Medical Leave
Students experiencing health problems may
request a medical leave from the College. A request for medical leave
must be accompanied by a statement from an appropriate professional
indicating a leave is recommended. Hendrix reserves the right to have
the student examined by a physician selected by Hendrix. Students should
note that preparation of this statement will require their formal
consent to the release of relevant information from appropriate
professionals to the College and from the College to those
professionals. In addition to this documentation, a student who wishes
to be placed on medical leave should obtain a Medical Leave form
available in the Office of Advising and Academic Success. The
student should then schedule an exit interview with the Dean of
Students, the Director of Integrated Advising, the Director of Academic
Success or the Director of Student Outreach. Following the interview,
the student should complete the form, secure the signatures and submit
the completed form to the Office of the Registrar. This Medical Leave
completion process can be assisted by appropriate college personnel when
conditions deem such assistance is in the student’s best interest.
for medical leave will be considered by a committee convened by the
Provost. A student granted a medical leave is required to leave campus
and is not permitted on-campus during their leave for any reason other
than official Hendrix business. If the last day to drop a course with
no mark has passed, grades of W will be entered for all currently
enrolled classes, even if the final deadline to withdraw from classes
has passed. The security deposit will be applied to the student’s
account or refunded if medical leave is approved.
taking a medical leave after the last day to drop a class with a W in a
given semester are not eligible to return to Hendrix in the fall or
spring semester immediately following the semester for which the medical
leave of absence is granted. Eligibility to return before this time-frame must be appealed and approved by a committee appointed by the
Provost. After two semesters away from campus, the student will be
withdrawn from the college and will be required to reapply through the
Office of Admissions. A student who wishes to return to campus following
a medical leave must furnish a professional’s statement that he or she
has received appropriate medical attention and is, in the professional’s
expert opinion, ready to resume studies at the College. These materials
must be received by the College by July 1 for the fall semester or
December 1 for the spring semester. Re-enrollment approval may require
adherence to certain conditions and commitment to meetings with
appropriate college professionals upon return to campus.
certain circumstances, the College may require a student to take a
medical leave. Such action is warranted if, in the judgment of the
Provost and the Dean of Students, the student poses a threat to the
lives of others or has behavior that seriously interferes with his or
her ability to function and/or with the educational pursuits of others.