Residence Life

Winter Break

As specified in the Student Handbook 2024-2025 page 61-62, the residence halls, houses, and Market Square South will close for Winter Break on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.  The halls will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 19, 2025. Classes resume on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 8:00 am. 

All residents, including those in student teaching, international students or practicum students, must leave the residence halls 24 hours after their last final exam but and no later than 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, December 18, 2024, whichever comes first. For those who need to request an extension, early arrival, or to stay over the Winter Break, please follow our Requesting an Extension link below for details on our application process.  

The final meal served in the Dining Room for the semester will be lunch on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Meal service will resume on Sunday, January 19, 2025. The Burrow will resume normal hours on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Except for Public Safety, the College will close on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.  Administrative offices will reopen on Monday, January 6, 2025, with the exception of Counseling, Dining Services and the Burrow which will not be available until students return to campus. 

If you live in any of the Hendrix-owned apartments (Hendrix Corner, Clifton Street, Front Street, Huntington or Market Square Apartments) or SOAR House, you may remain in your place of residence during the Winter break. However, for safety and maintenance reasons, we ask that you let us know if you'll be staying for the entire break or when you'll be leaving or returning.  You can let us know your plans here.

Closing Instructions for Winter Break 
Not Returning for Spring Semester
Requesting an Extension for the Traditional Residence Halls, Residential Houses or Market Square South
Residing in Hendrix-owned Apartments/SOAR House
Room Changes
Shuttle Service

Each resident is responsible for the following:

  • Clean your room prior to leaving.
  • Dispose of all open food stuff and return any dining hall property you may have borrowed.
  • Defrost refrigerators 24 hours in advance of departure and leave unplugged.
  • Apartment residents, you do not have to unplug your refrigerator but doing so helps conserve energy and reduce your utility bill.
  • Unplug everything (including fish tanks, refrigerators, computer, …).
  • Empty all waste baskets into the big trash bin in the hallways.
  • Apartment residents, dispose of all open food, throw away any food items that will spoil or attract pests and empty all trash bins into the dumpster at your building.
  • Do not leave any belongings in lounges, bathrooms, laundry rooms or hallways.
  • Remove or secure all valuables.
  • Do not put any object in front or on top of the AC unit in your room.
  • Turn thermostat to a reasonable level (68 or higher).  In the winter, doing so will prevent the pipes from freezing.
  • Take all items needed during break (checkbook, ATM card, contacts, prescriptions, cell phone and charger, car and house keys, etc.). Your One-card will be disabled during the entire Break.
  • Close and secure windows.
  • First floor residents must lower and close their blinds.
  • Turn off all lights.
  • Lock your door!
  • Traditional residence hall, house residents, and Market Square South residents, sign the bottom of your closing slip and post it on the outside of your door before leaving. 

Re-entry into the traditional residence halls, houses, and Market Square South will not be permitted during the break for any reason. 

Any questions concerning check-out should be directed to your Area Coordinator. You are responsible for the condition of your room; please communicate with your roommate(s) prior to leaving to assure that everything above is accomplished.  

After the facilities have officially closed, the Residence Life staff will check rooms for compliance of the above. Improper check-out will result in fines. During the Break, rooms may be checked by the Residence Life staff and Facilities staff for health, safety and upkeep purposes. 

If you are not returning for the spring semester due to graduation, transfer to another institution, study abroad, approval to move off campus, etc., you must:

  • Email as soon as possible to give us a head's up about your plans.
  • Completely check-out of your space before 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. You will need to contact your RA to make a check-out appointment. 

Proper check-out may include the following:

  • Notify the Residence Life Offices before Tuesday, December 17, 2024.
  • Schedule an appointment with your RA or Area Coordinator to inspect your room/suite/apt with you before your departure. You may schedule your appointment by contacting your RA.
  • Remove all objects from walls, windows, closets, drawers, etc.
  • Remove all personal belongings from the room/suite/apt. Hendrix does not assume responsibility for personal belongings left behind. We are unable to provide storage.
  • Clean your room/suite/apt. Your living space should be clean upon departure. No trash or belongings should be left in the room/suite/apt upon check-out.
  • After the inspection, with your RA or Area Coordinator will ask you to sign a Room Condition Report. The staff member will collect your key at that time.

Failure to complete any of the steps listed above will result in fines. If you do not check out with your RA, a fee of $200 will be charged to your student account. If the key is not returned, an additional $100 fee will be charged for a key re-core of the room or apartment. Students who leave after scheduled closing times without permission from the Residential Life Office will be assessed a $200 late fee for each day the student is still in housing until they leave the campus space.

23 ½-hour Quiet Hours will begin on Sunday, December 8, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. and will continue through the last day of finals, Tuesday, December 17, 2024. During this time students should refrain from playing their music and /or televisions loudly. Quiet hours will be strictly enforced. A break will be observed from 10:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. each night. Please remember that although you may have finished your exams, others may still be studying. Be courteous of your neighbors. Any problems with noise issues may result in your being asked to leave immediately, followed by judicial action.

Students found in the traditional residence halls, residential houses, or Market Square South after 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, without prior approval will be asked to leave campus. A fee of $125.00 will automatically be assessed and added for each day that they are on campus.

Anyone having a conflict with the closing and/or opening date or time must submit a Winter Break Request form no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024. The cost to remain on campus is $25 per day. This request should be as detailed as possible.  Anyone submitting such a request after the deadline will automatically be assessed a late request fee of $125.00 to their account if their request is granted.  No requests will be reviewed during any period when the College is closed. You will be notified of your break request status by your Area Coordinator via email by December 6, 2024.

Each member of a Hendrix-sponsored group that will be here for all or part of the break must also complete a Winter Break Request Form, no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024, which will be approved only after your sponsor sends a roster to  If you are part of one of these groups, please make sure to specify this on your form.

Maintenance Issues:
If something malfunctions during the break period (after 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 18, 2024) residents should contact Public Safety at (501)450-7711 and provide detailed information. A Public Safety officer will notify the on-call Facilities Management staff member regarding the issue.

College Policies:
All College Policies are in effect and will be enforced during the break. Failure to comply may result in immediate removal for the break and possible permanent removal from your place of residence.

Pet Reminder:
For reasons of health, sanitation and personal safety, pets of any kind are not allowed in the College-owned facilities. This includes pets that are just visiting. The only exceptions to this rule are fish.  A 20-gallon tank is the largest tank acceptable in any facility. Violations will result in the loss of deposits by all residents of the room or apartment, cleaning charges including possible replacement of carpet, immediate removal of the pet and a referral to judicial action.

If you will be residing in a Hendrix-owned apartment or SOAR House, you do not need to request to stay over the break; however, for safety and maintenance reasons we ask that you let us know if you'll be staying for the enter break or when you'll be leaving and returning. You should let us know your plans by completing this quick form

All Hendrix and Residence Life policies are in effect at all times. Health, Counseling, and Dining Services will not be available over the Break. The RA on duty during the break can be reached at (501)733-1433. If you have a lock-out or maintenance issue over break that warrants immediate assistance, please call Public Safety at (501)450-7711.

Maintenance Issues:
If something malfunctions during the break period (after 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 18, 2024) residents should contact Public Safety at (501)450-7711 and provide detailed information. A Public Safety officer will notify the on-call Facilities Management staff member regarding the issue.

College Policies:
All College Policies are in effect and will be enforced during the break. Failure to comply may result in immediate removal for the break and possible permanent removal from your place of residence.

Pet Reminder:
For reasons of health, sanitation and personal safety, pets of any kind are not allowed in the College-owned facilities. This includes pets that are just visiting. The only exceptions to this rule are fish. A 20-gallon tank is the largest tank acceptable in any facility. Violations will result in the loss of deposits by all residents of the room or apartment, cleaning charges including possible replacement of carpet, immediate removal of the pet and a referral to judicial action.

If you have requested a room change and receive approval from the Residence Life Office, please make arrangements with your RA or Area Coordinator to move BEFORE you leave for break so that your old space will be available for its new occupants on January’s move-in date. Please note that this is ONLY for students whose requests are already on file in the Residence Life Office. Not all requests have been granted at this time and some requests will not be feasible. We will email you and your new roommate as soon as your change has been approved.

This year we will not be providing van(s) to the airport. 


Friday, December 6   Deadline to submit a Winter Break Request Form at 5:00 p.m. 
Wednesday, December 18   Halls close at 9:00 a.m. 
Sunday, January 19   Halls reopen at 9:00 a.m. and cafeteria opens
Monday, January 20   Martin Luther King Holiday
Tuesday, January 21   Confirmation Day and First Day of Classes