A student who wishes to withdraw
from the College should obtain an application form from the Office of
Advising and Academic Success. The student should then schedule an
interview with the Director of Advising, the Dean of Students, the
Director of Academic Success or the Director of Student Outreach to
discuss the student’s particular situation. Following this interview,
the student should complete the withdrawal form, secure the signatures
required by the form, and submit the completed form to the Office of the
The student is expected to leave the campus
upon the completion of the process to withdraw. A copy of the form will
be sent to the student. Failure to complete this process may seriously
affect the student’s academic record as well as financial record. A
student seeking to return to Hendrix subsequent to withdrawing must
reapply for admission to the College. To reapply, notify the Office of
Admission no later than July 1 for the fall semester or December 1 for
the spring semester. A withdrawal during a semester may have a negative
impact on academic grades, credits, financial aid, student charges and
access to housing and other College facilities. It is the responsibility
of the student to understand the ramifications of his or her withdrawal
and to incorporate that information into his or her decision process.
deadlines for withdrawal from courses apply to students who withdraw.
Final course grades for the semester just completed are not subject to
modification for students who withdraw in the interim period between
semesters. No courses may be retained by students who withdraw. Grades
of incomplete (I) are not available to students who withdraw.
who complete a given semester at the College but do not return for the
subsequent semester are considered to have withdrawn voluntarily from
the College. Students who voluntarily withdraw forfeit their security
deposit and may subsequently apply for readmission through the Office of
Admission. The deadlines for contacting the Office of Admission to
begin the readmission application process are July 1 for the fall
semester and December 1 for the spring semester.
certain circumstances, the College may require a student to withdraw.
Such action is warranted if, in the judgment of the Provost and the Dean
of Students, the student poses a threat to the lives or safety of
others or has behavior that seriously interferes with his or her ability
to function and/or interferes with the educational pursuits of others.
Students who withdraw or are withdrawn from the campus for serious
medical or psychological reasons will require additional documentation
with their application for readmission and may be required to meet
certain conditions and attend meetings with appropriate college
personnel if granted re-enrollment.