The Bursar's Office is located on the first floor of Fausett Hall. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The cashier's window closes at 3:30 p.m. during the summer months. All billing or student account inquiries should be directed to this office, unless there are questions concerning financial aid, which should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid. All fees should be paid directly to this office. It is the policy of Hendrix College to work directly with the student concerning student accounts. The intent of this policy is that part of the student's education involves learning to be responsible for his or her own business affairs. Students have access to their student billing information through their campus web account. You can reach the Bursar's office at (501) 450.1336.
Financial Problems
Financial problems may arise that make it impossible for a student to maintain his or her account on a current basis. Any problems should be discussed with someone in the Office of Business and Finance. The Office of Business and Finance is willing to assist the student with financial problems within the available options. These options may include a delayed payment plan with Tuition Management System, a financial leave of absence, or withdrawal from the College. Promissory notes, which allow a student to leave Hendrix until his or her account is clear, are available to all students and allow the student to maintain good standing with the College.
Payment Plans
If you would like to pay your education expenses monthly, use the Interest-Free Monthly Payment Option offered by our partner, NelNet. The payment plan is available for a small enrollment fee and includes personal account service and automated account information 24 hours a day. Visit the Student Billing Center in your CampusWeb account for more information on payment options, education loans, free education payment counseling, and the many ways they can help you afford education.
The Business Office will begin processing student refunds AFTER the initial ADD/DROP period for each semester. The refund amount is based on the posted credit balance on a student's account. Students will be notified by e-mail when a refund check is processed. All student refunds will be distributed through the student Campus Post Office box. Checks will be mailed to a home address if the student is studying abroad or this service is requested.
The residence hall key replacement cost is $100.00 and will be billed through a student's account.
Student Photo ID Cards
Each student is issued a photo ID card which serves as official college identification. The card is used for food services, entering residence halls on campus, library checkouts, check cashing and admission to campus events. It is also valuable in applying for student discounts for off-campus activities. Replacement cards cost $25.00 and may be purchased from the Student Information Desk in the SLTC.
Check Cashing
A check cashing service of up to $50.00 is available to students when funds are available. A student's billing account must be current in order to cash a check. The fee for a returned check is $30.00. Any student who has three returned checks within an academic year will have his/her campus check-writing privileges revoked.
Meal Plan
All students living in the residence halls are required to purchase the board meal plan allowing students access to meals served in the cafeteria, which is located in The Student Life and Technology Center (SLTC). Hendrix apartment residents and off-campus students may request a meal plan through the Office of Residential Life before the following dates:
Fall Semester - July 15
Spring Semester - November 15
5 and 10 Meal Plans are also available to those students living in residence apartments or off-campus.
Student Fees
The academic year is divided into two semesters, each lasting approximately 16 weeks. Student fees, for the entire year or portion of the year for which the student is enrolled, are due and payable in order to complete registration
Hendrix College reserves the right to adjust the charges for tuition, fees, room and board without formal notice.
Refund of Student Fees
Students withdrawing or requesting a leave of absence at any time during the year must go through the proper process. The student must go to the Office of the Registrar to begin the process. The form that the student receives must be presented to each additional office as indicated on the form.
Withdrawal from the College, or a leave of absence, may affect Title IV funding (financial aid) and any other scholarships a student is receiving. It is the student's responsibility to contact both the Office of Business and Finance and the Office of Financial Aid regarding the refund policy. A representative from the Office of Business and Finance as well as a representative from the Office of Financial Aid will meet with students and counsel them individually regarding any refund of tuition/fees and/or scholarship repayment at the time the student leaves the College. Students that participate in the Perkins Loan Program must notify the Office of Business and Finance of their departure and complete a Perkins Program exit.
Students who are enlisted in a military reserve and are called to active military service in the middle of a term, and thus forced to take a leave of absence for the term, will receive a tuition refund equal to the amount of tuition paid at the beginning of the term.
Room and board fees will be prorated, with the amount of fees not yet used at the time of call to military service refunded to the student.
For more information regarding the refund of student fees, please see the College Catalog or contact the Office of Business and Finance at (501) 450-1336.
Security Deposit
As described in the "Admission Information" section of the Catalog, a new student who has been accepted for admission is required to make a $350.00 reservation payment after notification of acceptance.
After a student is registered, the reservation fee becomes a security deposit, and any residence hall damage charges, library fines, parking fines, or other campus charges may be charged to the deposit. Each student is required to restore the deposit to the $200.00 level at every registration period. Unless forfeited as described below, the balance of the deposit will be refunded to the student 60 days after he or she leaves the College.
A student who withdraws from the College for any reason besides medical prior to graduation forfeits the security deposit. If a student is on a leave of absence from the College and decides not to return at the end of the leave is considered to have voluntarily withdrawn and forfeits the security deposit.
Parking Fines
Parking Fines vary based on the violation. These fines may be paid in the Business Office on the first floor of Fausett Hall.
Student Paychecks - School Year
Hours worked during the school year are submitted on electronic time cards via Campus Web. Time cards should be sent to supervisors for approval no later than 5:00 p.m. on the first working day each month. Student paychecks are directly deposited into the student's personal checking account. Students are paid on the 10th of each month during the school year.
Student Paychecks - Summer Work Months
Hours worked during the summer are reported on electronic time cards via the ADP Portal. A pay schedule of bi-weekly payments as well as due dates for timecards will be e-mailed to all summer workers. Student paychecks are directly deposited into the student's personal checking account.