Grading System
The grading system and associated grade points per whole-credit are as follows:
| 4
| Excellent
| 3
| Good
| 2
| Satisfactory
| 1
| Poor
| 0
| Failing
| 0
| Taken for credit only, minimum grade of C
| 0
| Taken for credit only, maximum grade of D
| 0
| Incomplete
| 0
| No Report
| 0
| Withdrawn
| 0
| Withdrawn due to administrative action
At the conclusion of each semester, students receive a grade, a GPA credit, and a degree credit for each course.
GPA credit indicates the weighting factor assigned to a grade for use
in the GPA computation. A grade of A, B, C, D, F, or NC
may be assigned a GPA credit of 0, 1/4, 1/2, or 1, depending on the
course. Most Hendrix courses carry a GPA weight of 1. Study abroad
credits, however, typically carry a GPA weight of 0, unless Hendrix is
the originating institution for the grades. For example, Hendrix is the
originating institution for the Costa Rica study abroad program. Applied physical and musical activity classes typically carry GPA weights of 1/4 or 1/2.
grade of CR, I, NR, W, or WE is always assigned a GPA credit of
0. To compute the grade point average, multiply each grade by its
assigned GPA credit, sum the results, and divide by the sum of the GPA
credits. A grade of WE is assigned to indicate that a student was withdrawn due to administrative action, including academic dismissal, disciplinary
expulsion, academic suspension, and disciplinary suspension.
degree credit indicates whether or not the received grade is
assigned an earned credit towards graduation. A grade of A, B, C, D or
CR is assigned a degree credit of 0 or 1, depending on the course. A
grade of F, NC, I, NR, W, WE, or AU is assigned a degree credit of
0. To compute the number of earned credits, sum the total
number of degree credits.
Temporary Grading Change for Spring 2020 Semester
At the conclusion of the Spring 2020 semester, students had a short period of time in which they could change grades in individual courses with the letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F to grades of CR and NC according to the following rules:
- Changes can be applied to any graded courses completed during the Spring 2020 semester.
- Changes can be applied to one or more courses
- Grades of A, B, C, and D can be converted to grades of CR.
- Grades of F can be converted to grades of NC.
- Changes cannot be made by graduating seniors if the changes would keep them from graduating.
- CR/NC grades will continue to have no effect on GPA calculations.
- Converted grades of CR may be used to satisfy major, minor, and Collegiate Center course requirements that usually require a letter grade.
- Converted grades of CR may be used to satisfy W1 and W2 requirements that usually require a grade of C or better.
- For capstone grades:
- Capstone grades submitted during the Spring 2020 semester may also be changed from letter grades to CR/NC grades in the same way as regular course grades.
- Capstone course grades from the Fall 2019 semester may NOT be changed although the associated capstone grade can be changed.
- Converted grades of CR may be used to satisfy capstone requirements that usually a particular course grade of C or better. [This includes current majors in Accounting, Economics, Economics & Business, French and Classics.]
- Guidelines for Latin Honors and the Dean's List will remain as they are. However, both lists will not be computed until after all grade changes have been made.
- Once converted, CR/NC grades cannot be changed back to letter grades.
Grade I (Incomplete)
The I grade is assigned when, for reasons beyond the control of the student that appear after the last date to drop the course with a W grade, the student is unable to complete requirements of a course by the end of the semester. The grade of I is not an option for reasons that were apparent before the W grade deadline. The grade of I is not intended to be a grade option for students who have had issues doing well in a course over the semester. The grade of I is intended to be a grade option for students because of absences late in the semester due to documented illness or emergency.
In two biology courses (BIOL 480 and BIOL 335) there is a required course activity that occurs after the semester ends. Students enrolled in these courses will be assigned a grade of I until the field experience is completed.
When an I grade is reported by an instructor, a form entitled Report on Incomplete Grade must be submitted by that instructor to the Registrar by the grade submission deadline for that semester. This report stipulates the conditions and the deadline date that must be met for the removal of the Incomplete. The student and the advisor will receive copies of this report. Incomplete grades must be removed by February 15 for fall semester courses and August 25 for spring semester courses. Note that these completion dates are important since they allow students with state and federal scholarships to meet the renewal deadlines for these scholarships.
Removal of the I and the assigning of the course grade by the instructor occur once the student has successfully completed the remaining course requirements. The I grade will revert to the grade specified on the Report on Incomplete Grade form if the requirements are not met by the specified deadline date. Forms submitted without a grade specified will convert to an F at the deadline.
According to the internship
policy, a student may extend internships that result in a course credit to an
additional period (fall semester, spring semester, summer) beyond the scheduled
semester when the course appears as part of the student’s schedule. The internship grade of CR (or
NC) will normally be due on either the fall or spring semester date for
the submission of grades in the semester the course appears on the student’s
schedule. For students who need the additional period of time offered by
the internship policy, the faculty member of record for the internship should
assign the student a grade of I and submit an Incomplete Grade Form to
the Registrar’s Office by the regular due date for grades the semester the
course appears on the student’s schedule.
needed for the form:
- Faculty member name, student name, and course
- Reason for I: “extension of internship”
- Deadline for removing I:
- Internships with a fall semester grade report
- Extension grade must be reported be the following spring
semester grades due date.
- Internships with a spring grade report:
- If the internship is a summer internship, the extension grade
must be reported by the following fall semester grades due date.
- If the internship is a spring internship that will be
extended into the summer, the extension grade must be reported by the August
date when returning students confirm their schedules for the fall semester.
with all I grades, if the deadline is not met the student’s grade will
be converted to an NC grade.
Grade NR (No Report)
The NR grade is a
temporary one and indicates that, due to circumstances beyond the
control of the student, the Office of the Registrar did not receive the
grade. Instructors should replace the NR grade by a letter grade (A, B,
C, D, F, I) for graded courses, or a credit/no credit grade (CR, NC) for
non-graded courses, as soon as possible, but no later than graduation.
For courses not expected to have a delayed grade because of an extended
project or research, if the instructor has not replaced an NR grade by
the end of the second semester following the initial NR grade, then the
NR grade will be replaced by an F grade for graded courses and an NC for
non-graded courses. For courses expected to have a delayed grade
because of an extended project or research, if the instructor has not
replaced an NR grade by the end of the second semester following the
second NR grade, then the NR grade will be replaced by an F grade for
graded courses and an NC for non-graded courses. In cases where the
instructor assigns a grade of I, the I policy supersedes the NR policy
at that point.
Repeating a Course
student may repeat a course for which a grade already exists on the
transcript. When a student repeats a course at Hendrix, the highest
earned grade factors into the student's Hendrix GPA, and the
course receives an R designation. The lower grade, designated with an
asterisk (*), remains on the Hendrix transcript, but it does not factor
into the grade point calculation. A repeat grade of CR is only higher
than previously earned grades of D, F, NC, W, and WE. Repeated courses
count only once toward earned degree credits. A course transferred in as
a repeat course cannot replace a grade earned in the original Hendrix
Courses Taken For Credit Only
To encourage selection
of a broader range of courses, Hendrix permits students to take one
course per year on a credit-only basis during their sophomore, junior,
and senior years. In place of the letter grade of C or better, the
student will receive the designation of CR. In place of the letter grade
of D or F, the student will receive the designation of NC. Courses
taken for credit-only must be at the 200 level or above. Courses taken
for credit-only at Hendrix must be outside the student’s major or minor.
Moreover, because of the centrality of the Learning Domain requirements
to the liberal arts curriculum, these credit-only courses may not be
used to complete Learning Domain requirements. These credit-only courses
also may not be used to satisfy Collegiate Center requirements. The
maximum number of credit-only courses counted toward graduation will be
three. Intention to take a course under this option must be declared within
the first month of the semester at the Office of the Registrar. A
student may request that the CR designation be changed to the letter
grade reported by the instructor if the course is later used to fulfill a
major, minor, or Learning Domain requirement in existence at the
beginning of the student’s senior year. Courses typically assigned a
grade of CR, such as Physical Activity classes, senior seminars, and
some internships, will not count toward a student’s limit of three
credit-only courses. This policy also does not apply to graded music
activity classes.
Partial Credit Courses
Whole course credit for graduation may be earned with the passing of a specific number of partial credit courses. Any number of partial credit courses may be taken by a student; however, the equivalent of at most two whole credits may be applied towards the 32 courses required for graduation. (Music majors are allowed to combine music activities for up to four whole course credits.)
Grades earned in all partial credit courses appear on the transcript and count in the student's grade point average. Partial credit courses are subject to the same drop and withdrawal deadlines as whole credit courses.
The following categories of partial credit courses are available to students:
- LBST 101 Explorations (.25 credit)
- PACT physical activity courses (.25 credit for each activity course)
- PACT varsity sports (.25 credit for completion of each season of a varsity sport)
- DANA A30 Dance Ensemble (.25 credit each semester)
- TARA theatre production practicums (.25 credit for each practicum)
- MUSA music activity credits (.25 or .50 credit each semester for each music activity (lessons or ensembles))
Course Audits
With the instructor’s
permission, full-time students, employees, and employees’ dependents may
audit a course without charge. Audited courses are not included in the
calculation of course load, nor are they recorded on the permanent
record. Part-time students or other individuals who are not
matriculating at the college are required to pay the established fee per
course. Courses with enrollments limited by space or equipment
availability such as applied music, studio art, laboratory courses,
etc., may not be audited.