Course Planning

Health Sciences Major - Planning

Course planning advice here is limited to majors. For a full description of degree requirements, please see this overview of the Academic Program and refer to the Catalog for details and official rules. Any discrepancy between the Course Planning Pages and the Catalog will be resolved in favor of the Catalog.

Possible Degree Path – starting in the first year. This is a 13 course major.  The following is a typical major plan.  This is not the only way forward.  Please consult with your advisor to create your unique path. 

   For students with the recommendation that they take CHEM 110 & 120 in their sophomore yearFor students with the recommendation that they are prepared to take CHEM 110 & 120 in their freshman year
First Year

Fundamentals of Cellular Life (BIOL 150, either semester)

Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110, either semester)

Consider taking:

Precalculus (MATH 120, either semester)

Medical Terminology & Ancient Sport (CLAS 230)

    Fundamentals of Cellular Life (BIOL 150, either semester)

    Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110, either semester)

    General Chemistry I (CHEM 110, fall semester)

    General Chemistry II (CHEM 120, spring semester)

    Consider taking:

    Medical Terminology & Ancient Sport (CLAS 230)


    Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL 205, fall semester)

    Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOL 215, spring semester)

    General Chemistry I (CHEM 110, fall semester)

    General Chemistry II (CHEM 120, spring semester)

    Statistical Analysis (MATH 215, either semester)

      Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL 205, fall semester)

      Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOL 215, spring semester)

      Statistical Analysis (MATH 215, either semester) 

      Summer If ready: Internship (HESC 495 or HESC 496) or Independent Research (HESC 499)

          2-4 Health Science major courses*
          Summer If not already completed: Internship (HESC 495 or HESC 496) or Independent Research (HESC 499)

          Senior Seminar (HESC 497, either semester)

          2-4 courses necessary to complete the Health Science major*

          * Consult the Health Science Professional Programs page ( to identify recommended courses

          Possible Degree Path – starting in the second year.  The following is a typical plan to complete this 13 course major. Please consult with your advisor or a member of the Program to create your unique path.

            For students with the recommendation that they take CHEM 110 & 120 in their sophomore year For students with the recommendation that they were prepared to take CHEM 110 & 120 in their freshman year
          First Year -  

          Fundamentals of Cellular Life (BIOL 150, either semester)

          Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110, either semester)

          Consider taking:

          Precalculus (MATH 120, either semester)

          Medical Terminology & Ancient Sport (CLAS 230)

          Fundamentals of Cellular Life (BIOL 150, either semester)

          Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110, either semester)

          General Chemistry I (CHEM 110, fall semester) 

          General Chemistry II (CHEM 120, spring semester)

          Consider taking:

          Medical Terminology & Ancient Sport (CLAS 230) 

          Summer If ready: Internship (HESC 495 or HESC 496) or Independent Research (HESC 499)

          Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL 205, fall semester)

          Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOL 215, spring semester)

          General Chemistry I (CHEM 110, fall semester)

          General Chemistry II (CHEM 120, spring semester)

          Statistical Analysis (MATH 215, either semester)

           Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL 205, fall semester)

          Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOL 215, spring semester)

          Statistical Analysis (MATH 215, either semester)

          1-3 Health Science major courses*

          Summer If not already completed: Internship (HESC 495 or HESC 496) or Independent Research (HESC 499)

          Senior Seminar (HESC 497, either semester)

          3-4 courses necessary to complete the Health Science major*

          Senior Seminar (HESC 497, either semester)

          1-2 courses necessary to complete the Health Science major* 

          * Consult the Health Science Professional Programs page ( to identify recommended courses

          Planning Recommendations: 

          • Please select your electives carefully and in consultation with your major advisor. The upper-level major electives require a variety of lower-level pre-requisites that may or may not be among the core major courses, for example Genetics (BIOL 250) is required for many upper Biology courses.
          • The Internship must be completed prior to the start of the senior year. Ideally, the internship should be completed during the summer between your sophomore and junior year so that you have time for additional experiences. Many pre-professional programs require more than one internship.
          • Students interested in any health-related field should also refer to the Health-Related Fields guidelines at [].