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Green Matters: What in the World is going on? (15-part DVD series)

This 15-part DVD series, offers viewers a look into what's being done around the world and what we can also do to help reduce our carbon footprint.  Each program brings hopeful information from governments, corporations, environmental agencies and individuals who are finding ways to improve our planet.  Using the latest global perspective, this life changing eco-friendly series deals with all things "green", whether it's organic, recyclable, sustainable, or bio.   


Financial Fitness (4-part DVD series)

Recommended: Video Librarian, School Library Journal

Financial Fitness like physical fitness takes a sharp focus on the final goal.  What we would like to accomplish financially.   It requires us to crunch the numbers, focus the energy, and keep the course if we are to stay healthy in a financial sense.  As part of that regimen, we’ll help young adults learn to appreciate the value of their money by presenting the pleasures and pitfalls of financially responsibility.  From credit to interest and all the money stops in between, we’ll share successful strategies for ways to remain financially fit.   


The Working World for Young Adults (4-part DVD series) 

This latest series designed especially for young adults deals with the all important world of work.  Today's young workers will need to be even more dedicated to successfully compete in a global marketplace.  Poor work ethics, a careless regard for customer satisfaction and lack of a commitment to the job will only lead to a troubled work history and unhappy careers.

In these newly released programs we'll take a look at the issues being faced by young workers today and offer in return some solid solutions.  We'll discover what makes a person successful in a job now and into the future, as well as important ways to improve their success in the world of work. Viewers may be surprised to learn they don't have to be the very best worker at the job to succeed, if they apply the good work ethics they'll learn in the 4-part, The Working World For Young Adults.  


Independent Living For Young Adults (4-part DVD series) 

These ethnically diverse programs offer young adults a realistic guide to the challenges they'll face after graduation, whether from High School or College.  Each focused topic offers sound advice on important elements for entering the world of adult responsibility.  The four essential programs provide solid assistance for dealing with job expectations and job interviews, from living at home to life on their own and finally, to enjoying basic needs or establishing a new personal lifestyle.   


Timelines of Ancient Civilizations (14-part series) 

Recommended: Booklist, School Library Journal

Using an easy to follow progressive timeline from early beginning to more modern day, students will follow the emerging development and ultimate sophistication of these most notable civilizations. Broken down into sub-chapters of information, each video program covers the most important topics and concepts associated with the unique culture and history of these civilizations as they passed through time.


The Guerrilla Guide to Politics 

This hip, high-energy, look at the democratic process is designed to empower young people to flex their civic muscle.  The informative program delivers its civic lessons in manageable chapters, which includes among others, getting registered to vote, the voting process and effective ways to contact public officials.  By using a cutting edge sound track, creative edits, and high-powered graphics, The Guerrilla Guide to Politics stays in touch with the intended audience while offering a well researched, non-partisan and issue neutral approach. Viewers learn the real value of taking part in the political system. 


Basics of Biology Series (30-part DVD series)

A new series of 30 programs with high production values for just about every student that takes a Biology class.  You’ve got the Basics covered. 


Posted by Christy Coker at 06/18/2009 02:58:09 PM | 

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