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Forms Quiz release rubric after submission of work


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Automatically release a rubric or solutions document to a student following submission of homework or quiz, using Customized Thank You message in Forms.  In preparation for this, you will need to use Manage Access in SharePoint to place a file in a folder that students can view inside a folder that students cannot view.

1. Create a quiz.  Fill out title and description.

2. If you need the student to submit handwritten work, ask them to insert an image of their work on a document in your preferred format.  For best integration with Teams grading processes, ask them to insert an image on a Word or PowerPoint document.  Click add new, and in the expanded options, choose "Upload file".


3. Adjust question settings for your preferences.

4. Add other questions as needed.  When quiz is ready, click 3-dots in upper right for drop down menu and select Settings.

5. Scroll down and in Customize Thank You message, include a link to the View Only document.  (If the document is in a private or un-shared folder, the student will not able find or access the document until they receive the direct link.)

6. When the student clicks submit, they will receive a Thank You message with your customized text, including an active link to the rubric or solutions document.


7. If the quiz is part of an assignment, the submitted document will be in Teams in that Assignment, ready to grade.

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