Catalog 2017-2018

Physical Activity

Teaching Faculty

Physical Activities Coordinator: J. McCracken
Physical Activities Teaching Staff


General Information

Students are encouraged to develop and practice a lifestyle that promotes wellness, physical fitness and incorporates recreational activities on a regular basis. All students must meet the Physical Activity requirement unless exempted by the Physical Activities Coordinator.

Students can fulfill the physical activity requirement by receiving credit for two different physical activity classes offered at the College. Successful completion of a season of a varsity sport qualifies as one activity class for this purpose; however, no more than one physical activity requirement may be earned from particpation in a single varsity sport. Physical activity classes accrue .25 course credit per class. Note there is a limit of two course credits from partial credit courses that can be used toward the 32 courses required for graduation. Contact the Office of the Registrar or the Physical Activities Coordinator for more information.

Program Course Listings

The courses for this program are organized into the following categories:

Aquatic Physical Activities


Beginning Swimming

This class is designed for individuals who want to learn how to swim or improve their basic knowledge of all swim strokes. Instruction is given on freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and backstroke.

Physical Activity PA


Must be able to comfortably swim 25 yards. This physical activity class combines out of the water exercises (squats, pushups, running), swimming, and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to give you a versatile workout that blasts all the major muscle groups. Please have something you are comfortable running in and swimming in, and you may want to consider having goggles and/or a swim cap as well.

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Dance Physical Activities



Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — and resistance training.

Physical Activity PA

Zumba Toning

This is a Zumba class that combines the traditional music and dances of Zumba but puts extra emphasis on toning and sculpting to define those muscles.

Physical Activity PA


Tabata is a high intensity interval workout that follows a specific format: 20 seconds of high intensity exercise to 10 seconds of rest, for 8 times. This class is super fun, and each class session is varied to keep it exciting. Students are shown multiple ways to do an exercise so those who are beginners and those who are advanced can enjoy the class.

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Fitness Physical Activities


Everything Exercise

Everything Exercise is a fun-filled class which includes “everything exercise.” Students learn several forms of exercise such as Tabata, cardio, core strengthening and weight training.

Physical Activity PA

Boot Camp Training

This physical activity course offers an intermediate level physical conditioning that combines high–energy cardio respiratory activity with military style physical training to improve muscular endurance, cardio respiratory fitness, flexibility and body composition.

Physical Activity PA

Weights in the WAC

Learning the skill of strength training by using a wide variety of equipment and techniques. The class is structured for any ability level from a beginner, someone who has never lifted free weights before, or the athlete who has a regular weight lifting program.

Physical Activity PA

Mindfulness Relaxation

Relaxation is defined as the state of being free from tension and anxiety. Students are taught different techniques of relaxation that help reduce stress. In return students enjoy a better quality of life.

Physical Activity PA

Indoor Rock Climbing

This class is designed for beginner-intermediate climbers. The topics include climbing safety, equipment, belay technique, and proper form.

Physical Activity PA


This PA course focuses on core strength and full body fitness. Pilates trains the body as an integrated whole. This workout promotes strength and balanced muscle development as well as flexibility and increased range of motion in the joints.

Physical Activity PA

Self Defense

This course offers participants the opportunity to learn how to handle themselves when threatened or when facing a potentially harmful situation that may require a physical altercation. Learning martial arts and self-defense not only helps you protect yourself when needed, it also builds confidence, a sense of well-being when you know what to do when threatened, and it helps you protect others. Participants LEARN, PRACTICE, and DEMONSTRATE various strikes, holds, and maneuvers that can potentially save their lives when threatened while receiving a good workout.

Physical Activity PA

Cardio Chisel

This class is designed to incorporate all the major muscle groups while increasing heartrate through mixed aerobic exercises including high intensity intervals.

Physical Activity PA


This physical activity course is high intensity interval training a technique in which you give all out one hundred percent effort through quick intense bursts of exercise, followed short sometimes active recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and aids in burning more fat/calories in less time.

Physical Activity PA

Cardio and Core

This course offers participants the opportunity to improve their cardio endurance and build core strength through a variety of exercises. The course includes a wide range of total body moves using various equipment that train the body in ways that improve the overall look and feel of the body. This workout is challenging and always changing. Modifications are taught to include both beginners and athletes.

Physical Activity PA

Triple Threat Training

This PA course offers fun motivation with a competitive edge. This class provides a variety of weight based training focusing on three main area of the body: Upper body, lower body, and core. Learn to tighten and tone with proper technique and form with one-on-one instruction.

Physical Activity PA

Tai Chi

Tai chi is a unique martial art from China that combines self-defense skills with energy work (chi kung) to rejuvenate the body. Solid stances are counterbalanced by soft flowing movements in the upper body, increasing both strength and relaxation. The precision and focus demanded by the forms eventually lead the practitioner to experience his/her body on a deeper energetic level. It is a very relaxing art that heals both body and mind.

Physical Activity PA

Chi Kung

Chi kung is an ancient Chinese practice that stimulates life force (chi) and awakens the body's natural ability to heal itself. The movements are coordinated with breath and visualization to quiet the mind and expand awareness. Chi kung normalizes both physical and emotional imbalances and brings about a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace.

Physical Activity PA

Warrior Workouts

Warrior Workout is a combination of most of the class formats offered on our aerobics class schedule. This is a unique way to try before you commit per say. Each day is a different type of workout to keep things fresh and keep your body continually stimulated and engaged.

Physical Activity PA

TNT (Tighten & Tone)

This class focuses on toning the entire body through strength and resistance exercises using various types of equipment and training methods. All muscle groups are used in each class. It is perfect for those who are new to strength training, but can also be modified for the more advanced participants.

Physical Activity PA


This physical activity course fuses movements from Pilates and Yoga in a challenging fun way. You burn calories, tone muscles, work on balance, and get a great stretch! This class is a little different each time, but always great. Combining muscle-sculpting core firming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility advantages of yoga, we crank up speed to deliver a true fat-burning, low-impact workout that leaves your body feeling fabulous and fatigued at the same time.

Physical Activity PA

Strengthen and Stretch

In Strengthen and Stretch the first half of the physical activity class focuses on strengthening our bodies using various techniques and equipment. The second half of the class gives attention to moving joints through a full range of motion to lengthen muscles while providing a relaxing stretch for recovering muscles.

Physical Activity PA

Kick Boxing

Kickboxing is a fitness program designed to improve muscle tone and cardiovascular endurance through constant motion and repetition using martial arts techniques. Students learn a variety of techniques and some martial arts applications, as well as self-defense techniques.

Physical Activity PA

Beginning Yoga

In this physical activity course students explore the basic principles of Hindu Yoga. This includes breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific body postures and positions. This type of yoga is widely practiced for health and relaxation. Students learn the basic principles and fundamentals for practicing this type of yoga.

Physical Activity PA

Flow Yoga

The PA course is designed to help students learn to flow Yoga movements with breath from one to another safely. This provides a low impact workout that tones and elongates muscles with an emphasis on relaxation and breath control.

Physical Activity PA

Core and Stretch

This class focuses on strengthening core muscles with exercises focusing on the abdominis, obliques, and lower back for the first part of the class. The last half of the class gives the body stretch and aids in muscle recovery and release.

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Leisure Physical Activities


Bowling (with facility fee)

This physical activity is designed to teach students the basic fundamentals bowling and how to improve their skills. The course is held at the Conway Family Bowling Center which is located 1010 East Oak Street (a 5 minute drive from Hendrix). Students bowl 2 games during each session and able to practice fundamental skills during the games. Ball selection, proper delivery/approach, adjusting to lane conditions and the importance of good physical conditioning are topics that are covered. The class is a fun and interactive class that is designed for all skill levels.

Physical Activity PA


This class focuses on improving tennis form through individual and group instruction. The class also teaches students the rules and scoring involved in the sport.

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Team Physical Activities



A FUN class that is a combination of the elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. The game is easy to learn and creates a fun atmosphere to experience light hearted competition as well as team work. It is played indoors with a paddle, a ball much like a Wiffle ball, and a three foot tall net.

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Independent Physical Activities



This course offers students an opportunity to pursue interests in areas of study not typically offered by the department. Students must submit a written proposal to the physical activities coordinator at least one month before work commences.

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