Catalog 2015-2016


Teaching Faculty

Professors Dearolf (chair), Hardin, Moran, and M. Sutherland 
Associate Professors Duina, Harper, Murray, and Willyard
Assistant Professors McClung, Muscedere, and Schurko
Visiting Assistant Professor MacDonald
Laboratory Teaching Staff Bell


Major in Biology

10 or 11 courses plus 3 seminars (which together count as one course credit) distributed as follows:

  • BIOL 150 Cell Biology
  • BIOL 190 Botany
  • BIOL 220 Zoology
  • BIOL 250 Genetics
  • BIOL 365 Ecology and Evolution
  • CHEM 110 and CHEM 120 General Chemistry I and II 
    CHEM 150 Accelerated General Chemistry
  • 4 BIOL electives at the 300 or 400 level, one of which may be CHEM 330 Biological Chemistry
  • BIOL 221 Seminar: Biological Communication and BIOL 222 Seminar: Biometry (to be taken in the sophomore year)
  • BIOL 497 Biology Seminar , which requires completing BIOL 221 and BIOL 222




The Biology Department strongly encourages students to design and carry out independent research for course credit. However, this credit will not count toward the four required electives.

Senior Capstone Experience

The Senior Capstone Experience for the biology major consists of a comprehensive examination and participation in the senior seminar course BIOL 497 Biology Seminar . The comprehensive examination is the standardized Major Field Test (MFT), or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) in biology. During the course each senior presents a formal seminar. The grade for the Senior Capstone Experience is based on both the standardized test score and the BIOL 497 Biology Seminar grade.

Minor in Biology

Any five biology courses (with laboratories)

Any five biology courses (with laboratories) numbered 150 or above, at least two taken at the 300 or 400 level, one of which may be CHEM 330 Biological Chemistry .


  • The Biology Department highly recommends that all students pursuing a biology minor take at least CHEM 110 General Chemistry I: Chemical Structure & Properties and CHEM 120 General Chemistry II: Chemical Analysis & Reactivity .
  • Students planning to certify to teach biology should contact their major advisors and the Education Department for a list of courses required within the major and by the professional societies for licensure.
  • The following are general guidelines for courses required by many graduate and professional schools. Students should refer to the Guide for Academic Planning and work closely with their academic advisors to ensure adequate course preparation for specific post-graduate programs.


Medical School, Dental School, and Veterinary Medicine Programs

Course Recommendations

Preparation for medical school, dental school, and veterinary medicine is best achieved by:  

  • Completing at least BIOL 150, BIOL 250 and BIOL 320;
  • Two courses in general chemistry, two courses in organic chemistry, and one course in biochemistry;
  • At least one course in mathematics;
  • At least one course in statistics;
  • Two courses in physics;
  • Two to three courses in English; and
  • At least two social science courses.

Graduate Programs

Course Recommendations

Preparation for graduate school is best achieved by:

  • Two years of biology;
  • Two courses in general chemistry and two courses in organic chemistry;
  • Two courses in physics;
  • At least one course in calculus; and
  • At least one course in statistics.

Independent research experience is highly desirable and will be expected by selective graduate programs. Some graduate schools also require basic programming skills and, occasionally, a reading knowledge in at least one foreign language.

    Program Course Listings

    The courses for this program are organized into the following categories:

    Courses for Non-Science Majors

    The following courses are designed for non-science majors and may not be used to fulfill requirements for the biology major or minor. They will fulfill the collegiate Natural Science Inquiry Learning Domain requirement and will fulfill the laboratory requirement, if coded NS-L.

    BIOL 100

    Concepts in Biology

    The structure, function, heredity, evolution, and ecological interactions of living systems with emphasis on those concepts having major implications for humans and society. Specific content may vary by course section subtitle but all sections repeat core concepts. Only one section may be counted for course credit.

    Natural Science Inquiry NS
    BIOL 101

    Concepts: Plants and People (w/Lab)

    The structure, function, heredity, evolution, and ecological interactions of living systems with emphasis on those concepts having major implications for humans and society. Specific content may vary by course section subtitle but all sections repeat core concepts. Only one section may be counted for course credit.

    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 102

    Natural History (w/Lab)

    The variety of organisms and ecosystems, with special emphasis on the geological and biological history of Arkansas. Field laboratories expose students to the major taxonomic groups of organisms. Laboratory course.

    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 107

    Biology of the Human Body

    The structure and function of human organ systems, with emphasis on the maintenance and perpetuation of the living state.

    Natural Science Inquiry NS
    BIOL 103

    Biology of Human Body (w/Lab)

    The structure and function of human organ systems, with emphasis on the maintenance and perpetuation of the living state. Laboratory course.

    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 104

    Environmental Biology (w /Lab)

    An introduction to principles of ecology as they relate to the human concerns of overpopulation, resource management, pollution, and environmental ethics. Laboratory course.

    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 108

    Tropical Field Botany (w/Lab)

    An introduction to the native, agricultural, and medicinal plants of the Old World tropics. Classroom and field work includes identification of tropical plant families, plantation agriculture, and sustainable harvest of medicinal plants. Students are immersed in a primarily agrarian society, explore issues regarding the rights of people once assigned to lower castes, and religious harmony among Kerala’s Hindus, Muslims, and Christians. This course is taught during the summer in Kerala, India. The field studies entail an additional cost to the student. Laboratory course.

    Global Awareness GA
    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 110

    Evolution for Everyone (w/Lab)

    A study of the concepts, implications, and evidence of evolution with special emphasis on how the theory of evolution is used in medicine, agriculture, and conservation. Laboratories expose students to experimental methods used in evolutionary studies. Laboratory course.

    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 112

    Nat Hist of the New World (w/Lab)

    The variety of organisms and ecosystems of a particular region and how they originated and have changed throughout time. Emphasis on the geological and biological history of the region, as well as the human history and contemporary environmental issues. Field laboratories expose students to the regional geology, ecosystems, and the major taxonomic groups of organisms. This laboratory course is taught away from the college campus. Students cannot also receive credit for BIOL 102 Natural History or BIOL 106 Neotropical Biology.

    Global Awareness GA
    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 165

    Comp Animal Behav-Tropics (w/Lab)

    An introduction to the diversity of animal species and animal behavior in tropical environments. This course examines behavior and biodiversity from an evolutionary, developmental, genetic, and social context. Observation, hands-on research, lecture, and classroom discussion will address how animals in the tropics face various adaptive problems, like finding food, finding mates, caring for offspring, avoiding predators, living in a group, and interacting with humans. Course is taught during the summer semester in Costa Rica. Laboratory course. Cross-listed as PSYC 165. Laboratory course.

    Global Awareness GA
    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    Social and Behavioral Analysis SB
    Back to Program Course Listings

    Biology Core

    The following courses are required for all biology majors. BIOL 221 and BIOL 222 should be taken during the sophomore year. BIOL 497 should be taken in the senior year. It is highly recommended that all other core courses be completed by the end of the junior year.

    BIOL 150

    Cell Biology (with Lab)

    The structure and function of cells with emphasis on evolutionary principles, basic biochemistry, and scientific epistemology. Laboratory course. This is a prerequisite for all other biology courses.

    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 190

    Botany (w/Lab)

    Survey of algae, nonvascular, and vascular plants, with emphasis on the origin, structure, development and physiology of flowering vascular plants. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 150.

    BIOL 150.
    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 220

    General Zoology (with Lab)

    A survey of the major phyla, classes, and orders of animals, with emphasis on basic body plans and organization, development, phylogenetic relationships, and the structure and function of representative organ systems. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 150.

    BIOL 150.
    BIOL 221

    Biological Communication

    Introduction to reading and writing skills in biological literature. This is a non-credit seminar required for BIOL 497. Prerequisite: BIOL 150.

    BIOL 150.
    BIOL 222


    Introduction to basic statistical and experimental design techniques utilized in the biological sciences. This is a non-credit seminar required for BIOL 497. Prerequisites: BIOL 150 and BIOL 221.

    BIOL 150 and BIOL 221.
    BIOL 250

    Genetics (w/Lab)

    Fundamental principles of heredity, including both Mendelian and molecular genetics. Emphasis is on those principles with the greatest implications to understanding biological systems in general, and humans in particular. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 150 and sophomore standing, or consent of instructor.

    BIOL 150 and sophomore standing, or consent of instructor.
    BIOL 365

    Ecology and Evolution (w/ Lab)

    Study of biotic and abiotic interactions among organisms and the evolutionary processes that have shaped life. Major topics include population and community interactions, biomes, forces of genetic change, adaptation, conservation biology, and the geological and biological history of the Earth. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 190 and 250.

    BIOL 190 and 250.
    BIOL 497

    Biology: Senior Seminar

    Reviews of current literature and oral presentations by students based on library or original research. Prerequisite: Senior standing and completion of BIOL 221 and BIOL 222.

    Senior standing and completion of BIOL 221 and BIOL 222.
    Back to Program Course Listings

    Biology Electives

    BIOL 205

    Anatomy & Physiology I (w/LAB)

    Focuses on the fundamental concepts and mechanisms that regulate important structural and functional properties of the human organ systems. This course is concerned with the normal function of the intact organism with an emphasis placed on musculoskeletal and neuroendocrine function. Laboratory course. Prerequisites: BIOL 150 and CHEM 100 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Cross-listed as KINE 205.

    BIOL 150 and CHEM 100 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Cross-listed as KINE 205.
    Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
    BIOL 215

    Anatomy & Physiology II (w/lab)

    Focuses on the fundamental concepts and mechanisms that regulate important structural and functional properties of the human organ systems. This course is concerned with the normal function of the intact organism with an emphasis placed on cardiorespiratory, digestive, renal, and reproductive function. Laboratory course. Prerequisites: BIOL 150, CHEM 100, and BIOL 205 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Cross-listed as KINE 215.

    BIOL 150, CHEM 100, and BIOL 205 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Cross-listed as KINE 215.
    BIOL 235

    Microbes & Human Health (w/Lab)

    An introduction to the biology of bacteria and viruses with a focus on microbes affecting human health. Laboratory course. Prerequisites: BIOL 150 and CHEM 120

    BIOL 150 and CHEM 120
    BIOL 300

    Compar Animal Behavior (w/Lab)

    Study of the genetic, developmental, physiological, ecological, and evolutionary bases of adaptive behavior of animals, including humans. Particular emphasis is placed on how humans and other animals face various adaptive problems, like finding food, learning about their environment, avoiding predators, finding mates, caring for offspring, and getting along with others. In laboratory and classroom activities, students observe animal behavior in the laboratory and in the field, design experiments, collect data, conduct statistical analyses, write scientific papers, and present their findings. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: PSYC 295 or BIOL 222. Cross-listed as PSYC 300.

    PSYC 295 or BIOL 222. Cross-listed as PSYC 300.
    BIOL 310

    Developmental Biology (with Lab)

    A survey of the development of a variety of animals with emphasis on the molecular processes involved. The embryology of vertebrates is stressed. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 250.

    BIOL 250.
    BIOL 320

    Animal Physiology-WL II

    Study of the mechanisms of homeostatic regulation in animals with an emphasis on mammalian and other vertebrate organ systems. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 150, CHEM 110, and at least sophomore standing

    BIOL 150, CHEM 110, and at least sophomore standing
    BIOL 325

    Neurobiology (w/Lab)

    A study of the major areas of neurobiology. Topics include the cellular and molecular biology of neural cells, neural development, sensory and motor systems, and more complex cognitive systems. Students also read, discuss, and critique primary literature in the field. Laboratory Course. Prerequisite: BIOL 150

    BIOL 150
    BIOL 330

    Plant Systematics&Evolution (w/Lab)

    Evolution, origin, and diversity of land plants and current methods of phylogenetic inference. Laboratory focuses on morphological features of vascular plant families and field identification, with emphasis on the flora of Arkansas. Lectures address major themes in the evolution of vascular plants and current methods of phylogenetic inference. Up to two day-long field trips on weekends may be required. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 190

    BIOL 190
    BIOL 335

    Marine Biology (w/Lab)

    Studies of marine organisms and their environment, with a focus on barrier islands, estuaries, mangroves, seagrass beds, or coral reefs, depending on the destination of the research trip. To observe marine organisms and their environment, students travel to a destination that is determined each year the course is taught. Possible destinations include: the Gulf Coast Research Lab (GCRL) in Ocean Springs, MS, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and Calabash Caye Field Station in Belize. This trip entails an additional cost to the student. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 220.

    BIOL 220.
    BIOL 340

    Microbiology (with Lab)

    Biology of bacteria and viruses. Laboratory includes culturing, identification, isolation from environment, and experimentation. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 250.

    BIOL 250.
    BIOL 355

    Advanced Cell Biology (w/lab)

    An examination of current models of intracellular processes such as membrane and cytoskeleton structure, compartmentalization, transport, signaling, and the control of cell division. Emphasis on current research and theory. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 250.

    BIOL 250.
    BIOL 360

    Biology of Algae & Fungi (w/Lab)

    Comparative ecology, physiology, and morphology of algae and fungi. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 190

    BIOL 190
    BIOL 370

    Plant Physiology (w/Lab)

    Study of the essential plant processes with emphasis on mineral nutrition, water relations, photosynthesis, hormones, and the influence of external factors. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 190.

    BIOL 190.
    BIOL 425

    Systems Neuroscience (w/Lab)

    An in-depth investigation into the neural systems that detect, encode, process, and store information in animals. Topics include the detection and processing of visual, olfactory, and other types of sensory information; integration and association of information in higher-order neural centers; patterning and output of motor commands; and the roles of developmental plasticity, learning, and neuromodulation in generating behavioral variation. Examples are drawn from diverse model and non-model animals, from sea slugs to humans. Scientific literacy is emphasized and students read, present, and discuss primary neuroscience literature weekly. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 325.

    BIOL 325.
    BIOL 430

    Immunology (w/Lab)

    Principles of immunology with an emphasis on the role of experimentation in the development of current immunological concepts. The laboratory includes experiments to demonstrate principles and the use of immunological techniques for scientific investigation. Laboratory course. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and completion of BIOL 250 and one course in chemistry.

    junior or senior standing and completion of BIOL 250 and one course in chemistry.
    BIOL 440

    Compar Vert Anatomy (w/Lab)

    Phylogenetic relationships and anatomical systems of vertebrates with emphasis on cartilaginous fishes and mammals. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 220

    BIOL 220
    BIOL 460

    Evolution (with Lab)

    The mechanisms of evolution, principles of population genetics, selection and adaptation, and the history of life on Earth. Biological diversity and evolutionary issues for conservation and medicine are also covered. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 250.

    BIOL 250.
    BIOL 465

    MolecuEvol & Bioinformatics (w/Lab)

    Evolutionary processes acting at the molecular level, and the utilization of molecular patterns to reconstruct the evolutionary history of genes, genomes, populations and species. The laboratory focuses on using sequence data to complete an intensive semester-long research project in phylogenetics, protein structure and function modeling or other bioinformatics topics. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 250

    BIOL 250
    Undergraduate Research UR
    BIOL 470

    Advanced Genetics (with Lab)

    Current research and paradigms in molecular genetics with emphasis on eukaryotic gene regulation, chromatin organization and regulation, genomics, proteomics, RNA biology, and genetic engineering. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 250.

    BIOL 250.
    BIOL 480

    Field Ecology (w/Lab)

    Studies of ecological patterns and processes in Arkansas ecosystems followed by comparative studies in non-Arkansas field sites. Comparative field study sites alternate each year between Costa Rica and a US ecosystem such as the American Southwest or the Everglades. These comparative field studies entail an additional cost to the student. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: BIOL 260 or approval of the instructor

    BIOL 260 or approval of the instructor
    Global Awareness GA
    BIOL 490

    Biology: Advanced Topics (w/Lab)

    An advanced biology topics course with lab. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Texts, review papers, and original literature may be used to provide extended or integrated coverage of selected areas of biology. Recent section topics include Systems Neuroscience, and Plant Science. Check the online course schedule for information about the topics current scheduled to be taught. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing

    Junior or senior standing
    BIOL X99

    Title Unavailable

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