View Newlin's Odyssey medal acceptance speech.

Chris Newlin, MS LPC, is the Executive Director of the
National Children’s Advocacy Center where he is responsible for providing
leadership and management of the NCAC and participating in national and
international training and leadership activities regarding the protection of
children. The NCAC was the first Child Advocacy Center in the world, and
continues to provide prevention and intervention services for child abuse in
Huntsville/Madison County, AL; and, also houses the NCAC Training Center, the
Southern Regional Children’s Advocacy Center, the NCAC Virtual Training Center,
and the Child Abuse Library Online (CALiO).
Chris has provided training
in more than fifteen countries throughout the world at numerous international
conferences, and also provides technical assistance on a regular basis to
professionals working to develop Children’s Advocacy Centers throughout the
world. He has worked in both urban and rural Children’s Advocacy Centers;
and currently serves on the National Children’s Alliance Board of Directors,
the Interdisciplinary Review Team for the National Center on the Sexual
Behavior of Youth, the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation National Child Protection
Advisory Committee, the Boys and Girls Club of America National Child & Club
Safety Task Force, the International Association of Chiefs of Police Juvenile
Justice and Child Protection Committee, , the Interstate Commission for
Juveniles (Human Trafficking and Child Abuse Member), and the Alabama Network
of Children’s Advocacy Centers Board of Directors; is a member of the
International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse, International
Association of the Chiefs of Police, and the Association for the Treatment of
Sexual Abusers; and was the 2010 recipient of the International Impact Award
from the International Services Council of Alabama.
Chris previously
served on the United States-Russian Bi-Lateral Presidential Commission Child
Protection Workgroup and as co-chair of the United States-Russia Civil Society
Partnership Program Child Protection Working Group. He graduated from
Hendrix College, the University of Central Arkansas, and the Harvard Business
School Executive Education Program.