Academic Affairs

Activity Course Credits

Activity Course Credits
Course credit for graduation may be earned with the completion of a specific number of activity courses with a grade of CR or C or higher in a given type of activity. Physical activity courses are offered only on a CR basis with no assigned grade. Some music activity courses are offered only on a CR basis while others are offered either on a CR or on a graded basis. Details can be found in the catalog section for the Department of Music.

The following combinations of activity course credits are equivalent to one course credit:

  • Any four physical activity courses
  • In the Department of Music:
    • Four activity courses at the 200-level (ensembles) or 300-level (thirty-minute per week applied music lessons)
    • Two activity courses at the 400-level (sixty-minute per week applied music lessons)
    • One activity course at the 400-level and two at the 200- or 300-level.

Grades earned in activity courses will appear on the college transcript and will count in the student's grade point average. However, course credit toward graduation cannot be awarded on the college transcript until a whole credit (as defined above) is completed. After a whole credit is completed, a student must make a written request to the Office of the Registrar to have the credit placed on the transcript and counted toward graduation.

Any number of individual activity courses may be taken by a student; however, there are limitations on the number of whole course credits that a student may count toward graduation. Only one course credit in the Department of Kinesiology may count toward graduation, and only two course credits in the Department of Music may count toward graduation. The exception to this rule is Music majors who may earn up to two additional course credits toward graduation from music activity courses.

Activity classes are subject to the same registration, add, drop, and withdrawal deadlines as standard semester courses.

Next: Transfer Credits

Academic Calendar | Courses and Units | Course Load | Classification of Students | Grades, Grade Point Average, and Earned Credit | Academic Status | Academic Honesty | Academic Grievances | Schedule Changes | Withdrawal from the College | Leave of Absence | Study Abroad Status | Courses Taken For Credit Only | Activity Course Credits | Transfer Credits | Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credit | Credit Based on Departmental Placement Policy | College Level Examination Program (CLEP) | Academic Records-Transcript of Record | Academic Records-Transcript Request | Application for Graduation and Commencement | Graduation with Distinction | Graduation with Honors | Phi Beta Kappa | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act