Leave of Absence
A student may apply for Leave of Absence status from the College under specific circumstances. Normally, Leave of Absence status is granted only for academic enrichment purposes or when the health and welfare of the student justifies placing the student on leave. Leave of Absence status is limited to students in good standing who plan to return to Hendrix within the designated "leave" period. The maximum allotted time for Leave of Absence status is one calendar year from the point at which the Leave is requested.
A student who wishes to be placed on leave should complete an "Application for On-Leave" form available in the Office of the Registrar. The student should then have the form signed by his or her advisor, the Business Office, the Dean of Students, and the Registrar.
Next: Study Abroad Status
Academic Calendar | Courses and Units | Course Load | Classification of Students | Grades, Grade Point Average, and Earned Credit | Academic Status | Academic Honesty | Academic Grievances | Schedule Changes | Withdrawal from the College | Leave of Absence | Study Abroad Status | Courses Taken For Credit Only | Activity Course Credits | Transfer Credits | Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credit | Credit Based on Departmental Placement Policy | College Level Examination Program (CLEP) | Academic Records-Transcript of Record | Academic Records-Transcript Request | Application for Graduation and Commencement | Graduation with Distinction | Graduation with Honors | Phi Beta Kappa | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act