Students must register in advance for all work for which they expect to receive credit. Course registration lists are available on Campus Web. At the end of the first week of classes, any student attending a class who is not on the roster, or any student on the roster who is not attending the class, should be reported to the Registrar.
Conducting class is the immediate and direct responsibility of the instructor. Other course responsibilities include the selection of textbooks and other teaching materials, the drafting and provision of a syllabus to students, the explanation to students of procedures and requirements for credit in the course, and the evaluation of student learning in the course. For advice about meeting these responsibilities instructors can seek the guidance of the department chair, Area Chair, or Provost.
Faculty members are expected to meet classes on time and to continue the class for the time designated. They and their students should vacate the classroom promptly at the end of the period, out of consideration for those who must use the room next. Faculty should inform the department chair or Area Chair of canceled classes. Planned absences of the instructor that would entail canceling more than two consecutive meetings of any class should have advance approval of the department chair or Area Chair. In case of illness or other emergency, the department chair or relevant secretary should be notified as soon as possible, so that arrangements can be made for notifying the members of the class.
Faculty should consider the following guidelines for scheduling extra or extended class meetings. These guidelines do not pertain to one-on-one or small group meetings scheduled with individual students since those meetings are flexibly scheduled to accommodate students’ other commitments.
- Professors will not schedule extra or extended required sessions to accomplish standard course activities such as lecture, discussion, presentation, and tests. Such activities are supposed to be designed to fit within the time allocated to the course.
- Missed class meetings for conference attendance, weather closures, instructor illness, etc. can be made up by take-home assignments, not sessions scheduled outside of the time allocated to the course.
- Sometimes special opportunities or engaged learning activities will require meeting at a time other than the regularly scheduled class time. Ideally, the following guidelines will be observed in such cases:
- Extra required meetings will be kept to a minimum and will only be used for activities or opportunities not able to fit in the normally scheduled time for the class. They should be an exception rather than a rule.
- Extra required meetings will be announced at least two weeks in advance.
- Accommodations (e.g., alternative assignments or activities) will be available to students unable to attend the extra required sessions.
- When appropriate, professors will offset the time expenditure entailed by an extra class meeting—for instance, by cancelling a regularly scheduled class session or reducing the homework assigned for a particular day.