Catalog 2018-2019


Teaching Faculty

Professor Oudekerk


The Department of Languages offers introductory courses in German.


    Program Course Listings

    The courses for this program are organized into the following categories:

    Elementary German Courses

    GERM 110

    Elementary German I

    Introductory language course stressing the skills of listening, reading, and writing, with special emphasis on the rapid acquisition of speaking ability. Introduction to the cultures of German-speaking countries.

    GERM 120

    Elementary German II

    Continuation of GERM 110 with emphasis on further development of skills and cultural awareness. Introduction to literary and non-literary texts.

    Language LA
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    Intermediate German Courses

    GERM 210

    Intermediate Comp & Conversation

    Open to any student who has completed the basic sequence. Further develops communication skills while offering a focused review of essential grammar concepts. Content varies annually, but focuses on contemporary life and literature in German-speaking Europe.

    GERM 215

    Language Immersion in Germany

    German 215 is a month-long language immersion course taught as part of the Hendrix-in-Bonn summer program abroad. Students focus on rapid improvement of their speaking and listening comprehension skills by attending a four-week intensive language course taught by Goethe Institute instructors in Bonn, Germany. Dr. Oudekerk promotes and assess individual student progress on-site and assigns a pass-fail grade. GERM 215 counts towards graduation, but cannot be used to fulfill German major or minor requirements. Prerequisite: GERM 120 or equivalent. Co-requisite: GERM 315.

    GERM 120 or equivalent. Co-requisite: GERM 315.
    GERM 230

    Masterpieces of Germ Cultural Hist

    An introduction to some of the great works of German art, architecture, literature, music, and philosophy through a focus on significant periods in German cultural history such as the High Middle Ages, the Reformation, the Baroque era, the Classic and Romantic Periods, and Expressionism. The course continues the development of the student’s command of oral and written German.

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    Advanced German Courses

    Please note that students must either complete the second-year German sequence (GERM 210 and GERM 230) or request the instructor's permission in order to enroll in 300- and 400-level German courses.

    GERM 315

    Cultural Immersion in Germany

    GERM 315 is a month-long cultural immersion course taught as part of the Hendrix-in-Bonn summer program abroad. After doing extensive pre-departure readings on both German cultural history and contemporary Germany, students explore the richness of German culture on-site. Multiple weekly excursions to different cities, museums, and historical sites, followed by student-led debriefings, provide the framework for students to investigate collaboratively countless challenging aspects of both historical Germany and contemporary daily life. May be used to fulfill German major or minor requirements. Prerequisite: GERM 120 or equivalent. Co-requisite: GERM 215.

    GERM 120 or equivalent. Co-requisite: GERM 215.
    GERM 320

    Surv German Literature & Civ I

    An overview of the most important literary figures and works in German history circa 800-1850 as reflections of the various cultural periods that produced them. The broader cultural context of each epoch—its social history, philosophy, art, architecture, and music—is stressed. Prerequisite: GERM 210 and GERM 230, or consent of instructor.

    GERM 210 and GERM 230, or consent of instructor.
    Literary Studies LS
    GERM 420

    Sr Sem: German Literary History

    A course for senior German majors designed to help them synthesize their understanding of German literature and civilization to this point. Considerable individualization of content allows each participant to concentrate on key periods and authors not previously studied. Prerequisite: GERM 210 and GERM 230, or consent of instructor.

    GERM 210 and GERM 230, or consent of instructor.
    Literary Studies LS
    GERM 490

    Special Topics in German Lit

    A topics course which explores various authors or cultural movements in depth. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different. Recent section topics include 20th-Century German Literature in Translation, German Culture through Film, and German Drama. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught. Prerequisite: GERM 210 and GERM 230, or consent of instructor.

    GERM 210 and GERM 230, or consent of instructor.
    Literary Studies LS
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