Faculty Handbook 2020-2021

I.4.a. Faculty Evaluation and Mentoring

See the Faculty Evaluations System section of the Faculty Handbook for a complete description of the faculty evaluation system.  Particular references to involvement and duties of the department chairs include the following items.  

Evaluation of Continuing Faculty

  • Department chairs and Area Chairs should consult with new probationary faculty members to develop a workable plan for professional development with explicit steps toward improvement.
  • Department chairs should consult with faculty members to develop patterns of faculty activity appropriate to the department.
  • Department chairs should mentor new probationary faculty concerning demands on their time that come from opportunities outside the department.
  • Faculty members may ask department chairs to evaluate their teaching effectiveness, advising effectiveness, student mentoring, professional development, and community commitment.
  • Department chairs are encouraged to attend performances, lectures and other public and campus appearances of the faculty in their departments.
  • In the case when faculty being evaluated teach one or more courses outside the department, department chairs should take into account the appropriate program chair’s evaluation of the faculty member.  Faculty should not agree to these other teaching obligations without consultation with the department chair.
  • Department chairs should perform a mid-semester check with all faculty in the first semester of teaching.  Chairs have a lot of freedom in defining the mid-semester check, but chairs should look for opportunities to help the faculty member develop explicit responses to student evaluations.
  • Faculty members who are being evaluated are encouraged to invite department chairs to visit one or more classes unannounced.  However, department chairs may need to initiate such a conversation since the evaluation process requires chairs make classroom visits.
  • For faculty members being evaluated, the department chair should study the documents prepared by the faculty member and write an evaluation letter by the date specified by the Provost.  The letter should evaluate the faculty member in all three academic areas of performance:  student development, professional development, and community development.  If the faculty member is standing for promotion or tenure, the letter should include a recommendation for or against promotion or tenure.  The chair should consult with other members of the department before writing the letter.  The letter should be given to the Area Chair and the faculty member.
  • Following the Area Chair review a conference is scheduled with the faculty member, department chair and Area Chair.  The five topics of focus for this conversation are delineated in the Faculty Handbook.

Mentoring of Continuing Faculty


Evaluation and Mentoring of Term Faculty 

Department chairs should monitor and assess the performance of all faculty with special appointments for fixed terms of one year or less (who do not undergo formal evaluations.)  This should include a mid-semester check as noted in the previous section.  

Evaluation of Adjunct Teaching Staff

Department chairs should instruct adjunct faculty how to conduct student evaluations and then discuss the results with them. Additional monitoring is advised for those teaching at Hendrix for the first time.