Process. In the beginning of the fall semester, Area Chairs distribute the Annual Review Form to the faculty. Each faculty member completes and returns the form and an updated vita to the Area Chair by the by the end of September. A copy of the form also goes to the department chair. The department chair should include on the department chair form any additional information relevant to the process. A copy of this form also goes to the Area Chair. Department chairs are reviewed by their Area Chair and the Provost, Area Chairs by their department chairs and the Provost.
The Area Chair also rates each faculty member in Area using the following rubric based on performance in the three designated dimensions.
5 - Superior performance, exceeding expectations in all or most aspects of faculty responsibility
4 - Fine performance, meeting expectations in all aspects of faculty responsibility, exceeding expectations in some aspects of faculty responsibility
3 - Fine performance, meeting expectations in all aspects of faculty responsibility
2 - Meeting expectations in some but not all aspects of faculty responsibility
1 - Not meeting expectations in several aspects of faculty responsibility (or did not return form).
The Area Chair discusses and possibly revises the ratings with the Provost within the two weeks following submission. The Provost determines individual merit raises based on the ratings depending on the size of the salary raise pool after considering rank and promotion adjustments. The forms are kept in the Academic Affairs office until the next formal evaluation is completed. The President distributes compensation letters stating distinctly merit raises, equity increases, and adjustments to the faculty by a date to be determined by the Board of Trustees. The Provost gives the Area Chairs a summary of the new compensation amounts. If faculty members have individual concerns or questions, they should contact their Area Chair first.
Rationale and Remarks.
- As with the formal evaluation process, this process begins with self-assessment by each faculty member.
- All areas use consistent information in evaluating faculty members' performance.
- It is the responsibility of each faculty member to track and submit accomplishments each year.
- According to the Faculty Handbook, each faculty member is to submit an updated vita each year.
- The Annual Review Form facilitates completion of a faculty member's self-evaluation during the formal review process.
- The College should support those activities on which faculty members are evaluated.
The Annual Review Forms for the faculty member and department chair appear online in the Faculty Resources section.
Academic Affairs Staff Evaluations
Administrative and support staff in Academic Affairs are evaluated annually by the chairs of their respective departments and Area Chairs, or by their administrative supervisors where appropriate.