For the opportunity to apply for a U.S. passport right here on Hendrix's campus, stop by the Passport Fair on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 between 10 am and 2 pm in the SLTC. Stay tuned for details!
The State Department noted in spring 2023 that it typically takes 10-13 weeks for routine passport processing (or 7-9 weeks for expedited processing). Information about this process, as well as other official travel information, can be found at Note that many countries require that your passport be valid for a full six months after your intended departure from that country. In many cases, you will need your passport in order to obtain a visa before you depart. If you need to renew an expired or soon-to-expire passport, see the link above for instructions.
In Conway, you may apply for a new passport at the Post Office:
Address: 1060 Hogan Lane
Phone: (501) 730-0351
Hours: Monday-Friday 10am to 3pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the least busy days.
Process: You must schedule an appointment at
In order to apply for a passport, you must supply the following documents:
1. A completed application for a U.S. passport. Access the Form Filler or PDF at
2. An original or certified, physical copy of your Birth Certificate with a raised seal (not a photocopy). You must also submit a photocopy of your Birth Certificate. Photocopies must be legible, on white 8 ½ x 11” standard paper, black and white, and single sided.
3. One passport photograph of stipulated dimensions (the Post Office has photo facilities and can take photos for a fee of $15; others include some drug and big box stores such as Walgreens and Wal-Mart). Please note the photo must be in color, 2 x 2 inches in size, and taken within the past 6 months.
4. Proper identification (previous US passport, a valid in-state driver’s license, or certificate of naturalization or citizenship). You must also submit a photocopy of the identification document. The photocopy must be on plain white, 8 ½ x 11” standard paper, showing the front and back of your ID. Images should only be on one side of the paper and free of any markings or other images. Do not decrease the size of the image.
Passport fees are as follows:
Application fee $130.00
Accepted payments: Check or Money Order to “U.S. Department of State”
Facility Execution Fee $35.00
Accepted payments: Check or Debit Card
Payment for the photos may be made the same way.