Technology Services HelpDesk

Quizzes & Exams

Using Forms to create or reuse quizzes or exams and the features and settings available for a variety of quiz formats.


  • Assign Quizzes

    In Microsoft Teams, select the class team where you want to distribute the quiz.  In the  General  channel, select the  Assignments  tab. Select the arrow for the  Create  dropdown menu, t...

    Last Modified: 5/2/2023
  • Create a Quiz
    You can create quizzes using Microsoft forms   Microsoft Teams, select the class team where you want to distribute the quiz.  In the General channel, select the Assignments tab. Select the arrow ...
    Last Modified: 5/12/2023
  • Check and Share your quiz results
    After you create your quiz, adjust its settings, and share it with others, it’s time to view the results. In Microsoft Forms, open the quiz for which you want to review the results, and then click the...
    Last Modified: 5/17/2023
  • Add Form from past assignment
    Archiving your Team so you can use it and the associated assignments next year.
    Last Modified: 5/3/2023
  • Forms for anonymous surveys

    If you wish to create a form in which not even the creator can see who responded, one setting must be changed when creating the form. 1. Click the ellipses in the top right corner of the win...

    Last Modified: 6/28/2023
  • Assign a form or survey
    When you need to collect responses from your students outside of a quiz scenario, you can still use Assignments to distribute a form or survey that you made in Forms. 1. In Forms, select the form or ...
    Last Modified: 5/3/2023
  • Create a math quiz
    Forms can be used to create a math quiz using intelligent suggestions and the math keyboard 1.Navigate to forms using https or going through your 365 account. Then select New qu...
    Last Modified: 5/12/2023
  • Forms Quiz release rubric after submission of work
    Automatically release a rubric or solutions document to a student following submission of homework or quiz, using Customized Thank You message in Forms.  In preparation for this, you will need to use ...
    Last Modified: 5/5/2023
  • Timed Quiz in Forms
    Forms now has a setting for limiting the time on a quiz. When editing a Form, in the upper right click the 3 dots for the drop down and choose Settings.  In the settings menu, under Options for Respo...
    Last Modified: 5/12/2023