Catalog 2015-2016

Politics and International Relations

Teaching Faculty

Professors Barth, Cloyd, and Maslin
Associate Professor Whelan (chair)
Assistant Professors Gess and Kolev
Senior Fellow Eastham


Major in Politics

11 courses distributed as follows:

  • POLI 100 Issues in Politics
  • 2 Political Theory courses from:
              POLI 240 Western Political Thought
              POLI 245 American Political Thought
              POLI 285 Topics in Political Theory
              POLI 300 Feminist Political Thought
              POLI 410 Advanced Topics in Political Theory
              PHIL 285 Ancient Philosophy
              PHIL 360 Social and Political Philosophy
  • 2 American Politics courses from:
              POLI 205 Southern Politics
              POLI 210 American Political Development
              POLI 220 American Political Parties and Elections
              POLI 224 Family Law
              POLI 226 Social Deviance, Crime and Punishment
              POLI 230 Public Administration
              POLI 235 Public Policy
              POLI 281 U.S. Foreign Policy
              POLI 290 Topics in American Politics
              POLI 305 Arkansas Politics: Seminar
              POLI 306 Arkansas Politics: Practicum
              POLI 310 American Presidency
              POLI 320 Criminal Law
              POLI 321 American Constitutional Law: The Federal System
              POLI 322 American Constitutional Law: Individual Rights and Liberties
              POLI 340 U.S. Congress
              POLI 365 Topics in Public Policy
              POLI 380 Gender, Sexuality, and American Politics
              POLI 390 Race and American Politics
              POLI 420 Advanced Topics in American Politics
  • 2 Comparative Politics/International Relations courses from:
              POLI 244 Topics in Global Politics
              POLI 250 History of the International System
              POLI 260 Political Economy
              POLI 272 Politics of Central and Eastern Europe
              POLI 273 Contemporary Global Issues
              POLI 281 U.S. Foreign Policy
              POLI 282 Foreign Policy Analysis
              POLI 283 Model United Nations
              POLI 325 International Law and Organizations
              POLI 326 International Human Rights
              POLI 341 The World of Elections
              POLI 355 Advanced International Relations
              POLI 376 Democracy, Development, and Violence
              POLI 440 Advanced Topics in Comparative Politics and International Relations
  • 3 Research Methods/Capstone courses  
              MATH 215 Statistical Analysis
              POLI 400 Research Methods
              POLI 497 Senior Research Seminar
  • 1 additional course numbered 200 and above.

Major in International Relations

12 courses distributed as follows:

  • POLI 100 Issues in Politics
  • POLI 250 History of the International System
  • POLI 355 Advanced International Relations
    POLI 376 Democracy, Development and Violence
  • 1 Economics course from:
         ECON 360 International Economics
         POLI 260 Political Economy
  • 1 Comparative/Regional Studies course from:
         HIST 243 Modern Middle East
         HIST 244 Modern China
         HIST 246 Modern Japan
         HIST 250 History of Southern Africa
         HIST 251 History of Central Africa
         HIST 280 Contemporary Africa
         HIST 281 Aid, Humanitarianism and Development in Africa
         HIST 285 Twentieth Century East Asian-American Relations
         HIST 291 Japan's Pacific War
         HIST 292 The Two Koreas
         HIST 293 Korea: The Forgotten War
         HIST 306 Crime and Punishment in East Asia
         HIST 310 The Iraq War
         HIST 341 The Arab-Israeli Conflict
         POLI 272 Politics of Central and Eastern Europe
         POLI 273 Contemporary Global Issues
  • 1 Institutions and Governance course from:
         HIST 334 Comparative Genocides
         POLI 283 Model United Nations
         POLI 325 International Law and Organizations
         POLI 326 International Human Rights
         POLI 341 The World of Elections
  • 1 Foreign Policy course from:
         POLI 281 U.S. Foreign Policy
         POLI 282 Foreign Policy Analysis
  • 3 Research Methods/Capstone courses:
         MATH 215 Statistical Analysis
         POLI 400 Research Methods
         POLI 497 Senior Research Seminar
  • 2 additional courses from the above lists and including POLI 240 and others approved by the department.

Study Abroad Requirement

All international majors must complete at least one study abroad experience. This requirement can be met through a traditional study abroad experience that earns at least one Hendrix course credit. International students are encouraged, but not required, to go abroad to meet the study abroad requirement. They can earn a GA Odyssey credit instead. Other international experiences may fulfill this requirement at the discretion of the department.


Majors in International Relations are strongly recommended to acquire as much proficiency as possible in a modern foreign language.

Senior Capstone Experience

The Senior Capstone Experience for both the politics and international relations majors consists of the successful completion of POLI 497 Senior Research Seminar . The grade for the Senior Capstone Experience is based on the grade in POLI 497 Senior Research Seminar

Minor in Politics

6 courses distributed as follows:

  • POLI 100 Issues in Politics
  • 1 course each from the Political Theory, American Politics, and Comparative/International Relations subfields as described in the major
  • 2 additional courses in Politics numbered 200 and above.

Minor in International Relations

7 courses distributed as follows:

  • POLI 250 History of the International System
  • POLI 355 Advanced International Relations
    POLI 376 Democracy, Development and Violence
  • 1 Economics course from:
         ECON 360 International Economics
         POLI 260 Political Economy
  • 1 Comparative/Regional Studies course from:
         HIST 243 Modern Middle East
         HIST 244 Modern China
         HIST 246 Modern Japan
         HIST 250 History of Southern Africa
         HIST 251 History of Central Africa
         HIST 280 Contemporary Africa
         HIST 285 Twentieth Century East Asian-American Relations
         HIST 291 Japan's Pacific War
         HIST 292 The Two Koreas
         HIST 293 Korea: The Forgotten War
         HIST 304 Mao and the Chinese Revolution
         HIST 306 Crime and Punishment in East Asia
         HIST 310 The Iraq War
         HIST 341 The Arab-Israeli Conflict
         POLI 272 Politics of Central and Eastern Europe
         POLI 273 Contemporary Global Issues
  • 1 Institutions and Governance course from:
         HIST 334 Comparative Genocides
         POLI 283 Model United Nations
         POLI 325 International Law and Organizations
         POLI 326 International Human Rights
         POLI 341 The World of Elections
  • 1 Foreign Policy course from:
         POLI 281 U.S. Foreign Policy
         POLI 282 Foreign Policy Analysis
  • 1 additional course from the above lists or as approved by the department.


The department strongly recommends students tailor their academic program, as well as supporting coursework, to their interests and career goals in consultation with an advisor. Moreover, we encourage students to pursue additional foreign language training beyond the College’s basic foreign language requirement and to complement the major by taking relevant courses in Sociology, Anthropology and/or Religion.

Program Course Listings

The courses for this program are organized into the following categories:

General Topics Courses

POLI 100

Issues in Politics: Gender

Introduces students to the variety of ways that political phenomena can be studied systematically. A topic is selected as the focus of the course that is examined through the lens of the primary subfields: political theory, American politics, comparative politics, and international relations. Students gain an introduction to the process of social science research as they participate in a research project related to the topic of the course. Students receive early exposure to the full scope of the politics discipline as well as begin the process of preparing for research in politics. Specific content may vary by course section subtitles but all sections repeat core concepts. Only once section may be counted for course credit.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 400

Research Methods

This course examines the methods by which political scientists attempt to better understand political phenomena, with a focus on quantitative methodologies.

POLI 460

Applied Statistical Methods

This course introduces students to applied statistical methods for testing theories in political science. It focuses on using software such as SPSS for building and analyzing large datasets through multivariate statistical models. This course is appropriate for any upper-level student in the social sciences working on a seminar paper or senior thesis that utilizes a large number of observations. Prerequisites: MATH 215 and POLI 400 (or equivalent social science research methods course).

MATH 215 and POLI 400 (or equivalent social science research methods course).
POLI 497

Senior Research Seminar-WL II

This senior year seminar course is centered on independent research projects in the discipline. Departmental faculty and other seniors give input and critiques as a student completes a significant piece of original research, with a view to formally presenting it at a research conference. Prerequisite: POLI 400.

POLI 400.
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Political Theory Courses

POLI 240

Western Political Thought

A selective survey from ancient times to the 21st century of the political thought of seminal political thinkers in the Western tradition. Selected thinkers may include Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Rousseau, Locke, Mill, Marx, Arendt, Foucault, Nietzsche, Rawls, and Habermas.

Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
POLI 245

American Political Thought

An examination of a variety of works to learn how influential American thinkers have conceptualized political ideas and how their views on the proper organization of American society have changed over time. Particular attention is paid to the development of the concepts of democracy and equality and to political protest movements in the U.S.

POLI 285

Topics in Political Theory

This course explores new topics in political theory of interest to faculty and students. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Recent section topics include Ethics in Foreign Policy, Contemporary Political Theory, and Leadership. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught.

Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
POLI 300

Feminist Political Thought

This course examines works of political thought that focus on the role of gender in the social and political arenas.

Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
POLI 410

AdvTop: State & Civil Society

This seminar course explores in depth issues already treated in other political theory courses, or addresses new topics of interest to faculty and students.

Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
Writing Level 2 W2
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American Politics Courses

POLI 205

Southern Politics

A study of the political history and contemporary political characteristics of this distinctive region of the U. S. Topics include the demographic changes that have altered the region’s political culture, the persistent impact of race on the South’s politics, and the changing role of the region in national politics.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 210

American Political Development

This course examines “durable shifts in governing authority,” examining the key moments in which political institutions are transformed and the enduring consequences of those changes.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 220

Am Political Parties & Elections

An examination of the role and activities of voters, political parties, and the media on the electoral process in the United States.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 224

Title Unavailable

POLI 226

Title Unavailable

POLI 230

Public Administration

This course examines some of the key issues confronted by a society that has become dependent upon bureaucracy to a substantial degree. As such, we examine personnel, organization, budgeting, leadership, and privatization.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 235

Public Policy

An introduction to the process of formulating, implementing, and evaluating public policy in the United States with particular attention to policy devoted to education, health care, and environmental policies.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 281

US Foreign Policy

This course examines the formulation and execution of U.S. national behavior in world affairs from the country’s early days through the Global War on Terror, during periods of isolation, expansion, engagement, and leadership. Key themes — e.g., trade, human rights, multilateralism, and exceptionalism — are examined closely. The course covers the roles of the Executive, Congress, and other key actors, such as the media, in foreign policy.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
Writing Level 2 W2
POLI 290

Topics in American Politics

This course explores in more depth issues already treated in other American Politics or public law courses, or addresses new topics of interest to faculty and students in those areas. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught.

Global Awareness GA
Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
Special Projects SP
Service to the World SW
POLI 305

Arkansas Politics: Seminar

A seminar and practicum course focusing on political history, contemporary political patterns, governmental structures, and key public policy debates in the state of Arkansas. Actors in the state’s politics and government provide their perspective to the students both on these issues, during the intensity of a session of the Arkansas General Assembly, and on their vocational choices. Includes a required 100-hour practicum (Odyssey PL credit) within an Arkansas advocacy organization working on legislative issues.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 306

Arkansas Politics: Practicum

An off-campus learning experience in which students have ongoing duties with an entity directly involved in the legislative process in Arkansas (an individual legislator, a political party caucus, an interest group, a media outlet, etc.) during a regular session of the Arkansas General Assembly. Co-requisite: Must be taken in conjunction with POLI 305 Arkansas Politics: Seminar

Must be taken in conjunction with POLI 305 Arkansas Politics: Seminar
Professional and Leadership PL
Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 310

American Presidency

An upper level course examining the origins and development of the American presidency, as well as the challenges faced by more recent officeholders.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 320

Criminal Law

This course is a general study of criminal law and theory in the United States. Topics covered include the distinction between civil and criminal law, excuses, strict liability, attempts, and theory of punishment. Using a case approach, this course gives insights into classic and contemporary works with an emphasis on carefully working through the arguments presented in the readings.

POLI 321

Amer Const Law:Federal System

This course considers the contemporary state of constitutional doctrine after 200 years of judicial decisions. Emphasis is placed on theories of constitutional interpretation and on the development of case law in the realms of federalism, the regulatory power of Congress, and the separation of powers among the three federal branches of government.

POLI 322

Am Constitutional Law: Indiv Rights

A continuation of POLI 321, with emphasis on those decisions concerned with the rights of individuals in such areas as speech, press, religion, privacy, and equal protection of the law. Prerequisites: None, but POLI 321 highly recommended.

None, but POLI 321 highly recommended.
POLI 340

U.S. Congress-WII

An upper level course analyzing the Congress as an institution and its attempt to perform two fundamentally contradictory functions: legislating and representing.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
Writing Level 2 W2
POLI 365

Title Unavailable

POLI 380

Gender, Sexuality & Amer Politics

This seminar course focuses on the impacts of gender and sexuality on politics in the American context. Another focus is the histories of the women’s rights and gay rights movements.

Writing Level 2 W2
POLI 390

Race and American Politics

This seminar course focuses on the persistent, yet changing, impact of race on American politics since the Reconstruction era. The course focuses on the interaction between race and electoral politics and the contemporary role of race in shaping American public policy in a variety of realms.

Historical Perspectives HP
POLI 420

Advanced Topics: American Politics

This course explores in more depth issues already treated in other American politics or public law courses, or addresses new topics of interest to faculty and students in those areas. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Recent section topics include First Ladies, Non-Profit Organizations. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
Writing Level 2 W2
Back to Program Course Listings

Comparative Politics/International Relations Courses

POLI 244

Topics in International Relations

This course explores topics in Comparative Politics and International Relations of interest to faculty and students. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Recent section topics include European Union, the Arab World, Sovereignty, State and Civil Society, Technology and Politics, Conflict Resolution. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught.

POLI 250

History of the International System

A survey of the emergence and development of international society from the mid-17th century to the present. The focus is on the development of the concepts and practices of sovereignty, customary international law, diplomacy, the Great Powers, and modern international institutions of the present day.

Historical Perspectives HP
Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 260

Title Unavailable

POLI 272

Politics of Central &Eastern Europe

More than two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Eastern Europe still displays a substantial variation in terms of how democratic its countries are. While some have joined the European Union and NATO, others have become increasingly authoritarian. Economically, Slovenia is more developed and stable than Portugal, while Belarus and the Ukraine are struggling. This class provides an overview of the causes and consequences of this variation. Topics include democratization and political participation, the economy, ethnic conflict and nationalism, and the institutional and political arrangements that underpin those developments.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 273

Contemporary Global Issues

This course covers important contemporary global political issues, such as democratization and dictatorship, accountability and representation, religion and politics, social policy, foreign aid and national security. In the process, it focuses on specific current events, such as the Arab Spring, the European financial crisis and the rise of China. It is designed for students with general interest in contemporary global politics, regardless of whether they intend to major in Politics or International Relations.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 276

Ethics and Politics of Development

This course explores how processes of economic, political, and social development have been and are understood in ethical, political and policy terms. It looks at how development policy has changed since it first began to emerge in the aftermath of World War II, moving through a variety of different emphases: modernization; basic needs; neo-classical adjustment, sustainability, and, most recently, poverty alleviation. Throughout, the course examines several justice-centered approaches to development in detail.

POLI 282

Comparative Foreign Policy-W II

A survey of methods of foreign policy analysis and their application to the foreign policy decision-making system, internal political constraints, and world system influences on a select number of nation-states representing the diversity extant in the contemporary world. Comparative analysis is used to understand, predict, and develop strategies to influence foreign policy decisions and actions.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
Writing Level 2 W2
POLI 283

Model United Nations

This course prepares students to participate in a Model United Nations simulation toward the end of the semester in which it is offered. Students learn about the United Nations system, the politics of international diplomacy, rules of procedure, how to draft and revise resolutions, caucus, and research, prepare and present internal and public Position Papers. The course is required for students wishing to attend the Model UN simulation for Hendrix College.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
Special Projects SP
POLI 325

International Law and Organizations

Even in the absence of global government, there is governance. This course explores how nation-states interact within a system of law and institutions developed to promote cooperation, avoid armed conflict and regulate conflict. The course shows how the practices of national sovereignty and international cooperation mutually constitute one another. Through case studies, the course explores schools of thought in international law; the history of the development of international legal norms and institutions; customary vs. conventional law; the role of the United Nations, and institutional issue regimes. Prerequisite: any 200-level Politics course

any 200-level Politics course
POLI 326

International Human Rights

This course looks at the development of the human rights idea in theory, history and practice. The course looks at competing theories of human rights, the development of international and regional human rights institutions especially in the 20th century, the influence of non-governmental organizations in the promotion and protection of human rights, the expansion of human rights protections to diverse populations, and emerging human rights approaches for solving pressing global problems. Prerequisite: POLI 250 or 251, or consent of instructor.

POLI 250 or 251, or consent of instructor.
Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
Writing Level 2 W2
POLI 341

The World of Elections

Elections are the basis for establishing a robust democratic regime. This course provides an overview of the different waves of democratization and the causes and consequences of free and fair polls. From a more empirical perspective, the course introduces the elements that make an election of acceptable quality and introduces students to the organizations that monitor and evaluate elections, as well as their impact across the world. As a final project students write an analytical paper on causes and/or consequences of election quality in a particular country or region. Math 215 or POLI 400 recommended.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 355

Advanced Int'l Relations

This course focuses on the diverse theoretical approaches to the study of International Relations, beginning with a variety of epistemological, methodological, and ontological commitments found in the field. The course explores the most influential positivist, reflectivist, and post-positivist schools of thought: classical realism and neorealism; liberalism and neoliberalism; Marxism and critical theory; and constructivism and post-structuralism. Prerequisite: POLI 250 or consent of instructor.

POLI 250 or consent of instructor.
POLI 376

Democracy, Development & Violence

This course introduces students to the foundational theories of comparative politics and the contending perspectives within the discipline. It focuses on the creation and breakdown of political order, the establishment of democracy and dictatorship, as well as the effect of political regimes and their institutions on economic growth, development, poverty, inequality, civil unrest and revolutions.

Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
POLI 440

Adv Topics: International Relations

Building on the comparative politics and international relations sequences, this advanced course explores in more depth issues already treated in these courses, or addresses new ones that relate to them. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Recent section topics include European Union; the Arab World; Sovereignty; State and Civil Society; Technology and Politics; Conflict Resolution. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught. Prerequisite: Either POLI 250 or POLI 273 or consent of instructor

Either POLI 250 or POLI 273 or consent of instructor
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