Off Request FORM
See “STUDY ABROAD” and “
OFF CAMPUS ” for important information.
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A student who is currently studying abroad, on Leave of Absence (LOA) or otherwise not enrolled in classes on the Hendrix campus during the Room Selection Process; Any student who cannot attend the Process due to class, rehearsal, work, athletics, etc.
If you are unable to attend any portion of the Process and a
room representative
cannot attend for you, you may designate a
Proxy to act on your behalf. This is especially important for students who are currently Abroad, on a Leave of Absence, or who desire to choose a single. If you do not participate in the Room Selection Process, you will be assigned a room after all other students have selected housing.
Room Selection
Proxy forms are available here. They must be signed by the Proxy and brought to the Room Selection Process. A printed email from the absent student to the Proxy with selection choices may be substituted for the form.
Absent students are responsible to appoint and communicate with their Proxy. We understand that absent students may not be able to sign the form. A printed email from the absent student to the proxy with selection choices may be substituted for a signature. The proxy should then print out the email and present it to Housing at the absent student's Room Selection time.
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Current freshmen and sophomores may NOT squat apartments or houses even if they currently live there. They may, however, choose one during their Room Selection time should one be available.
Utilities are included in the price of your apartment. There will not be a separate bill. All units are all-electric.
Please note that all apartments have cable outlets in the living rooms only. Cable cannot be upgraded or added to other rooms. Cable issues are handled by Facilities Management and can be
reported here.
For digital televisions manufactured after 2007, no additional equipment is necessary to receive Conway Corporation’s cable service. However, in order to receive the digital signal, once the analog signal has been shut off users will have to reprogram their pre-2007 televisions. For televisions that receive cable service through a digital, HD or DVR box, no action is needed. If you receive a cable signal to an analog TV, you will need to contact
Facilities Management to request that a digital adapter be installed.
Wifi is available in all student residences. There are a few Ethernet connections here and there but they will soon be non-functioning and the campus will be Wifi only. Wifi issues are handled by Information Technology and can be
reported here.
Except for the Market Square North and East apartments, none of the units are furnished. Clifton Street apartments are partially furnished.
- Clifton Street: 1-story, 2-bedroom, 1-bath units. All units have microwaves. Units A-H have washer/dryer hookups; units in the A-Frame (1-4) do not. Units are partially furnished with bedroom furniture.
- Front Street: 2-story, 2-bedroom, 1.5 bath. All units have microwaves. Washer/dryer hookups.
- Hendrix Corner : (across from The Patio Café): 2-story, 2-bedroom, 2.5-bath and 1-story, 3-bed room, 2-bath units. One student per bedroom. Washer/dryer hookups. Laundry facility on site.
- Huntington: 2-story, 2-bedroom, 1.5-bath. Washer/dryer hookups.
- Market Square North and East: 1-story, 2-bedroom, 2-bath and 1-story, 3-bedroom, 3-bath. Washer/dryer hookups (will ONLY accommodate stackable units with ONE plug for the entire unit). Laundry facility on site. ALL apartments are furnished. Apartments will accommodate one student per bedroom.
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There are several places where animals are not allowed to reside. They are:
- 3rd floor of Miller Quad
- 3rd floor of Raney Hall
- 3rd floor of Hardin Hall
- 4th floor Market Square East
To view the Assistance Animals Policy, go a
here. If you still have questions after reading the policy, contact the Office of Academic Success. They can be emailed or called 501-450-2954. Returning students seeking approval for an assistance animal must apply for consideration for an assistance animal by March 1 for the
following fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester. For new incoming students the deadlines are May 1 and November 1.
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Students will receive housing draw numbers based on their cohort: the year they arrived at Hendrix. This decision was based on a recommendation by Student Senate to weigh years at Hendrix as the priority consideration for room selection draw numbers.
- Students who arrived in or prior to Fall 2017 will have a draw number in the 1000 series.
- Students who arrived in Fall 2018 will have a draw number in the 2000 series.
- Students who arrived in Fall 2019 will have a draw number in the 3000 series.
- Students who arrived in Fall 2020 will have a draw number in the 3000 series.
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Dirty Swapping is NOT allowed and anyone suspected of participating in such a swap may lose their spot and be reassigned. A Dirty Swap is when two (or more) students sign up for a specific
residence and then, at a later date, switch with other students who may or may not be eligible to live there.
Mary and Sara are both current juniors and sign up to live in Front St Apartments. Just before school starts Sara decides to let us know that she will not be returning to Hendrix. Mary will have to choose a new roommate from her current class-cohort or higher, or from the Wait List, or Housing will have the option to place someone with her from the Wait List, or Mary may lose her spot and be reassigned. All residential facilities will be filled to capacity at opening.
Similar scenarios occur in triple rooms where three students sign up for a triple but only two actually return to campus in the fall. In these cases, the remaining students may bring in a third new roommate from their current class-cohort or higher, or from the Wait List, or Housing will have the option to place
someone with them from the Wait List, or they may lose their triple and be reassigned to a double. All residential facilities will be filled to capacity at opening.
To reiterate: if there is a vacancy, be assured that Housing will fill it if you do not.
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EVERY returning student will receive a Room Selection Draw Number regardless of whether or not you are squatting, etc.
Draw numbers are based solely on
cohort (the year you started as an undergraduate at Hendrix).
Each cohort group will have its own set of unique draw numbers which will be randomly assigned to students within that class-cohort group.
- 1000 Series - 4th Year
- 2000 Series - 3rd Year
- 3000 Series - 2nd Year
- 4000 Series - 1st Year
roommate group
room representative should attend the Process according to the lowest draw number of the roommate group. Draw numbers will be announced by March 23.
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The person(s) who pays your room and board.
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Students interested in this housing option should fill out a
GIH request form. The form is due to the Housing Office by April 6 and contains more information. You may contact
Hendrix Housing
for additional information.
Accepted students will be approved to go through Housing Selection together to choose a space at their Room Selection time.
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See "
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If you've been elected as a Hall Council member, and you did not squat your room/apartment, you will be able to choose a regular non-squatted room/apartment in the appropriate residence area before the first Room Selection Night. Please note:
- Only five rooms will be given to Hall Council members per area so if there are more than five members elected to one Council, that Council will have to decide who gets the five rooms. Each room MUST be filled.
- Apartment Hall Council members must each choose a different complex in which to live. Choices will be first come first served.
- You will need to come with your future roommate(s) to the Housing office (SLTC 208) anytime Tuesday-Thursday, March 31 - April 2, to claim a non-squatted room in your appropriate area.
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H-Cards will be produced by Housing and available at the Process. This document will be pre-printed with each student’s name and
Draw Number. There will be places to add your meal plan, room and roommate choices. Each H-Card will initialed by the student and Res Life personnel at the end of the Process. Its final information will be entered into the Res Life database.
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All of the Houses are co-ed by suite. Each suite consists of 1 double, 2 singles and bathroom facilities. Each House has a kitchen and common spaces.
Please note that the Houses have cable outlets in common areas only. Cable cannot be upgraded or added to other rooms. Cable issues are handled by Facilities Management and can be
reported here.
For digital televisions manufactured after 2007, no additional equipment is necessary to receive Conway Corporation’s cable service. However, in order to receive the digital signal, once the analog signal has been shut off users will have to reprogram their pre-2007 televisions. For televisions that receive cable service through a digital, HD or DVR box, no action is needed. If you receive a cable signal to an analog TV, you will need to contact
Facilities Management to request that a digital adapter be installed.
Wifi is available in all student residences. There are a few Ethernet connections here and there but they will soon be non-functioning and the campus will be Wifi only. Wifi issues are handled by Information Technology and can be
reported here.
- Brown – STEM**
- Browne – anyone
- Cook – anyone
- Dickinson – anyone
- McCreight* – Aspire**
- Smith* - French Immersion**
*Placements by Application Only. All other placements are secured via the Room Selection process during your draw number time.
**See "
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Leave of Absence.
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Any student who has earned their bachelor’s and is participating in the master’s program at Hendrix. Master’s students are not required or expected to live on campus. If a master’s student desires to live on campus, they must have written permission from the
Dean of Students.
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All residents of apartments may choose from the 85 Block-, 10-, or full-meal plan.
All residents of traditional halls and houses (which include Market Square South, Miller Creative Quad, and the Corner House) are required to have the full-meal plan. The exception to this are students residing in the language immersion program in Smith House. Those students may opt for the 10-meal plan as many of their evening meals are cooked and enjoyed together as part of their program.
If you have a documented disability or dire financial need, you may appeal this rule by applying for a reduced meal plan. These are rare exemptions and are granted on a case-by-case basis. That form can be found here and is due July 15 for fall semester or by November 15 for spring. Appeals are considered by a committee. As requests are essentially an appeal to the stated rule, decisions are final.
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If you have a medical condition or disability that requires special housing arrangements, you must submit your request and supporting documentation to the Housing Office (SLTC 208) by March 1. Providing documentation does NOT guarantee a special housing placement.
Documentation is defined as a typed letter from a medical doctor or licensed counselor (who is not a family member), citing the specific reason(s) why special housing is “medically necessary.”
This letter should be on letterhead, provide specific diagnosis, accommodation request, and a clear relationship between diagnosis and accommodation request. It would be beneficial to include the following:
- Dates of evaluation and last contact
- Diagnosis and history (symptoms, age at onset, procedures used to assess or diagnose)
- Level of severity of condition
- Medication and other treatments
- Reason why
- standard residence hall living is medically problematic
- residential living suggestions
- benefits of your recommendation
- Additional comments or relevant information.
Further documentation and/or records may be requested by the Housing Office so please request that your doctor release such information to the Housing Office.
Applicants' placements will be determined by Housing. Approval does not guarantee placement in an apartment.
These are rare exemptions and are granted on a case-by-case basis and are granted only as space permits. Only the applicant will be considered: not their friend/roommate. If the above requirements are met and space is available, approved students will be placed appropriately.
Any request received after Room Selection will not be considered.
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Non-Hendrix-owned residence.
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Hendrix College is a four-year residential college. Students desiring to appeal this rule and live
off-campus must apply annually using the Off-Campus Request Application. This year’s deadline is March 1. To be eligible to request an exemption, you must be married; have dependent children; be 23 years of age by the first day of classes; have a documented disability, financial need or medical need. It is the student’s responsibility to provide sufficient documentation.
Off-Campus permission is only valid for one academic year at a time; you must reapply for permission each year even if you are married or have dependent children. Requests will be evaluated by a committee and decisions will be rendered based upon several factors, documentation and available space. As requests are essentially an appeal to the stated rule, decisions are final. You will be notified via email of your approval/denial status. Off-campus approvals will be announced mid-April.
If you have not yet been approved prior to your Room Selection night, you need to go through the Room Selection Process and secure an on-campus spot. If you are subsequently approved, we will release you from your chosen housing placement.
We highly suggest that you visit with Financial Aid to see if living off campus will affect your aid package.
If you will be abroad in the fall and wish to live off campus when you return for spring semester, you must submit this form by March 1. If not approved, plan to live on campus when you return.
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A person authorized to act on behalf of someone else. For Room Selection, a Proxy is a student who is currently enrolled and attending classes on the Hendrix Campus (or, in rare cases, a Housing staff member) appointed by an
absent student to go through the Room Selection Process for them if a
room representative is not an option (i.e.: you want a single and or don’t have room- or suite-mate preferences).
If a room representative will be the only person from a roommate group attending the Process, they must bring a signed
Proxy Form or printed email (see next paragraph) for each absent roommate.
We understand that absent students may not be able to sign the form. A printed email from the absent student to the proxy with selection choices may be substituted for a signature. The proxy should then print out the email and present it to Housing at the absent student's Room Selection time.
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Returning Resident Assistants need only submit a
Statement of Intent
(SOI). If you have been placed in an apartment or house, please list your desired room/suitemates on the form and be sure that they list you on their SOI. You and your room/suitemates will NOT need to attend the Room Selection Process.
Resident Assistant Applicants must follow the instructions as if you were not going to be an RA. If you are hired, then we will assign you to an RA room and you will not need to attend the Room Selection Process.
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The person or persons with whom you intend to share a room, suite or apartment.
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All persons who intend to share a room, suite or apartment together.
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The person that a roommate group selects to represent them at the Room Selection Process. The entire roommate group is welcome to attend. If only a Room Representative attends, that person MUST have a
Proxy Form or printed email from each of the other roommates.
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If you've been elected to the following year's Senate to represent a living space (NOT the executive committee), and you did not squat your room/apartment, you will be able to choose a regular non-squatted room/apartment in the appropriate residence area before the first Room Selection Night. Please note:
- ONLY Senators representing a living area may choose early and must live in the area that they are to represent.
- You will need to come with your future roommate(s) to the Housing office (208) anytime Tuesday-Thursday, March 31-April 2, to claim a non-squatted room in your appropriate area.
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- If you are graduating this May and NOT returning to classes next fall, congratulations! You may stop reading now as this is not meant for you.
- If you are graduating this May but returning for your Masters, you need only continue reading if you desire to live on campus next fall. Otherwise, congratulations to you as well and you may stop reading now as this is not meant for you.
- Those of you who will be working toward their Masters next year AND desire to live on campus, you need to talk to
Dean Wiltgen before March 1 to get permission to live on campus next year as a graduate student. You are welcome to
email him. If permission is granted, please continue reading and submit a Statement of Intent by March 1.
- If you are not graduating this May and returning to classes this fall as a senior, please complete a
Statement of Intent by March 1.
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The following spaces cannot be squatted:
- Any handicap-accessible room/apartment
(Brown 106, Hendrix Corner C106 & C108, North 211, East 208) - Traditional Hall rooms
(due to Martin and Veasey Hall upgrades) - Houses
Current freshmen and sophomores may not squat apartments even if they currently live there.
Students that choose to live in their current room for the following year should notify us of their intentions NO
LATER THAN, March 1 via their
Statement of Intent. A decision to squat or not is FINAL as of March 1 when your Statement of Intent is due. No changes can be made after that date.
ONLY current residents of apartments
that have a draw number in the 1000’s or 2000’s may squat. Be aware that if you got into an apartment for the 2022-23 academic year as a current freshman or sophomore, no matter the reason, you will not be able to squat that space during Room Selection for the 2023-24 academic year.
In order to be eligible to squat a space, the squatter must currently reside in that space and must have lived in that space from the first week of classes this spring semester.
If part of a squatted roommate group is chosen as an RA, to live in a house, takes a Leave of Absence, etc., Housing will work with the remaining roommate(s) to find an appropriate replacement.
Students eligible to squat in apartments may only do so with students from their same class-cohort or higher. If you wish to room with a student in a lower class-cohort, you will need to either squat the lower class-cohort’s space or go through the Room Selection Process at the lowest draw number’s time.
Students may not squat any space without the appropriate number of roommates. All spaces within a room or apartment must be filled in order to squat. Squatters of double rooms and double-occupancy apartments must name at least one roommate; squatters of triple-occupancy apartments must name two roommates. All roommates must request each other for the squat to be valid. Single rooms in the Houses may be squatted without suite mates. Double rooms in the Houses may be squatted with a roommate but without filling the suite. (Please refer to DIRTY SWAPPING)
The Housing Office cannot “hold” a space during fall semester for students scheduled to return to campus in the spring. Students that choose to live in their current room for the following year should notify us of their intentions NO LATER THAN, March 1 via a
Statement of Intent.
Current Junior Julie currently lives in Dickinson. Current Senior Sara lives at Front Street. They really want to live in an apartment together next year. Senior Sara cannot squat her apartment and name Junior Julie as her roommate because Junior Julie is in a lower class-cohort than Senior Sara.
Instead, Senior Sara could squat her room in Dickinson and name Junior Julie as her roommate OR they can go through Room Selection at Senior Sara’s draw number time and choose an apartment if there is one available.
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All non-graduating students are respectfully requested to inform Housing of their Intentions for the following year. This assists the Housing staff in better preparing for the upcoming Room Selection Process.
EVERY non-graduating student (including
students who are currently off campus, will be part time, are returning from
abroad or LOA, etc.) is required to submit a
Statement of Intent by March 1.
Should you wish to amend your Statement before the deadline of March 1, you may do so at any time by simply filling out another one. Each subsequent Statement overrides your previous submission(s).
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The Housing Office cannot “hold” a space during fall semester for students scheduled to return to campus in the spring.
If you will be studying abroad fall of 2023, you only need to submit your
Statement of Intent by March 1.
Then, around next Halloween we will email you asking for your housing, roommate and meal plan preferences. We will then assign you to a space according to what is available. You do NOT need to attend Room Selection. If you desire to live off campus when you return in the spring of 2021, you should submit an Off-Campus Request Application by this March 1, 2023.
If you will be studying abroad spring of 2024, you still need to follow all the instructions outlined for the Room Selection Process to secure a room for fall.
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Currently, Hendrix offers Brown House as a substance-free living option. To live in Brown House, you must be committed to a substance-free lifestyle. Our intention is to provide space for a community made up of individuals who consciously want to keep the primary and secondary effects of
drinking, illegal drugs and smoking out of their lives. Therefore, it is expected that community members will not drink or use drugs in the building and will not return to the building if they have been drinking, using drugs or smoking in another location. You will be removed from Substance-Free
housing (space permitting) if you are found to be responsible for violating the Substance-Free House policy. To acquire a room in Brown House you simply choose it during Room Selection.
Substance-Free House Contract for Brown House must be signed at Room Selection.
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ALL residents of these non gender-specific spaces will be selected by the program's adviser and will NOT need to attend the Process. You do, however, need to complete your
Statement of Intent by March 1.
Applications to live in a theme house are due to their respective advisor by March 1.
- Aspire Scholars. Contact advisor Kesha Baoua for an application. This will be in McCreight House.
- Gender Inclusive Housing’s advisor will be Tonya Hale. A link to an application can be found here. For information on where GIH students will reside, See "Gender Inclusive Housing"
- Language Immersion (Spanish for 2020-21). Contact advisor
Cori French for an application. This will be in Smith House.
- STEM Scholars. Contact Laura MacDonald for an application. This will be in Browne House.
- Substance-Free Housing. No application is needed but residents must sign and abide by a substance-free contract. This will be in Brown House.
- Well-Being Initiative Living-Learning Residential Program. Advisor will be
Lindsay Kennedy. A link to an application can be found under "Forms" on the right side of this webpage. This will be housed in Market Square South.
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The residence halls have cable outlets in the TV rooms/lounges. Cable cannot be upgraded or added to other rooms. Cable issues are handled by Facilities Management and can be
reported here.
For digital televisions manufactured after 2007, no additional equipment is necessary to receive Conway Corporation’s cable service. However, in order to receive the digital signal, once the analog signal has been shut off users will have to reprogram their pre-2007 televisions. For televisions that receive cable service through a digital, HD or DVR box, no action is needed. If you receive a cable signal to an analog TV, you will need to contact
Facilities Management to request that a digital adapter be installed.
Wifi is available in all student residences. There are a few Ethernet connections here and there. They will soon be non-functioning and the campus will be Wifi only. Wifi issues are handled by Information Technology and can be
reported here.
For women:
For men:
South (by application only - see "THEME HOUSING")
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Draw numbers for Transfer Students who have been enrolled full-time at another institution post-high school will automatically have their draw number adjusted. This adjustment will be based on expected graduation dates. If you feel your draw number is incorrect, please contact Housing.
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These spaces are either built for three or are three-bedroom apartments. In Couch Hall, the first floor rooms are for males only; the third floor is for females only; the second floor fluctuates according to enrollment demographics and housing needs.
- Couch Hall: 130, 134, 202, 216, 228, 232, 302, 316, 328, 332
- Hendrix Corner: all of building "C."
- Market Square East: 201, 207, 301, 307, 401, 407
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The Dean’s Office and the Hendrix Well-Being
Initiative are proud to sponsor the Well-Being Community for the 2022-2023
academic year as part of the College’s residential options. This program will
be housed in Market Square South and is open to students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors.
Residents in this space will be
part of a living-learning community dedicated to the incorporation of
well-being principles into everyday life. Students in the program will be
expected to attend weekly Common Hour meetings held on Wednesday afternoons
from 4:10-5:00 PM. These meetings will be a mix of informational sessions and
interactive programs designed for the community. During Fall 2022, these
meetings will be centered on discussion and application of the contents of the
book, U Thrive. During Spring 2023, residents will use these meetings to
apply what they learned in the fall and plan well-being programming for the
campus community.
Students who successfully complete the program are eligible to receive
Odyssey Special Projects credit. Students who do not meet the minimum expectations for living in the community during the fall semester will be required to move out of the community. Students who do not complete the basic expectations for the spring semester will not receive a Housing draw number for the following year.
Revised: 2/2023
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