Business Office


Mission Statement  Shipping & Frieght Terms 
Approved Procurement Method  Tax Information 
Supplier Invoices  Purchasing Staff 
Payment Terms  Conclusion 

Mission Statement of the Purchasing Department

The primary purpose of the Hendrix College Purchasing Department is to assist faculty, staff, and students with the identification, selection, and acquisition of goods and services.  The purchasing staff is prepared to assist members of the Hendrix community in the following ways:

  • Provide faculty, staff, and students with current product information, alternative materials and costs, and value-added services.
  • Ensure that purchase orders and contracts contain necessary terms and conditions to insulate the College against legal liability.
  • Assist in the preparation of specifications for goods and services.
  • Dispose of surplus equipment and supplies in a cost-effective manner.
  • Execute leases and contracts for equipment, materials, repairs and services.
  • The Hendrix College Purchasing Department subscribes to the National Association of Educational Buyers (NAEB) Code of Ethics.

Approved Procurement Methods

Our financial policy requires that all purchase transactions be conducted using an authorized Hendrix College Purchase Order.   At no time should a vendor accept a College purchase requisition without receipt of an authorized Hendrix College Purchase Order number.  Shipment of goods or provision of services to the College without prior receipt of a purchase order will, at the minimum, delay the vendor's payment, or may be considered as a gift to the College, without any additional obligation on the part of the College.

Supplier Invoices

All invoices are paid by the Accounts Payable Department and must be sent directly to the following address unless instructed otherwise:

Hendrix College
Accounts Payable Dept
1600 Washington Ave
Conway, Arkansas 72032

In order to expedite payment, supplier invoices should include the following information:

Valid College Purchase Order Number
Complete description of the products or services furnished
Quantity delivered
Unit prices and extensions
Prompt pay discount terms, if any

Payments are not processed from vendor statements, quotes, or order confirmations; an invoice is required.

Payment Terms

Hendrix College payment terms are “Net 30 Days” after the date of the invoice. The College will attempt to take all prompt pay discounts offered by the supplier.

Shipping and Freight Terms

The College’s standard shipping terms are “F.O.B. Destination."  Freight charges are to be prepaid by the supplier and added to the supplier’s invoice, as a separate item.

Tax Information

Hendrix College is recognized as an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We are not exempt from local and state sales tax.  Our federal identification number is 71-0236897.

Purchasing Staff

If you have any questions regarding the College's procurement process or would like additional information, contact the Purchasing Department between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (501) 450-1333 or

We hope the information contained in this section helps you better understand the purchasing process at Hendrix College. We would like to thank you for doing business with Hendrix College and hope that we can establish a mutually beneficial business partnership.