Catalog 2022-2023

International Baccalaureate and Cambridge International Credits

The International Baccalaureate exams and courses for which credit is granted are listed below. Credit granted for a specific course counts toward the satisfaction of any requirement toward which the listed course counts, with two exceptions: (1) the Level I Writing Requirement (W1) may not be satisfied by IB credits; and (2) Learning Domain requirements may not be satisfied by IB credits. A maximum of six credits may be awarded for any combination of AP, IB, Cambridge IE, and CLEP exam credits.

IB Exam Min. Score Hendrix Course Equivalent
Politics—Comparative Politics 4

One course elective in POLI

Psychology 4 PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology
Art—Visual Arts (SL/HL) 5 One course elective in ARTS
Anthropology—Cultural & Social (SL/HL) 5 ANTH 100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Biology HL 5 BIOL 101 Concepts in Biology (w/Lab)
Business and Management HL 5 BUSI 100 Cont. Issues in Business & Entrep.
Chemistry HL 5 **
Computer Science HL 5 CSCI 150 Foundations of Computer Science
Economics HL 5 ECON 100 Survey of Economic Issues
English (SL/HL) 5 One course elective in ENGL
Film (SL/HL) 5 One course elective in ENGF
Languages—Chinese (Mandarin) (SL/HL) CHIN 110 Elementary Chinese I 
Languages—French (SL/HL) 5 FREN 110 First Year French I
Languages—Greek (Ancient) (SL/HL) 5 GREE 110 Fundamentals of Ancient Greek I
Languages—Latin (SL/HL) 5 LATI 110 Fundamentals of Latin I
Languages—Spanish (SL/HL) 5 SPAN 110 Fundamentals of Spanish I
History HL (any regional focus) 5 One course elective in HIST 
Mathematics—Math HL 5 MATH 130 Calculus I
Mathematics—Further Math SL 5 No course credit; QS credit only
Music (SL/HL) 5 One course elective in MUSI
Physics HL 5 PHYS 210 Gen. Physics I (w/Lab) and PHYS 220 Gen. Physics II (w/Lab)
Psychology (SL/HL) 5 PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology
Theatre Arts (SL/HL) 5 TART 100 Introduction to Theatre

* Credit for BIOL 101 Concepts in Biology (w/Lab) may be earned or, upon completion of BIOL 210 Botany (w/Lab) or a more advanced core biology course, with a grade of C or better, credit for BIOL 150 Cell Biology (w/Lab).

** Credit for CHEM 100 Concepts of Chemistry may be earned or, upon completion of CHEM 120 Gen Chem II: Analy & React (w/Lab)with a grade of C or better, credit for CHEM 110 Gen Chem I: Struct & Prop (w/Lab) may be earned.

The Cambridge IE exams and courses for which credit is granted are listed below . Credit granted for a specific course counts toward the satisfaction of any requirement toward which the listed course counts, with two exceptions: (1) the Level I Writing Requirement (W1) may not be satisfied by Cambridge IE credits; (2) Learning Domain requirements may not be satisfied by Cambridge IE credits. A maximum of six credits may be awarded for any combination of AP, IB, Cambridge IE, and CLEP exam credits. 

Cambridge Exams Min. Score Hendrix Equivalent Course
Accounting (A Level) B One course elective in BUSI
Biology B BIOL 100 Cont. Issues in Business & Entrep.
Business (A Level) B BUSI 100 Cont. Issues in Business & Entrep.
Business (Subsidiary Exam) A BUSI 100 Cont Issues in Business & Entrep.
Chemistry (A Level) B **
Classical Studies B CLAS 290 Topics in Classical Literature
Divinity B RELI 123 Introduction to Hebrew Bible
Economics (A Level) B ECON 100 Survey of Economic Issues
Economics (Subsidiary Exam) A ECON 100 Survey of Economic Issues
English B One course elective in ENGL
Foreign Language—French B FREN 110 First Year French I
Foreign Language—Spanish B SPAN 110 Fundamentals of Spanish I
Hinduism B RELI 223 Introduction to Hinduism
History B One course elective in HIST 
Islamic Studies B RELI 339 Contemporary Islamic Thought
Physics (A Level) B PHYS 210 Gen. Physics I (w/Lab) and PHYS 220 Gen. Physics II (w/Lab)
Psychology A PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology

* Credit for BIOL 101 Concepts in Biology may be earned or, upon completion of BIOL 210 Botany (w/Lab) or a more advanced core biology course, with a grade of C or better, credit for BIOL 150 Cell Biology (w/Lab).

** Credit for CHEM 100 Concepts of Chemistry may be earned or, upon completion of CHEM 120 Gen Chem II: Analy & React (w/Lab) with a grade of C or better, credit for CHEM 110 Gen Chem I: Struct & Prop (w/Lab) may be earned.

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