The number of whole course credits for graduation is 32. Fractional credits for activity classes are not counted toward graduation unless a whole course credit is accumulated and approved. Fractional credits with different course identifiers cannot be combined for a whole course credit. For example, three .25-credit physical activity credits cannot be combined with one .25-credit music activity credit for a whole course credit.
An average GPA of 2.00 or better must be maintained on all courses (exclusive of courses taken for credit only) counted towards the degree. All grades of I and NR must be removed before graduation.
Course credits earned through AP, IB, or Cambridge exams may be counted toward graduation although they may not be used to satisfy specific requirements for graduation. A maximum of six credits may be awarded for any combination of AP, IB, or Cambridge exams.
Though advisors and advisees work together in all areas related to academic planning, final responsibility for knowing and completing all graduation requirements rests solely with the individual student.