provide evidence to support the allegation, a summary of the student(s)’ response to the allegations, and describe disciplinary actions taken against the student(s) by the faculty member. This report will be kept in the permanent file(s) of the offending student(s) in the Registrar’s Office.   

Upon request of the faculty member, or upon the Registrar’s determination that the student is a repeat offender, the Registrar will refer the case to the Provost of the College.  An egregious case of academic dishonesty or a repeat offense may result in academic probation or disciplinary sanctions including suspension or dismissal from the College.

If a student disagrees with the charges of academic dishonesty and/or the resulting sanctions, she or he should follow regular procedures for addressing academic grievances as outlined below.

Next: Academic Grievances

Academic Calendar | Courses and Units | Course Load | Classification of Students | Grades, Grade Point Average, and Earned Credit | Academic Status | Academic Honesty | Academic Grievances | Schedule Changes | Withdrawal from the College | Leave of Absence | Study Abroad Status | Courses Taken For Credit Only | Activity Course Credits | Transfer Credits | Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credit | Credit Based on Departmental Placement Policy | College Level Examination Program (CLEP) | Academic Records-Transcript of Record | Academic Records-Transcript Request | Application for Graduation and Commencement | Graduation with Distinction | Graduation with Honors | Phi Beta Kappa | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act