Academic Affairs

Academic Status

Academic Status

Dean’s List. At the conclusion of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes a list of students who, completing no fewer than four courses in the semester for a letter grade, have received no grade other than A.

Good Standing, Academic Probation and Dismissal. A full-time student must meet the following standards for academic performance and progress to qualify as a student in good standing:

  1. The student’s cumulative grade point average must meet or exceed the following thresholds: Freshers – 1.75; Sophomores – 1.90; Juniors or above – 2.0.
  2. The student must have earned at least three course credits during the previous semester.
  3. The student must have earned at least six course credits after the first year of academic study, thirteen credits after the second year, twenty credits after the third year, twenty-seven credits after the fourth year, and credits sufficient for graduation after five years of academic study.
  4. The total number of incomplete (I) grades and unforgiven failing (F) grades on the student’s transcript may not exceed four.
  5. The student must exhibit integrity and personal honesty in the classroom and in other campus affairs.

Except in case of extenuating circumstances, a student who fails to meet one or more of these criteria will be placed on academic probation, effective for the next semester. The Registrar may remove a student from academic probation when he or she meets each of the minimum academic performance standards defined above. A student remaining on academic probation after two consecutive semesters is subject to academic dismissal. Additionally, a student is subject to academic dismissal if he or she accumulates four F's, fails all courses attempted in a single semester, or participates in an act or acts of academic dishonesty.

Academic Warning.A student will receive an academic warning when his or her semester grade point average (GPA) drops below 2.00 even though his or her cumulative grade point average may remain at or above the required minimums cited for academic probation. Academic warning is notice of unsatisfactory academic progress during a given semester. Receipt of an academic warning does not place a student on probationary status.

Next: Academic Honesty

Academic Calendar | Courses and Units | Course Load | Classification of Students | Grades, Grade Point Average, and Earned Credit | Academic Status | Academic Honesty | Academic Grievances | Schedule Changes | Withdrawal from the College | Leave of Absence | Study Abroad Status | Courses Taken For Credit Only | Activity Course Credits | Transfer Credits | Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Credit | Credit Based on Departmental Placement Policy | College Level Examination Program (CLEP) | Academic Records-Transcript of Record | Academic Records-Transcript Request | Application for Graduation and Commencement | Graduation with Distinction | Graduation with Honors | Phi Beta Kappa | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act