Catalog 2022-2023


Teaching Faculty

Professors Spayde (chair), Tinsley, and Wright 
Associate Professor J. Gunderson 
Laboratory Teaching Staff Steward


Major in Physics

12 courses distributed as follows:

Physics (9)  

  • 1 course from the following:
              PHYS 230 Gen Physics I (Calc-based w/Lab) 
              PHYS 235 Physics I-Workshop (w/Lab)  
  • 1 course from the following: 
              PHYS 240  Gen Physics II (Calc-based w/Lab)   
              PHYS 245  Physics II-Workshop (w/Lab)
  • PHYS 305  Vibrations and Waves 
  • PHYS 315  Modern Physics 
  • PHYS 340   Electronics 
  • PHYS 420  Electrodynamics 
  • PHYS 430  Quantum Mechanics 
  • PHYS 470  Thermal Physics 
  • PHYS 480  Classical Mechanics

Mathematics (3)

  • MATH 130 Calculus I
  • MATH 140 Calculus II
  • MATH 260 Differential Equations



      CSCI 150 Foundations of Computer Science , CHEM 110 Gen Chem I: Struct & Prop (w/Lab) and MATH 230 Multivariable Calculus, MATH 270 Linear Algebra, PHYS 490 Topics in Physics are useful preparation for graduate study in physics or engineering. All physics majors should do a research project while at  Hendrix. Consult with any physics faculty member about research opportunities. 

      Senior Capstone Experience

       The Senior Capstone Experience for the physics major is a comprehensive examination. Students have two options for the examination. The first option is to take the GRE Physics test administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The second option is to take an exam given by the department faculty. The grade for the Senior Capstone Experience is based on student performance on one of these examinations.

      Major in Chemical Physics

      Minor in Physics

      7 courses distributed as follows:


      • 1 course from the following: 
                  PHYS 230  General Physics I (Calc-based w/Lab) 
                  PHYS 235  Physics I-Workshop (w/Lab)
      • 1 course from the following:
                  PHYS 240  General Physics II (Calc-based w/Lab) 
                  PHYS 245  Physics II-Workshop (w/Lab)
      • PHYS 305  Vibrations and Waves
      • PHYS 315  Modern Physics 
      • MATH 130  Calculus I 
      • MATH 140  Calculus II 
      • MATH 260  Differential Equations


      Program Course Listings

      The courses for this program are organized into the following categories:

      Physics Courses

      PHYS 100

      Introductory Topics in Physics

      Introduces students to the tools of physics. A topic is selected as the focus of the course which allows students to analyze phenomena, model their behavior, and solve problems: Alternative Energy, Physics in Movies and Television, and the Physics of Superheroes. Specific content may vary by course section subtitles but all sections repeat core concepts. Only one section may be counted for course credit.

      Natural Science Inquiry NS
      PHYS 160


      A study of the structure and evolution of the universe. Topics include how astronomers observe and interpret phenomena, models of the solar system, life cycle of stars, and current models of the universe.

      Natural Science Inquiry NS
      PHYS 170

      Title Unavailable

      PHYS 171

      Title Unavailable

      PHYS 230

      Gen Physics I (Calc-based w/Lab)

      Mechanics, heat, and waves. Laboratory course. Prerequisite: Co-requisite MATH 130 and PHYS GP1

      Co-requisite MATH 130 and PHYS GP1
      Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
      Quantitative Studies QS
      PHYS 235

      Physics I - Workshop (w/Lab)

      An introduction to the scientific process as it pertains to the physical world with an emphasis on the topics of mechanics (Newtonian, quantum, and statistical), waves, and heat. This course is taught in a hands-on, discovery-based style with lab, computer, and course work integrated into each class meeting. The course meets three times a week for two hours at a time and does not have a separate lab section. Prerequisite: Co-requisite MATH 130

      Co-requisite MATH 130
      Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
      Quantitative Studies QS
      PHYS 240

      Gen Physics II (Calc-based w/Lab)

      Electricity, magnetism, and optics. Laboratory course. Prerequisites: PHYS 210, or PHYS 230, or PHYS 235, and MATH 130. Co-requisite: PHYS GP2

      PHYS 210, or PHYS 230, or PHYS 235, and MATH 130. Co-requisite: PHYS GP2
      Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
      Quantitative Studies QS
      PHYS 245

      Physics II - Workshop (w/Lab)

      An introduction to the scientific process as it pertains to the physical world with an emphasis on the topics of electricity, magnetism, and optics. This course is taught in a hands-on, discovery-based style with lab, computer, and course work integrated into each class meeting. The course meets three times a week for two hours at a time and does not have a separate lab section. Prerequisite: PHYS 210, or PHYS 230, or PHYS 235, and MATH 130

      PHYS 210, or PHYS 230, or PHYS 235, and MATH 130
      Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
      Quantitative Studies QS
      PHYS 305

      Vibrations and Waves

      Mechanical and electromagnetic waves. Fourier analysis and vector calculus. Prerequisite: PHYS 220, or PHYS 240, or PHYS 245. Co-requisite MATH 260

      PHYS 220, or PHYS 240, or PHYS 245. Co-requisite MATH 260
      Natural Science Inquiry NS
      Quantitative Studies QS
      PHYS 315

      Modern Physics (w/Lab)

      Phenomenological basis of atomic and subatomic physics. Laboratory course. Cross-listed as CHEM 410 Advanced Physical Chemistry. Prerequisite: PHYS 220, or PHYS 240, or PHYS 245. Co-requisite: MATH 260

      PHYS 220, or PHYS 240, or PHYS 245. Co-requisite: MATH 260
      Natural Science Inquiry with Lab NS-L
      Quantitative Studies QS
      Writing Level 2 W2
      PHYS 340

      Electronics (w/Lab)

      Analog circuits, digital circuits, and semiconductor devices. Prerequisite: PHYS 240, or PHYS 245, or PHYS 220 plus consent of instructor

      PHYS 240, or PHYS 245, or PHYS 220 plus consent of instructor
      PHYS 420


      Electrostatics, electromagnetic fields, currents, and Maxwell's equations. Prerequisite: PHYS 305

      PHYS 305
      PHYS 430

      Quantum Mechanics

      Mathematical formalism of quantum theory. The Schrodinger equation and operator algebra. Bound state solutions and angular momentum. Prerequisite: Co-Requisite PHYS 305

      Co-Requisite PHYS 305
      PHYS 450

      Directed Research

      Independent research in physics conducted in conjunction with a specific faculty member. Research topics selected on an individual basis. Results of the research are typically presented at a national scientific meeting in the spring, and a final research report is written.

      Undergraduate Research UR
      PHYS 470

      Thermal Physics

      The laws of thermodynamics, classical and quantum distribution functions, and an introduction to statistical mechanics. Prerequisite: MATH 140 and PHYS 220, PHYS 240, or PHYS 245

      MATH 140 and PHYS 220, PHYS 240, or PHYS 245
      PHYS 480

      Classical Mechanics

      Central force problem, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, and special relativity. Prerequisite: PHYS 305

      PHYS 305
      PHYS 490

      Physics: Special Topics

      A topics course studying the properties, evolution and origin of the universe based on Einstein’s theory of gravity, and cosmology. Topics may include curved space-time, black holes and worm holes, the big bang, multiple universes, and the particle physics of the early universe. No prior knowledge of general relativity is necessary. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught.

      Back to Program Course Listings

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