Does Hendrix have an emergency plan?
Yes. The plan describes emergency procedures during fire, hazardous material
leaks and spills, earthquakes, severe weather, and other events. Procedures are
reviewed yearly, and the plan is updated as needed.
Who is in charge during an emergency
at Hendrix?
The Hendrix president is responsible for the overall activation of emergency
operations during all emergencies and disasters. Additionally, each senior
leadership team member and other personnel have assigned duties during
emergencies and disasters.
How does Hendrix notify the campus
during emergency situations?
We communicate with campus in several ways. H-Alert notifies students, faculty,
staff, and parents of current students about emergency situations through email
and text messaging. Additionally, Hendrix sends updates through email and
social media. Building coordinators and residence life staff are also asked to
notify community members without email and phones. An Emergency Response Team
member will communicate directly with media.
How do students know what to do in an
Residence Life staff explain emergency procedures to campus residents during
mandatory meetings. An outline of emergency policies and procedures is posted
in every building. Download a copy of the Emergency Procedures Poster ![Get Adobe Reader]()
Does Hendrix have a campus police
Hendrix has an Office of Public Safety, which includes a director and officers
who patrol the campus 24/7. Officers are prepared to handle emergency
situations and to quickly identify when off-campus assistance is needed from
the Conway Police Department, the Conway Fire Department and/or the Faulkner
County Sheriff’s Office.
How do students contact the Office of
Public Safety?
In an
Emergency, dial 911. During normal hours (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.), call Public Safety
at 501-450-1348 or from a campus phone simply dial 1348. After hours, call
501-450-7711 or dial 7711 from a campus phone. Hendrix also has 14 emergency
“blue light” phones throughout campus. In an emergency, just pick up the phone
and press the button and the phone will connect to Public Safety during and
after normal hours.
How many of the public safety
officers are on campus at a time?
At least two public safety officers are on duty at all times. Additional
officers are used as needed for campus activities.
Can local authorities respond quickly
to campus emergencies?
Hendrix is located centrally in Conway and Faulkner County, so local law
enforcement officers routinely patrol areas adjacent to campus and can respond
quickly in case of an emergency.
How can students contact local law enforcement?
To call
Conway Police from a campus phone, dial 9 then 911 for emergencies. For
non-emergencies, call 501-450-6120. To call an ambulance from a campus phone,
dial 9 then 911. For non-emergencies, call 501-450-2460.
What about notification of tornados
and other severe weather?
The City of Conway and Faulkner County have excellent warning systems in place,
including tornado warning sirens which can be heard clearly in all parts of
campus. Each semester, we encourage all community members to take advantage of
the Code Red warning system, a free severe weather and emergency notification
service available in Faulkner County. Code Red will send voice and/or text
messages in the event of severe weather or other city and county emergencies.
To access this service, visit and click “Code Red”
on the left-hand menu bar. Code Red is the primary weather warning service for
Do students receive counseling during
traumatic events?
The Hendrix Chaplain and Office of Counseling Services staff can assist
students and community members during traumatic events.