A student wishing to pursue an interdisciplinary major should, before spring registration of the sophomore year, find a faculty advisor who is interested in being a mentor through this major. This should not be done later than the fall semester of the student's junior year.
- The student and advisor, working together, draft a program of study satisfying the requirements for an interdisciplinary major (see below).
- The student writes a justification for this major, articulating its overarching theme and stating his or her aims and the way the major satisfies them.
- The student and advisor recruit another faculty member to constitute the supervisory committee for the major. The advisor chairs this committee. The committee reviews and approves, with possible modifications, the proposed major and its justification.
- The proposed major, signed by the student and the members of the committee, is sent to the Associate Provost for approval, along with the student's narrative justification.
- Once the major has been accepted, the student completes an Advisor Designation and Major/Minor Declaration Form.
- If the Associate Provost approves the proposed major, he or she notifies the student and the committee in writing that the major has been accepted. The Associate Provost informs the Registrar of the student's major requirements.
- Once the major has been accepted, any changes must be approved by the committee and by the Associate Provost, who reports the changes to the Registrar.
- In addition to its thematic coherence, an interdisciplinary studies major must include the following components.
- A clear title for the major;
- At least 10 courses (with suitable alternate courses, if appropriate). As with any major, at least 50% of major courses must be taken in residence at the College and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in the major must be achieved;
- No fewer than 4 of the major courses at the 300- or 400-level;
- A description of a senior capstone experience with elements methodologically appropriate for the major. The proposal should also describe whether or not the experience is for course credit and how (and who) determines the capstone grade.