Catalog 2016-2017

Interdisciplinarity at Hendrix

Teaching Faculty


Interdisciplinary Studies are woven throughout the Hendrix curriculum.

All entering first-year students enroll in The Engaged Citizen, a course taught by pairs of faculty with different but complementary perspectives on various topics related to the theme of engaged citizenship.

Students wanting to incorporate interdisciplinarity more formally and extensively into their educational experience can choose from the list of interdisciplinary majors and minors that appears below.

Or, working with two faculty members, students can design their own interdisciplinary studies majors that fit their interests and the expertise of the involved faculty members.  Through the link given below for the Interdisciplinary Studies Major, students can explore those majors designed by recent students and see sample proposals.

Interdisciplinarity is also represented in many departments through individual courses designed by faculty members and focused on such topics as Medical Humanities, Poverty Studies, Cognitive Linguistics and Religion, and Arts Management.

Finally, the Special Projects category of the Odyssey Program provides students with the opportunity to develop and pursue their own co-curricular projects with an interdisciplinary bent. 

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