The founder of Hendrix’s first environmental organization called S.A.V.E., Jennifer Platt has made conservation her career since graduating from Hendrix in 1992. As a student, Platt designed her own integrated studies major in environmental studies, before the College had formalized a major in the field. After graduating from Hendrix, she received her master of science in environmental management and policy. As water conservation manager for the city of Cary, N.C., she developed a nationally-recognized conservation program. She now works for WaterPartners International , an organization dedicated to providing safe drinking water for the world. She serves as director of operations for this organization and also serves on the Elon University Center for Enviornmental Studies Board of Advisors and the American Water Works Association Journal Editorial Advisory Board. Platt has received numerous awards in her field including the United States EPA Region III Most Innovative and Effective Public Education Program in 1999 and The President's Award for the Carolinas Irrigation Association in 2005. As water issues become more prevalent and critical throughout the world, Platt hopes to target solutions for a healthier environment that will make a global impact.