Catalog 2024-2025

Vision for Student Learning Goals Rubric

As part of the process of developing measurement tools, the Academic Assessment Committee created a rubric for the Learning Goals from the Vision for Student Learning (VSLG) by drawing directly from the AAC&U's VALUE Rubrics. These rubrics are "recognized by all regional accrediting organizations as an acceptable approach for institutions to use in assessing student learning." The rubric was adopted by the Faculty in 2017.

With the guidance of the college community and the curriculum requirements, our students benefit from the breadth and depth of a liberal arts and sciences education. They engage in rigorous inquiry and informed deliberation by:




I1. investigating and researching underlying causes and connections

Explores a topic in depth, yielding a rich awareness of its larger context.

Explores a topic in depth, yielding insight into its larger context.

Explores a topic with some evidence of depth, providing occasional insight into its larger context.

Explores a topic at a surface level, providing basic facts and little insight into its larger context.

I2. synthesizing evidence from multiple sources

Synthesizes in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/ approaches.

Presents in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/ approaches.

Presents information from relevant sources representing limited points of view/ approaches.

Presents information from irrelevant sources representing limited points of view/ approaches.

I3. designing ways to answer their questions

Identifies multiple approaches to address their question that apply within a specific context.

Identifies approaches to address their question, only some of which apply within a specific context.

Identifies only a single approach to address their question that does apply within a specific context.

Identifies one or more approaches for to address their question that do not apply within a specific context.

I4. acquiring the skills to evaluate arguments and evidence critically

Information is taken from source(s) with enough interpretation/ evaluation to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are questioned thoroughly.

Information is taken from source(s) with enough interpretation/ evaluation to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are subject to questioning.

Information is taken from source(s) with some interpretation/ evaluation, but not enough to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are taken as mostly fact, with little questioning.

Information is taken from source(s) without any interpretation/ evaluation. Viewpoints of experts are taken as fact, without question.

I5. developing independent, nuanced, and thoughtful analyses

Organizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

Organizes evidence to reveal important patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

Organizes evidence, but the organization is not effective in revealing important patterns, differences, or similarities.

Lists evidence, but it is not organized and/ or is unrelated to focus.

I6. making connections among different bodies of knowledge

Independently creates wholes out of multiple parts (synthesizes) or draws conclusions by combining examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective.

Independently connects examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective.

When prompted, connects examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective.

When prompted, presents examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective.

I7. communicating their findings effectively and persuasively through written, oral, experiential, visual, or other appropriate methods

Communicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources to fully achieve a specific purpose, clarity and depth, using a format in ways that enhance meaning, making clear the interdependence of language and meaning, thought, and expression.

Communicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources. Intended purpose is achieved. Uses a format to explicitly connect content and form, demonstrating awareness of purpose and audience.

Communicates and organizes information from sources. The information is not yet synthesized, so the intended purpose is not fully achieved. Uses a format that connects in a basic way what is being communicated (content) with how it is said (form).

Communicates information from sources. The information is fragmented and/or used inappropriately (misquoted, taken out of context, or incorrectly paraphrased, etc.), so the intended purpose is not achieved. Is not thoughtful about the format.

I8. reflecting on their studies and being prepared to engage with the world based on their inquiry and deliberation

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) in depth to reveal significantly changed perspectives about educational and life experiences, which provide foundation for expanded knowledge, growth, and maturity over time.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) in depth, revealing fully clarified meanings or indicating broader perspectives about educational or life events.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) with some depth, revealing slightly clarified meanings or indicating a somewhat broader perspectives about educational or life events.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) at a surface level, without revealing clarified meaning or indicating a broader perspective about educational or life events.

Hendrix College students actively and reflectively engage with multiple communities by:




MC1. understanding the past, present, and future needs of the earth and of humanity, and of the challenges of our interdependence

Effectively addresses significant issues in the natural and human world based on articulating one’s identity in a global context.

Evaluates the global impact of one's own and others' specific local actions on the natural and human world.

Analyzes ways that human actions influence the natural and human world.

Identifies some connections between an individual’s personal decision-making and certain local and global issues.

MC2. considering ethical conundrums from conflicting perspectives

Evaluates and applies diverse perspectives to complex subjects within natural and human systems in the face of multiple and even conflicting positions (i.e. cultural, disciplinary, and ethical.)

Synthesizes other perspectives (such as cultural, disciplinary, and ethical) when investigating subjects within natural and human systems.

Identifies and explains multiple perspectives (such as cultural, disciplinary, and ethical) when exploring subjects within natural and human systems.

Identifies multiple perspectives while maintaining a value preference for own positioning (such as cultural, disciplinary, and ethical).

MC3. bringing their experiences in the wider community back to the classroom to enhance their course of study

Meaningfully synthesizes connections among experiences outside of the formal classroom (including life experiences and academic experiences such as internships and travel abroad) to deepen understanding of fields of study and to broaden own points of view.

Effectively selects and develops examples of life experiences, drawn from a variety of contexts (e.g., family life, artistic participation, civic involvement, work experience), to illuminate concepts/ theories/ frameworks of fields of study.

Compares life experiences and academic knowledge to infer differences, as well as similarities, and acknowledge perspectives other than own.

Identifies connections between life experiences and those academic texts and ideas perceived as similar and related to own interests.

The Hendrix College community supports these goals by:




C1.   fostering an awareness of different cultures through a commitment to diversity and inclusion

Demonstrates evidence of adjustment in own attitudes and beliefs because of working within and learning from diversity of communities and cultures. Promotes others' engagement with diversity.

Reflects on how own attitudes and beliefs are different from those of other cultures and communities. Exhibits curiosity about what can be learned from diversity of communities and cultures.

Has awareness that own attitudes and beliefs are different from those of other cultures and communities. Exhibits little curiosity about what can be learned from diversity of communities and cultures.

Expresses attitudes and beliefs as an individual, from a one-sided view.  Is indifferent or resistant to what can be learned from diversity of communities and cultures.

C2.   providing opportunities for students to confront the diverse challenges and needs of our shared communities in order to inspire them to lead lives of service

Engages with multiple communities and evaluates and applies diverse perspectives to complex subjects within natural and human systems in the face of multiple and even conflicting positions. Uses this knowledge to commit to future action.

Engages with multiple communities and synthesizes other perspectives when investigating subjects within natural and human systems. Uses this knowledge in contemplating future action.

Is familiar with different communities and identifies and explains multiple perspectives when exploring subjects within natural and human systems. Is aware of possible future action.

Has limited interaction with different communities. Identifies multiple perspectives while maintaining an inflexible preference for own positioning. Does not consider possible future action.

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