Catalog 2015-2016


Teaching Faculty

Professors Lopas, Maakestad, Miller, and Payne
Associate Professor Gill (chair)


Major in Studio Art

12 courses distributed as follows:

  • ARTS 160 Beginning Drawing
  • 2-course sequence in studio courses  
  • 3-course sequence in studio courses  
  • ARTH 170 Western Art History Survey I: Prehistory through Medieval
    ARTH 171 Western Art History II: Renaissance through 20th Century
  • ARTH 430 Practicum: Professional Development
  • ARTS 497 Practicum: Studio Art
  • 1 art history course beyond the survey level  
  • 2 electives in studio or art history  

*All majors are required to take at least one 2-D and one 3-D course. ARTS 160 Beginning Drawing will not count as a 2-D course for this requirement.


The department accepts FILM or ENGF courses that are numbered above 300 for the art history elective credit.

Senior art majors are expected to have their three-course sequence completed no later than the fall of their senior year so as to be properly prepared for their Capstone requirements.

    Senior Capstone Experience

    The Senior Capstone Experience for the studio art major consists of: competently presenting a Hendrix College student art exhibition, successful participation in the Juried Senior Art Exhibit, group critiques, an oral presentation, and a professional portfolio.

    Minor in Studio Art

    6 courses distributed as follows:

    • ARTS 160 Beginning Drawing
    • ARTH 170 Western Art History Survey I: Prehistory through Medieval
      ARTH 171 Western Art History Survey II: Renaissance through 20th Century
    • 2-course sequence in studio courses  
    • 2 additional studio courses

    Minor in Art History

    6 courses distributed as follows:

    • ARTS 100 Beginning Drawing
    • ARTH 170 Western Art History Survey I: Prehistory through  Medieval
    • ARTH 171 Western Art History Survey II: Renaissance through 20th Century
    • 1 art history course at the 300- or 400-level
    • 2 additional art history courses

    Program Course Listings

    The courses for this program are organized into the following categories:

    Drawing Courses

    The drawing sequence of courses are stacked, meaning the 3xx and 4xx classes are held at the same time. Students may include either variations of drawing courses, as long as there is a numerical sequence, for major and minor requirements.

    Students should note that many studio courses are offered alternate years.

    ARTS 160

    Beginning Drawing

    An introductory course in basic drawing designed for students with little or no drawing skills that explores a range of drawing methods and media. Students learn to translate visual perception into two dimensions. Critiques develop an understanding of visual imagery.

    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 261

    Intermediate Drawing-Creating Space

    Students learn the concepts of how to create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. Prerequisite: ARTS 160.

    ARTS 160.
    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 262

    Interm Drawing-Large Figure Comp

    Students create large drawings of the nude figure working from life and Old Masters. Prerequisite: ARTS 160

    ARTS 160
    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 361

    Advanced Drawing-Creating Space

    Students learn the concepts of how to create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. Prerequisite: ARTS 261 or ARTS 262

    ARTS 261 or ARTS 262
    ARTS 362

    Advanced Drawing-Large Fig Comp

    Students create large drawings of the nude figure working from life and Old Masters. Prerequisite: ARTS 261 or ARTS 262

    ARTS 261 or ARTS 262
    Back to Program Course Listings

    Painting Courses

    This series of courses covers perception, imagination, form, color and space with specific themes as noted. As students advance they are expected to develop their own voice as painters. 

    The painting sequence of courses are stacked meaning the 2xx, 3xx, or 3xx, 4xx classes are held at the same time.  Students may include any of the four variations of painting courses, as long as there is a numerical sequence, for their major and minor requirements.

    Students should note that many studio courses are offered alternate years.

    ARTS 200

    Beginning Painting-Figure

    Students paint nudes, still lives, and interiors in oil to explore shape, value and compositional structure. Prerequisite: ARTS 160

    ARTS 160
    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 201

    Beginning Painting-Landscape

    Students work outside in the landscape in oil to explore shape, value and compositional structure. Prerequisite: ARTS 160

    ARTS 160
    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 202

    Beg Painting-Materials&Techniques

    This course explores the historic progression of painting techniques, from cave painting, to encaustic (Greek), to egg tempera (Medieval), to oil glazes (Renaissance). Students make paint from scratch, copy historic pieces, and produce original works.

    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 203

    Beginning Painting-Color

    This course explores color phenomenon. Students work in oil with still lives and nudes. Prerequisites: ARTS 160.

    ARTS 160.
    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 300

    Intermediate Painting-Figure

    Students paint nudes, still lives, and interiors in oil to explore shape, value and compositional structure. Prerequisite: ARTS 200, ARTS 201, ARTS 202 or ARTS 203

    ARTS 200, ARTS 201, ARTS 202 or ARTS 203
    ARTS 301

    Intermediate Painting-Landscape

    Students work outside in the landscape in oil to explore shape, value and compositional structure. Prerequisite: ARTS 200, ARTS 201, ARTS 202, or ARTS 203

    ARTS 200, ARTS 201, ARTS 202, or ARTS 203
    ARTS 302

    Interm Painting-Materials&Technique

    This course explores the historic progression of painting techniques, from cave painting, to encaustic (Greek), to egg tempera (Medieval), to oil glazes (Renaissance). Students make paint from scratch, copy historic pieces, and produce original works. Prerequisites: ARTS 200, ARTS 201, ARTS 202, or ARTS 203

    ARTS 200, ARTS 201, ARTS 202, or ARTS 203
    ARTS 303

    Intermediate Painting-Color

    This course explores color phenomenon. Students work in oil with still lives and nudes. Prerequisites: ARTS 203.

    ARTS 203.
    ARTS 304

    Intermediate Painting-Working Large

    Students create very large paintings of figures in complicated theme based environments that they design as a group. Prerequisites: ARTS 20x.

    ARTS 20x.
    ARTS 404

    Advanced Painting-Working Large

    Students create very large paintings of figures in complicated theme based environments that they design as a group. Prerequisites: ARTS 300, ARTS 301, ARTS 302, ARTS 303 or ARTS 304

    ARTS 300, ARTS 301, ARTS 302, ARTS 303 or ARTS 304
    Back to Program Course Listings

    Sculpture Courses

    This series of courses begins with an introduction to basic conceptual development and modest technical instruction in areas such as clay modeling. Subsequent courses introduce more complex technical process such as mold-making, welding, casting, and woodworking. Advanced classes emphasize independent thought and personal conceptual development.

    Students should note that many studio courses are offered alternate years.

    ARTS 210

    Beginning Sculpture

    This series of courses begins with an introduction to basic conceptual development and modest technical instruction in areas such as clay modeling. Subsequent courses introduce more complex technical process such as mold-making, welding, casting, and woodworking. Advanced classes emphasize independent thought and personal conceptual development.

    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 310

    Intermediate Sculpture

    This series of courses begins with an introduction to basic conceptual development and modest technical instruction in areas such as clay modeling. Subsequent courses introduce more complex technical process such as mold-making, welding, casting, and woodworking. Advanced classes emphasize independent thought and personal conceptual development. Prerequisite: ARTS 210.

    ARTS 210.
    ARTS 410

    Advanced Sculpture

    This series of courses begins with an introduction to basic conceptual development and modest technical instruction in areas such as clay modeling. Subsequent courses introduce more complex technical process such as mold-making, welding, casting and woodworking. Advanced classes emphasize independent thought and personal conceptual development. Prerequisite: ARTS 310.

    ARTS 310.
    ARTS 415

    Advanced 3D Art Studio

    This series of courses begins with an introduction to basic conceptual development and modest technical instruction in areas such as clay modeling. Subsequent courses introduce more complex technical process such as mold-making, welding, casting, and woodworking. Advanced classes emphasize independent thought and personal conceptual development. Prerequisite: ARTS 480 or ARTS 410.

    ARTS 480 or ARTS 410.
    Back to Program Course Listings

    Printmaking Courses

    The printmaking sequence of courses are stacked, meaning the 2xx, 3xx, and 4xx classes are held at the same time.

    Students should note that many studio courses are offered alternate years.

    ARTS 230

    Beginning Etching

    An introduction to fine art intaglio printmaking. Students learn techniques for creating multiple prints from original drawings using a copper plate. Emphasis is on composition, craftsmanship, conceptual development, historical and contemporary printmaking. Prerequisite: ARTS 160.

    ARTS 160.
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 220

    Beginning Printmaking

    An introduction to the fine art and craft of printmaking, the original "graphic design," this course introduces basic printmaking techniques including digital, relief, and monotype. Students use experimental methods to transfer their original designs to paper in the form of a print. The course includes an emphasis on the elements of design, craftsmanship, development of ideas, critical reflection, and research of historical and contemporary printmaking.

    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 230

    Beginning Etching

    An introduction to fine art intaglio printmaking. Students learn techniques for creating multiple prints from original drawings using a copper plate. Emphasis is on composition, craftsmanship, conceptual development, historical and contemporary printmaking. Prerequisite: ARTS 160.

    ARTS 160.
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 320

    Intermediate Printmaking

    In this course students expand their knowledge of basic printmaking and design by studying intaglio, lithographic and digital processes. Students grow their visual vocabulary and command of the craft by producing several print editions. The course includes an emphasis on the elements of design, craftsmanship, development of ideas, critical reflection, and research of historical and contemporary printmaking. Prerequisite: ARTS 220 or consent of instructor

    ARTS 220 or consent of instructor
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 330

    Intermediate Etching

    In this second level etching course, students hone their technical skills to a higher level while developing a personal creative voice and pursuing more ambitious projects. Techniques include multiple plate multi-color prints, color reduction, à la poupée, chine collé, and monoprints. Prerequisite: ARTS 160.

    ARTS 160.
    ARTS 440

    Advanced Printmaking

    This course is designed for students who have completed either Intermediate Woodcut or Intermediate Etching, and who want to pursue a unique body of work in printmaking. Projects are student-driven. Consistent production and a high level of craftsmanship is expected. Prerequisites: ARTS 330 or ARTS 340.

    ARTS 330 or ARTS 340.
    Back to Program Course Listings

    Photography Courses

    These courses cover basic 35mm camera operation, black and white film processing, and photo printing.

    Students should note that many studio courses are offered alternate years.

    ARTS 250

    Beginning Photography

    This course is designed for students with little or no experience in photography. The student will be exposed to the basic skills of black and white, film-based photography, focusing on photographic practice as an art medium. This includes an introduction to the critical history of photography as it relates to contemporary issues. Assignments provide the student with a fundamental understanding of various formal and social issues, which relate to photography as a visual form.

    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 350

    Intermediate Photography

    This course is designed for students who have completed Beginning Photography and have a good mastery of 35mm shooting, developing, and printing. The student learns medium format and is exposed to advanced skills of black and white photography, focusing on photographic practice as an art medium. Group and individual critiques will facilitate an understanding of photographic analysis and criticism. Prerequisite: ARTS 250.

    ARTS 250.
    ARTS 450

    Advanced Photography

    This course is designed for students who have completed Beginning Photography and Intermediate Photography and have a refined mastery of 35mm and medium format shooting, developing, and printing. The course consists of lectures, demonstrations, and outside assignments. Students learn advanced photographic techniques and some alternative photographic procedures. Having been given assignments for the beginning and intermediate courses, students work toward a unique body of work, the emphasis being placed upon the development of ideas relevant to the individual student's interests. Prerequisite: ARTS 350

    ARTS 350
    Back to Program Course Listings

    Ceramics Courses

    Students should note that many studio courses are offered alternate years.

    ARTS 180

    Beginning Ceramics:Handbuilding

    Introduction to the techniques and concepts of ceramic sculpture and functional ceramics.

    Artistic Creativity AC
    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 380

    Ceramics: Wheel Thrown

    Functional ceramics and ceramic sculpture produced using the potter's wheel. This course introduces the operation of electric and gas kilns and includes instruction in clay and glaze technology. Prerequisite: ARTS 280.

    ARTS 280.
    ARTS 480

    Advanced Ceramics

    Advanced techniques in ceramic sculpture, wheel throwing, and mold-making. The class includes independent development in materials preparation and kiln firing. Prerequisite: ARTS 380.

    ARTS 380.
    Back to Program Course Listings

    Departmental Courses

    ARTS 205

    Title Unavailable

    ARTS 235

    Digital Art

    This course introduces students to the visual, conceptual, and technical fundamentals of using a computer to make art. Adobe Creative Suite software is used as a tool for creative explorations and self-expression within the tradition of fine arts.

    Expressive Arts EA
    ARTS 290

    Special Topics: Studio Art

    A topics course in studio art. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Recent section topics include Painting Materials and Technology, Art Furniture, Printmaking, and Digital Drawing. Check the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

    Consent of instructor
    ARTS 490

    Art Studio: Special Topics

    A topics course in studio art. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Recent section topics include Documentary, Drawing for Personal Vision, Printmaking-Mixed Media, Advanced Sculpture and Ceramics, and Digital Drawing. Check the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

    Consent of instructor
    ARTS 497

    Practicum: Studio Art

    Students work on an individual basis to develop their own vision as artists. Group critiques are scheduled regularly. The function of Practicum is to produce works to be exhibited in the Senior Show. Students create a professional quality slide portfolio complete with artist statement and resume. Prerequisite: Senior standing and consent of the instructor.

    Senior standing and consent of the instructor.
    ARTS 498


    Internships provide students with opportunity to apply classroom theories to solutions of actual problems at a work site. Students must meet with a Career Services professional to complete all learning contracts prior to registering for the internship experience.

    ARTS X99

    Title Unavailable

    Back to Program Course Listings

    Art History Courses

    Some courses are offered alternate years.

    ARTH 170

    Western Art History Survey I

    Introduces concepts and visual imagery of Ancient, Classical, and Medieval cultures.

    Historical Perspectives HP
    ARTH 171

    Western Art History Survey II

    Introduces concepts and visual imagery from the Italian Renaissance through Postmodernism.

    Historical Perspectives HP
    ARTH 290

    Special Topics: Art History

    A topics course in art history. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Check the online courses schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.

    Consent of Instructor.
    ARTH 331

    Italian Renaiss & Baroque Art Hist

    An exploration of the intellectual and artistic changes that occurred in Italy during the Renaissance. Students are guided to consider the Renaissance in its various manifestations, to grasp the larger ethical, theological, and artistic issues. Using this as background, the course also delves into the Baroque period, seeking understanding of the myriad changes and directions as shifts come to Italy but also France, England, and the Low Countries. Prerequisite: ARTH 170 and/or ARTH 171 are recommended

    ARTH 170 and/or ARTH 171 are recommended
    ARTH 332

    Art Hist: 19th Century Art

    This course centers around the developments in European art during the 19th century. Prerequisite: ARTH 170 and/or ARTH 171 are recommended

    ARTH 170 and/or ARTH 171 are recommended
    ARTH 340

    American Art History

    This course examines the changes in art, that is, the changes in how cultural values were reflected in the built environment (architecture) and the fine arts, over the course of American history from the founding to today. Students consider the merits of those changes in values and what effect they have for contemporary American art and culture. Prerequisite: ARTH 170 and/or ARTH 171 are recommended

    ARTH 170 and/or ARTH 171 are recommended
    Historical Perspectives HP
    ARTH 389

    Aesthetics & Contemporary Art

    An introduction to aesthetics as a theoretical discipline in its own right, a discipline concerned with the nature of representation and thus with beauty and art. The course focuses in particular on issues of aesthetics and visual representation; the relationship between visual arts, literature, and other art forms; the efficacy of aesthetic theory as a mode of reading and interpretation. The class explores these issues in relation to specific works of visual art, film, and literature. Cross-listed as PHIL 389.

    Literary Studies LS
    Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
    Writing Level 2 W2
    ARTH 390

    Title Unavailable

    ARTH 391

    History of Architecture

    Students study the history of buildings from Ancient Egypt to European Modernism of the 20th century and explore the values expressed through building. Prerequisite: ARTH 170 and/or ARTH 171 are recommended

    ARTH 170 and/or ARTH 171 are recommended
    Historical Perspectives HP
    ARTH 430

    Practicum Professional Development

    Students in this course examine current theory, criticism, and practice relevant to understanding and creating art in the contemporary world. Prerequisite: ARTH 170 or ARTH 171, one upper-level art history class, senior standing or consent of instructor.

    ARTH 170 or ARTH 171, one upper-level art history class, senior standing or consent of instructor.
    ARTH 490

    Art History: Special Topics

    A topics course in art history. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Check the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

    Consent of instructor
    ARTH 498


    Internships provide students with opportunity to apply classroom theories to solutions of actual problems at a work site. Students must meet with a Career Services professional to complete all learning contracts prior to registering for the internship experience.

    ARTH 499

    IndSt:German Art Hist SR Thesis

    This course offers students an opportunity to pursue interests in areas of study not typically offered by the department. Students should submit a written proposal for independent study at least one month before work commences. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

    Consent of the instructor.
    Historical Perspectives HP
    Back to Program Course Listings

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