Office of Academic Affairs. The Office of Academic Affairs is administered by the Provost and provides academic support to the Faculty and administration of the College. The offices and staff in Academic Affairs, as determined by the
Provost, along with the reporting structure, is given in the following
organization chart.
The Associate Provosts are appointed by the Provost with approval
of the President. The standard appointment process begins with a call of
interest to all tenured faculty members followed by interviews and an offer of
appointment for a term specified by the Provost. This process is followed
unless there are extenuating circumstances as determined by the Provost. These
administrative positions are “at will” appointments and may be ended at any
time by decision of the Provost, the President, or the appointee. The
appointee’s status as a tenured member of the faculty is not affected by this
There are currently three Associate Provosts, and the Provost may
elect to change these positions as needed for the effective operation of
Academic Affairs with the approval of the President. The primary
responsibilities of the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs include
interfacing with Human Resources on personnel issues, supervising staff in
Academic Affairs as assigned by the Provost, representing Academic Affairs on
appropriate faculty committees, and overseeing Assessment for the college
including assisting with Higher Learning Commission reaccreditation processes.
The Associate Provost for Engaged Learning (APEL) works closely with the
Provost and is a collaborative team member with staff and faculty to provide
effective administration for our Engaged Learning programming. The APEL
supervises Career Services, the Odyssey Professorships, Odyssey, TEC,
Distinguished Scholarships, and International Programs. Finally, the Associate
Provost for Faculty Development engages in broad faculty development work,
including assessment of programming. Primary Duties for this position include
assisting with Fall Faculty Conference, communicating professional funding
opportunities, organizing and facilitating New Faculty Orientation, providing
relevant professional programming for faculty, and serving as an ex officio
member of the Committee on Academic Integrity and the Committee on Academic
/B._Organization_and_Governance_of_the_College/B.1._Administrative_Organization/Org Chart 23-24.png)