Many courses satisfy more than one general education requirement. That does not necessarily imply that a student may use a course to satisfy all of those requirements. The following guidelines apply:
- The Engaged Citizen cannot satisfy Learning Domain, Capacities, or major or minor requirements;
- A course used to satisfy a Capacities requirement may also be used to satisfy a Learning Domains requirement;
- A course with two or more Learning Domain codes may be used to satisfy only one Learning Domain requirement;
- Courses taken to satisfy major or minor requirements may also be used to satisfy Collegiate Center requirements, subject to the restrictions stated above;
- In the case of multiple-coded courses, a student may elect to change which code the student wants to apply for satisfaction of the Collegiate Center requirements. This change can occur at any time before graduation;
- Course credits received by Advanced Placement (AP) exam, International Baccalaureate (IB) exam, or by Cambridge exam do not satisfy Collegiate Center requirements except in the case of the Quantitative Skills (QS) requirement.