Academic Affairs

Academic Support Services

Academic Support Services
The Office of Academic Support Services is responsible for providing services to promote academic success. The coordinator of Academic Support Services works with faculty members to identify key content in their coursework that can be reinforced through support services such as peer tutoring/group facilitation, seminars and workshops. It is also the coordinator’s responsibility to assess the academic needs of the student body in order to provide services to meet those needs.

The services offered by the Office of Academic Support Services include the following:

  • One-on-one Academic Counseling
    The coordinator meets with students to discuss their academic status. These meetings are by appointment and often occur based on the referral of a faculty member. Students can contact the coordinator to set up an appointment.
  • Academic Success Workshops
    These one-hour workshops provide students with an overview of information on academic topics. The workshops occur at the beginning of each semester and are based on topics chosen by students. Presenters include faculty, staff, and academic consultants. Students may attend the workshops by registering in advance. Workshop topics are advertised by email and flyers two weeks before they occur. For more information about the topics and presenters, visit our academic success workshop web page.
  • Peer Tutoring
    Peer Tutors are an essential element of academic support services. They assist students with coursework by helping them gain a better understanding of the material. Tutors are trained at the beginning of the academic year and monitored throughout the year. Tutoring is offered for the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Foreign Languages, Physics,  and Journeys. Assistance is also available for Accounting, Mathematics and Writing. The hours during which tutors are available may vary each semester. For more information about the hours and locations of tutors, visit our tutoring web page.
  •  Hendrix Success Seminar
    This free eight-week seminar is designed for students experiencing difficulty with their study habits or for those who desire new ideas to improve their study skills. It explicitly defines and reviews all major study skills and works to reinforce good study habits. The seminar requires outside reading that is reinforced by group discussions and activities during the weekly meetings. Students must register for the seminar in order to attend.

The Office of Academic Support Services is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. To contact the office, call 450-1482 or visit our web site.